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Tums And The
'Pendejo' Dr. Gott

By Alan Graham 
With Alfred Lehmberg 

Please read this strangely ignorant and ridiculously uninformed response in the syndicated newspaper medical advise column, "Dear Dr. Gott": 
DEAR DR. GOTT: I am a Caucasian woman, age 68, who takes two Tums EX tablets twice a day, with breakfast and dinner, for the calcium benefits. They also help settle my regular indigestion (as manifested by burping) and occasional acid reflux.
My question is, am I possibly doing harm to my stomach by taking so much Tums? My doctor doesn't seem to think so, but I'd really like your opinion.
DEAR READER: The amount of Tums EX you are taking should not harm you. In fact, it is the recommended dosage listed on the packaging. I agree with your family physician. Continue your therapy.
However, if you prefer, you may wish to try a calcium plus vitamin D supplement. The vitamin D will help your body absorb the calcium more readily.
OK, I have a question... why is this unctuous and pretentious "Pendejo" trying to kill this doting old woman? This is indicative of my increasingly supported contention that MD's, while generallyappearing to do something positive, are very likely trying to make you sick so they can extract maximum revenue later. 
That's the way it shakes down. One must follow the data, after all. Besides, nothing else would fit the facts reader, or Dr. Gott is so egregiously under informed that he should certainly receive more acrimony than accolade.
I will bet you $100 to a "hole-in-a-donut" that this poor lady has too little stomach acid... not too much. In fact 75% of people over 50 don't make enough stomach acid! This leads to reflux, heartburn, BURPING & undigested protein causing an auto-immune response amidst a snowballing plethora of proved diseases.  
Reader, I'm certain that it comes as no surprise: as we age ALL our systems become less efficient - so we naturally produce less of needed substances... like stomach acid (SA) & digestive enzymes. 
Doctors are, frankly, patently dishonest when it comes to reflux & heartburn mainly because it is easy to convince people that heartburn is caused by too much stomach acid (because it burns) when in reality if you have a very acidic stomach (while you eat) there is a "feed-back" system that tends to cause the LES (Lower Esophageal Sphincter just before the stomach) to slam shut after every bite of food in order to protect the esophagus, and the acid doesn't allow as much gas to form --acid kills the bugs that cause the gases of fermentation, you see-- forgetting the gas will cause the LES to open so you can burp. Moreover, in an alkaline environment this gas can form in a proverbial blink. 
The high acid level also kills harmful microbes (yeast, parasites, etc.) - plus it properly softens up the Protein so it doesn't cause an auto immune response when an undigested protein makes it down into your gut, which causes your immune system, thinking the protein is a foreign-invader --mistakenly attacks you-- resulting in joint pain or whatever else is aggravated by inflammation.
Though, if you --like most older people-- don't have enough Stomach Acid, then this system has to gently open the LES to allow "bug-gas" to escape (burp), and due to the alkalinity the LES tends to stay open so stomach contents can splash up into the esophagus (reflux) causing heartburn. See, heartburn is caused by TOO LITTLE acid, NOT TOO MUCH... but you think the errant doctor is a genius because when you take antacids the heartburn goes away! Wrong, he may be a genius but he is also a lying sociopath because all you've done is neutralize the very acid required for digestion so there is none left with which to perform that very necessary service!
Also, the HCL/Pepsin (stomach acid) will help speed along the digestive process. Consider, have you not heard old people complaining that after they eat (even a tiny meal), it feels like the food is justsitting there... like a knot in their stomach? Classic Low Acid, reader.
In fact, moreover, this easy-antacid approach will make your reflux worse in the long run because you keep the LES open all the damn time as a result of the Tums... so it "forgets" how to close tightproperly! This is not rocket science folks and real doctors should tune in if I may be so bold!
So you see, given the preceding malfeasance suspected, and with regard to most doctors, I feel the Peruvian definition of "Pendejo" applies assiduously to describe: "a smart guy with no scruples." Of course, I suspect the Mexican & Cuban "Pendejo" is also applicable. But hey...this is a family show, sort'a...
Heartburn and reflux, et al, is a virtual "gold-mine" for the MD's & Big Pharmz because months or years later when you develop joint pain, Crohn's, IBS, Leaky-Gut, MS, Depression, (oh Hell, any & virtually every freaking disease!) the MD can start managing this new, more serious disease with his Pricy kick-backing Pharmz! He can trust you will never make the connection between the chronic disease you have now ... with the stupid antacids you took then ... and of course the "doctor" will never point that out... Mo' Money, Mo' Money.
