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Goblins Vs Christ Men -
The Coming Class Warfare?

By Michael Goodspeed

According to a recently published study, the human race will reach its "evolutionary peak" around the year 3000, after which we will begin to genetically "digress" and "split." The report predicts that within 100,000 years, after many ages of extreme technological dependence, two distinct species of humans will emerge -- an elite upper class of tall, attractive, virile, athletically gifted men and women whose life expectancy will be 120 years, and who will rule the world; and a subclass of stupid, short, ugly, stinky, "goblin-like" creatures who will have no real function other than to serve their genetic superiors. (See "Human race will 'split into two different species,' http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/technology/
I don't know whether these predictions are based on sound science, but the basic concepts hardly seem far-fetched. The notion of "devolution" -- a portion or whole of a species regressing due to dominant, negative influences -- is not new, and in fact, it may be unavoidable for Homo sapiens. After all, in modern times, it tends to be the "lowest common denominator" of any populace that produces the greatest number of offspring. This was the premise of the 2006 Mike Judge film "Idiocracy," in which a human guinea pig, frozen in hibernation for 500 years, awakens to an America so dumbed down, the nation's landscape has literally been turned into a giant trash heap (no one remembers how to dispose of garbage). The doofus guinea pig, a man of below average intelligence in his Age, is a veritable genius among morons, and is faced with the arduous task of reeducating the world.
Speculation aside, it is undeniable that Americans are getting stupider. Not just more poorly educated -- although that is also undeniable; just look at any study from the last 30 years or so that compares U.S. students' test scores with the rest of the world -- but increasingly imbecilic to such a degree that the root cause can only be neurological. Perhaps the 25 year "after-market" surveillance of aspartame's brain-damaging effects has reaped precisely what it was intended to sow -- a less free-thinking, less independent, more pliable, drug-dependent populace content to watch American Idol while popping Xanex and irradiating their genitalia with laptop computers.
I have news for the evolutionists warning of mankind's regression -- those "goblin-like" creatures are already here. They're ratty little, smirking faces and beady, vacant eyes are all over the covers of magazines and "news entertainment" shows. These preening kobolds possess little or no power of speech, no utilitarian skills, no reading abilities, no sense of social responsibility, and only the vaguest control of their bodily functions. But rather than being viewed as the subjacent abominations they truly are, they are idolized by millions, paid in billions, and occasionally elected President.
I know that the men and women of Congress can't Constitutionally pass a law forbidding certain people from having kids, but honestly, ethical conundrums aside, don't you wish someone, somewhere, had had the foresight to prevent Britney Spears from giving birth to a child? This woman's DNA has been so assaulted and mutated by exotic, malevolent influences, ranging from every venereal disease in the world to the nuclear waste she consumes daily at Taco Bell, that all of her children, and her children's children, are doomed to live more like "goblins" than human beings.
The trailer park culture is everywhere in America. The A & E Network surely knew (or logically suspected) that Dog the Bounty Hunter was a racist when they hired him, but they didn't care; in fact, that was intended as part of the show's campy appeal. (Incidentally, Dog is technically a convicted MURDERER, ergo saying the "n" word was the least of his offenses.) White trash entertainment has always flourished on television -- from professional wrestling, to daytime talk, to the Ultimate Fighting Championship, trailer park folk "knows what's they likes on TV," and no matter how little money they have in the bank, they've just GOTTA buy whatever the pretty people on the tube tell them they need. Girls Gone Wild videos. Male enhancement pills. Carl's Jr. burgers. Mitt Romney.
It goes without saying that the millions of illegals entering our country are not helping anything by forcing our hospitals to shut down, depleting our schools, and occasionally raping, robbing, and murdering innocent people. I feel very bad for anyone unfortunate enough to be born in Mexico's current socioeconomic climate, but our culture is wounded enough without the added burden of supporting people who don't obey our laws, don't pay taxes, and by and large hold us in such contempt that they've no desire to learn the language.
Truly, two cultures are emerging in the United States. Exactly 98.7% of the populace belong to what Carl Bernstein has correctly deemed the "idiot culture." And since they have all been programmed to "think" the same way about everything, the idiot hive mind guides the direction of the cultural mainstream, i.e. who gets elected President and which TV shows get canceled. Yet far removed from the mainstream machinery, the other 1.3% belong to a distinguished class known as "cultural creatives." I'm sure you've met someone whom this describes, and in fact, if you're reading this essay, the odds are good that it describes you. Such a person watches little or no television -- not even the "news" -- but rather prefers to stay informed through more reputable sources, i.e. alternative Internet news services and print magazines.
For entertainment, he reads, or listens to music, or attends poetry readings or theater productions, or engages in solitary hobbies like painting or sculpting or sowing or gardening. He is conscientious of his diet, and totally eschews fast foods, soft drinks, heavily processed snacks, and TV dinners, favoring instead the organic market -- in fact, he may actually GROW some of his food in his own backyard! He may follow worldly events, but has completely lost faith in the electoral process and the "two-party" system. He looks at the mainstream culture and sees pure madness, and sometimes this frightens him, but more than anything, it makes him sad. He knows first-hand life's magical potentials -- its stimulating adventures and fascinating challenges and the endless little joys that never fail to surprise him -- and wishes he had more peers with whom to share it.
Although in one sense the dumbest people in our nation are running it, make no mistake that all the REAL power lies with the elite 1.3%. What would happen to our country if the truly best and brightest suddenly disappeared, and all that remained were 500 million Britneys and Mitts and Joses who can't speak or think or even microwave a bag of popcorn because they can't read the instructions? Every great piece of music or literature, every technological breakthrough or advancement in medicine, all real teaching, all true philanthropy and even the simple acts of kindness would vanish into the ether and all that would be left is meaningless noise.
The greatest fear I have for Mother Earth is precisely that -- the best 1.3% will simply...vanish...and it won't take eons to occur. Either they will simply go extinct (have you not noticed that many of your most enlightened friends are single and childless?), or they may evolve into such a state of knowledge and empowerment that they will be able, if they so choose, to vacate the earthly premises for higher grounds. Some scientific studies have suggested that such "paranormal" feats as psychokinesis and teleportation are not only possible for human beings, but are in fact INEVITABLE (See More US Government Psychic Warfare, http://www.rense.com/general77/more.htm). Just as Jesus is said to have resurrected from death and ascended to whatever realm, dimension, or state of consciousness is "Heaven," it may be the destiny of man to become master of the physical Universe and break free from the binding limitations of Newtonian "reality."
No one in his right mind wants to remain on a sinking ship, especially when his only company is a bunch of scary goblins.
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