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Jim Kirwan

Will Actual Numbers Ever really Matter?
It is exactly seven years ago today, since the US Supreme Court illegally intervened in the counting of the ballots in Florida's Presidential Election.
12-12-2000 was the day that this nightmare began.
From this obscenity the flow of treachery began a seismic shift in the direction, not only this nation, but in the global village where the US and Israel have used and abused and murdered so many millions of people in their zeal to finish what others began-so many hundreds of year ago. In seeking an answer to the question of whether numbers matter: this has to count in the yes column.
Their first 'bigtime event' took place on 911. The Bushwhackers used that death-toll for an extreme purpose that sought justification, for the wholesale slaughter of Afghanistan, based on a sketchy plot that envisioned some Arabs in a cave as world- defying terror-agents that could do what no other nation on this earth - would even have considered. The numbers of dead in the World-Trade Center, in Pennsylvania and the Pentagon were paraded daily, nightly almost without interruption-to obtain the License to indiscriminately Kill, from congress; and that license has continued to be used to strong-arm the congress and the public into waging an unending War-Upon-the-World of all those who resist the Owners efforts to destroy all traces of what America once stood for. Did those numbers on 911 matter ­ absolutely!
Finally the public needs to know what this rash and illegal series of invasions has cost the United States and its taxpayers. In monetary terms these wars will end up costing trillions. But in human terms the costs are far more revealing; given the fact that the War-on-Iraq did not begin in 2003. It began with Poppy's-War in 1991 and the Bushwhacker's contrivance of liberating Kuwait. After the camera's ceased to roll the sanctions intensified and the illegal "No-Fly Zones" were established. Counter-intelligence and special-forces continued their missions along with US and British fighters and bombers that operated 24-7 in two-thirds of Iraq, and only occasionally in the remaining third of that country. This matters because the price for this deceit of the American public and most of the world has had a very human price.
Throughout the entire time from 1991 until now the USA has been at war in Iraq. The US Department of Veteran's Affairs has methodically tracked the human costs to US Military personnel throughout this sordid affair.
Here are the numbers they have published, concerning the costs to this nation: Since Gulf War 1 - 73,846 US Dead, and 1,620,906 Disabled (1)
Contrast those numbers with what the War Department says are:
(Officially acknowledged Dead) In U.S. War and Occupation of Iraq 3,888
The War Department also acknowledges the number Of Iraqis slaughtered in the current U.S. War on Iraq as 1,130,689 ­ when the world knows that this number easily exceeds two million: The internally displaced account for another two million; along with two million or more that have fled the country. That's roughly six million people have been directly affected since 2003, by this hostility that has lasted for sixteen years now. Apparently there are no figures for the total number of those Iraqi's mangled, broken, or mentally destroyed, throughout our quest to enslave the state of Iraq.
What is glaringly obvious here is that the numbers given by the US Department of War are nothing but Mega-Lies! Contrast 3,888 against 73,846 and anyone can easily see the scale of this deception. Perhaps this is why the Bushwhackers classified the deaths of all combat personal as SECRET, since the beginning of this latest chapter in this sixteen year long war? Vietnam lasted about fifteen years, and the US casualty count was very similar then, to what is only coming to light now.
On the monetary side of the equation numbers also have a huge meaning-when people stop for a moment and think about them. The financing of the Bush-Wars has devoured everything else that the federal government is responsible for in this country-by current established law. Again the War Department says that the War is costing us $476, 397, 000, 000 plus: Yet when the actuality of the true costs are measured against reality the costs are well into the trillions, because the injuries sustained will cost these men and women throughout the rest of their lives-regardless of who pays for it.
No nation can withstand what we are paying, as a nation, simply to continue to function; which is a Million Dollars a Minute. (2)
There is no reality in what this government continues to tell the world about what they are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan-and they are about to do the same thing to Iran and possibly to Lebanon and Syria as well. (3)
Cheney is running foreign policy and probably most of what's left of the government. Yet no one seems to care. If this place were a corporation we would have been dissolved long ago-but we actually are the United States Incorporated, not the nation with a Constitution that was supposed to be "of, by and for the people." Instead USA Inc. was created in secret to be 'of, by and for the Corporations,' and their interests are what all those men and women have been fighting and dying for-in American uniforms.
This needs to change!
1) Since Gulf War 1 - 73,846 US Dead, 1,620,906 Disabled
2) US Debt $30,000 per American
3) Olbermann to Bush "You Sir, Are a Bold-Faced Liar!"

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