When acid from the stomach hits the unprotected esophageal mucosa cells --where the biological rubber meets the biochemical road-- let's see who has the answer... MD's or Mother Nature -- God, if you like!
See? MDs give you antacids that destroy all the acid!  Mother-Nature, on the other hand has a system so when the acid first hits the esophagus this ironically stimulates the production of MORE HCL (stomach acid) so as to drive the pH down below 3 (make more acidic) so a feed-back signal will then stimulate a receptor... which closes the sphincter (LES). Of course due to age or diet & carbonated drinks you can't make or don't have enough HCL, so you take Nexium & Tums to destroy the little bit of acid that is left causing the pain...ending proper digestion... ...and then you smile contentedly for having such a smart "doctor".
See, Mother-Nature does the exact opposite of what you & MD's might logically think... and MD's should know better even as you might not! Where would you think it wise to put your money, reader! God and Mother Nature buttressed by a billion years of experience or a lack-wit Pendejo-medico swinging on a flaccid corporate teat!
The other big lie in the antibiotic (against-life) Doc Gott response above... that Calcium Carbonate (Tums) is a good source of Calcium ... Don't you remember your freshman biology? It taught that Minerals, like calcium, need lots of acid for proper absorption! 
But wait! The INorganic-Salt, Carbonate, neutralizes the very acid that you need to utilize the calcium... and all minerals for that matter! Do you see the disconnect? In the real world you need an Organic Chelated form of minerals for good absorption... like Amino-Acid chelated (Albion Process), Kreb's Cycle, Citrate, Citrate/Malate, Lactate, many more! Stay away from Carbonate & Oxide (heartily endorsed by MD's & mainstream dieticians). Heavy sigh!
I have received dozens of emails from people around the world who have stopped taking Tums, Nexium, Prevacid, etc. while dramatically improving their reflux & heartburn... here's how:
Take a very cheap capsule of HCL w. Pepsin right before you eat a protein meal & then about half way through the meal (depending on how big the meal will be) take a second cap. of HCL/Pepsin. If this causes your stomach to feel warm then it might indicate you already have enough acid. However if, like I suspect, your digestion improves then you might try taking even a larger dose of HCL until you do feel your stomach starting to feel warm, then back-off on the amount of HCL just a little. If the HCL causes burning don't get excited... just sip on some ice-water until it subsides, then next time try a smaller dose...
HCL normally comes in capsule doses of 250mg, 650mg & 750mg. However you might see small doses like 50mg in some Digestive Enzyme Formulas...my advice is don't fool with those formulas -- if you need SA then take one of the larger cap's, 250mg, etc. & take a digestive enzyme formula without HCL. A formula with 8 or 10 diff. Enzymes are best & they are cheap...the only "additive" you might want included in your enzymes is Ox-Bile, if you do not have a Gall-Bladder.
WARNING : If you have an ulcer or gastritis you must fix that first before taking HCL. Trust me, a bleeding ulcer can kill you BUT they are surprisingly easy to fix as long as you don't do what the MD's suggest, which is take powerful Antacids... and for heaven's sake, there are natural ways to avoid the "Cox-1 Inhibitor," Aspirin & Aspirin-Therapy that causes or exacerbates a bleeding gut.  I fixed my own bleeding Ulcer in about 6 weeks, reader... piece of cake! Also if you have a bad hiatal hernia you might want to get it fixed first before taking HCL. 
Lastly, it would be helpful to take a broad spectrum Digestive Enzyme with the HCL/Pepsin & a "Heat-Stabilized" Probiotic. Now you're on your way.
You know... I suppose I ought to articulate why this single apostasy of errant counsel from our Doctor Gott provokes its own essay.
Twyla Lehmberg, the since deceased mother of my former student, writing associate, and best friend for a quarter certury... had COPD after smoking for 50 years. When I first met her she was anemic, had a blood gas of 83, was on Oxygen 24/7, weighed 99 lbs and was almost dead! Additionally, while taking a huge dose of "doctor prescribed" iron-crap (for anemia) --and because of this lack of Iron provoking a lack of hemoglobin-- it ultimately adversely effected her breathing.
