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Ron Paul - Central Banks
Have Long Rigged Gold Market

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
TheStreet.com has just posted a brief interview by its reporter, Simon Constable, with U.S. Rep. Ron Paul in which the candidate for the Republican presidential nomination strikes many blows for the precious metals. Paul:
-- Argues for allowing the precious metals to circulate as parallel currencies, much as Hugo Salinas Price and the Mexican Civic Association for Silver have been proposing in Mexico.
-- Advocates removing taxes from the monetary metals.
-- Supports legalizing coins like the medallions minted by Liberty Dollar.
-- And declares that central banks have been colluding for 10 or 20 years to suppress the gold price.
Paul adds that gold isn't going up but rather the dollar is going down.
You can find Constable's interview with Paul here:
Or try this abbreviated link:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
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