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We Should Use 'Heartbeat
Detection Sensor' To Stop Illegals


"The authorities at Ostende, Belgium use a special scanner supplied by the British to intercept illegal immigrants on their way to Britain. The scanner is a heartbeat detector that can reveal the presence of human beings in containers awaiting shipment." (This was from a news report in August, 2006, when the scanner temporarily broke down:  
http://www.expatica.com/actual/article.asp?subchannel_id=48&story_id=32842 .)
Why can't we be using that sort of equipment on our borders? Trucks entering the United States, cargo containers entering the California ports, etc. could be easily scanned.
See more about the "heartbeat detection sensor" at:
[1]  http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article826190.ece
[2]  http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/3626255.stm
[3]  http://www.fbodaily.com/cbd/archive/1998/01(January)/15-Jan-1998/63-SOL.htm  
"This electronic sensor system can accurately detect and identify the vibration of a human heartbeat when an individual is hidden inside a remotely located semi-trailer truck, trash truck or other smaller vehicle, regardless of the counter-measures being used to hide or dampen the vibrations coming from the individuals heart. Each test must take no more than 2 minutes to set-up and no more than 15 seconds to execute. The system will indicate a 'pass' condition when the vehicle has no one hidden inside. Alternatively, the system will 'alarm' with a numeric score, indicating the detection of a person on the vehicle and their general location. The system distinguishes between a human heartbeat and other random vibration (i.e, wind or an animal). . . . . "
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