Stay with me now & let's connect a few dots... an old women with likely low stomach acid --to start-- is in no way absorbing the huge Iron Pill to facilitate the hemoglobin necessary to carry oxygen to her emphysema ravaged lungs - Remember it takes copious HCL to absorb minerals, especially Iron...and we know she is not absorbing the Iron because she remains anemic & her stool is black & tarry, indicating the Iron is just "passing through." This is classic low stomach acid!
So what does a team of brilliant California MD's prescribe? You guessed it... the powerful (by pricy prescription only) antacid, Prevacid. And if that wasn't crazy enough, reader, these scurrilous criminals had the unmitigated "cohunes" to have her also take 8 or 10 Tums daily for her occasional indigestion (no heartburn) & besides, Tums was a good source of Calcium... Oh Brother, I think I'm gonna be sick! Hey Doc, let me borrow your hat.
I know, I know... you think I'm lying... I would think you were lying! But it's true as spots and apples... and remember, this was not one lone, rogue "Dr. Norman Bates" that hated old women... no, this was a team of "Specialists" intent on killing her... piling on more & more antacids to insure every damn drop of SA is disastrously neutralized... she was in a steady decline. So, the rest of the story...
I suggested she quit the Antacids & the inferior Iron Crap & I had her take a Huge, Hi-Potency dose (750mg) of Betaine HCL w. Pepsin (a regular strength HCL is only 250mg), digestive enzymes, Probiotic (good gut bacteria), freshly ground Flaxseed, GOOD Vitamins/Minerals & Omega-3's - daily a handful of raisins, kale (green leafy veggies), eggs, other high iron foods...well, "lo-n'-behold"! Her anemia went away virtually overnight, within 6 months her blood gas rose from 83 to 93, she gained 30 lbs, bought a little red Honda and started dragging her little bottle of O2 off to the bridge-club, driving her new car... oh yeah, and generally spending her son Alfred's inheritance... a seventy-four year old woman with COPD: from Death-Bed to Bridge-club in 6 months. No hyperbole here, folks.
So a question is provoked, reader. How come it takes a retired Army helicopter pilot to save an old women from a cadre of "Specialists" who just about had her "Killed-Off"? I suspect it must have something to do with it being so financially rewarding they keep the antacid myth alive regarding old people's abundance of stomach acid & that Prevacid, Nexium, Tagamet & Tums are necessary &even good for you! 
And I don't mean financially rewarding just because Prevacid, Nexium, et al, are big sellers... no, that is small frijoles when compared to the chronic diseases coming later as a result of mineral, trace-mineral deficiency, or an auto-immune disease due to undigested protein -- both caused by a lack of stomach acid...
...Or early death due to some parasite or microbe normally perishing in a nice healthy "Battery-Acid" pH stomach. 
It's brilliant... it's fool-proof... because no one will ever think that their Heart Disease, MS, Dementia or raging Osteoporosis is a result of a lifetime of antacid abuse encouraged & prescribed by your "greying-at-the-temples," reminiscent of God, family doctor --Like our Doctor Gott-- who shines with "Truth & Light" and will kindly, yet condescendingly, explain how Twyla's Heart Disease & impending death was her fault, after all, because she ate butter & eggs... when in reality butter & eggs (if used correctly) are very heart healthy foods. 
Here's the really sad part:
Just before Twyla's miraculous recovery... she was laying in bed, almost dead & with a tear falling down her sweet little cheek! She said "My wonderful Doctors are doing all they can to keep me alive"...yea, they had her well buffaloed. 
Years later, she and I would reminisce back about her death-bed declaration and laugh & laugh how "clever" those "Rascally Doctors" were, to be killing her, collecting big bucks to do it and her gratefully loving & thanking them every step of the miserable way, for their "heroic" efforts. Wow...is nothing sacred?
Why can't these sociopaths be put in jail for attempted murder? Come on, someone please tell me, (no matter how much I have to suspend my disbelief); that there is some remotely supportable and unsuspected justification for giving an anemic old women, not one, but two different antacids, one a prescription, when she did not have heartburn and the occasional indigestion she'd had was caused bytoo little stomach acid, especially after swallowing a handful of prescribed "horse-pills"...like that silly INorganic Iron tablet that she should have just taken out of the bottle and thrown directly into the toilet so as to avoid that pesky trip through the gut... who needs that?
I don't guess there is much point in me taking a deep breath & holding it while I wait for someone to rationally (even not so rationally) explain just one damn reason to justify trying to kill, with this insane therapy, an old woman who I loved like my mother,... OK, I'm bummed out.
Write if you care to.
Until next time, Well Be.
Alan Graham
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