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NH Fails America And
Its Live Free Or Die Motto

by Mark Yannone
That's just perfect. As the United States careens wildly over the edge of the cliff into national bankruptcy and economic depression by declaring war on its own citizens and their evaporating savings, the people of the state whose motto is "live free or die" have chosen a pair of fascist warmongers to be their ideal presidential candidates. Public education has again delivered the poisoned harvest we were promised.
On this very day we verified from declassified documents that--like the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq--the undeclared Vietnam war was also based on a pack of lies, lies delivered to an easily deceived Congress by a corrupt secretary of defense, Robert McNamara. As a consequence, occupants of the White House, past and present, are responsible for the deaths of millions of innocents in the Far East and the Middle East, including more than 64,000 American soldiers. The elective killing continues even now.
On this very day we learn that the federal government won't investigate an alleged gang rape by the military. We are also reminded of five American soldiers who wouldn't stop beating an Iraqi woman until an Iraqi man shot two of the soldiers to death and wounded three. But these are no longer unusual events. This is the nature of our government.
And now, to keep the criminal enterprise known as Israel happy, Americans are asked to believe that three little Iranian speedboats threatened the US Navy and were on the verge of provoking World War III.
We can mark this massive government corruption with soaring costs as $100 per barrel crude oil replaces the recent memory of $10 crude.
Then to meet these emergencies, Americans go to the polls and vote to escalate war and inflation. That's just perfect. Well, they bought the phony stories of 9/11, and reelected criminals to Congress to continue violating their sacred oaths of office; why wouldn't they buy the lies of phony political candidates and the lickspittle media who serve them?
Live free or die. The right decision proved too tough for New Hampshire.
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