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The Austrian Government
And US Intelligence

By Alexandra Bader
Exclusive to Rense.com

I first experienced the presence of the CIA in my country in 1992 (really it began in 1988 but then I only found some things rather strange), in a political organization that can be defined as a front company. That doesn't mean that all in the apparatus are informed. It is sufficient that a  few persons take the lead and that media cooperate. "Insurgent" forces, witting real party personnel face denouncement in media, by the leaders and by instrumentalized people. I was confronted with a letter from a non-existing phantom source which I successfully fought by spreading it widely also in a covert way, It was counterintelligence though I learned that word only later. To over-exaggerate black propaganda (disinfo by a faked source that can target the audience emotionally only when the real source is unknown) proves to be the right strategy sometimes.
I also learnt that geo strategic positions of the U.S. were ascribed to a single mother earning her life by typing letters or to an assistant in health matters, a former nurse. Sometimes people were manipulated to spy on me which I used to discover at once and to use them as a disinfo tool. Well, all this was 15 years ago and from then on only some month passed by where I did not need these counterintelligence capacities. I' m now 44 and an internet journalist for the last nine years, Of course I switched from personal experience to the more abstract occupation with research on fake terror alerts or so-called humanitarian intervention. I chose this introduction to point out that my approach is personal experience and that I'm very creative in counterintelligence because I need to. It is not academic but life.
At the beginning of August 2007 I pondered about the CIA's always interfering into my life since more than 19 years. I can't have all relationships that I want, I can hardly earn my living, no mainstream media would invite me to write something (perhaps to clean their toilets), I live under my possibilities. It was common practice to do nothing against the CIA, they could do whatever they want to a citizen. If you are targeted by the CIA it is like losing citizens' rights and human rights. They could chase you and if they kill you it would be "an accident" or "suicide". Whenever I tried to get state representatives who must act to do something against the political front company, they were not very keen on even hearing what I have to say. At least the CIA liaison confirmed every detail of a paper that I've written on it and given to somebody in the US embassy in Vienna.
Now I asked myself if I really want to go on living like that. No, and I thought of the words of the celtic queen Boudicca before the last battle against the imperium romanum began: "If you weigh well the strenght of the armies and the causes of war you see that in this battle you will conquer or die. This is a woman's resolve. As for the men, they may live and be slaves." As the political elite is mostly male in our country it are men who can live with one of the largest CIA presences in Europe (the two countries with more CIA have much more population), My "declaration of war" were 60 9/11 questions to the Vice ambassador, CIA agent Scott F. Kilner. I published them on the internet on 6 August with quoting a "naming names" of CIA agents in  Austria from the German magazine "Geheim". I addressed him as a CIA agent and of course never got a direct answer.
The US Missile Shield Plans For Europe
The Social Democrat defense Minister Norbert Darabos, who was under critics because he did no military but civil service as a young man and who comes from a Croatic minority in eastern Austria (that means: he understands Slavic languages) then answered questions about the discussion on allowing to shoot down hijacked planes in an extraordinary way. He stated that such a (9/11-related) scenario is very unlikely for him and that we have the same opinion on that. The newspaper "Kurier" constructed a story 2 days after I quoted the minister in an article (13 August) that in the ministers' nightmares terrorists try to crash a plane into the Stephansdom in the heart of Vienna. Just the opposite of his real statement.
Darabos, who also knew about my 9/11 questions and the "naming names", perhaps thought that there is at least one journalist in the country where "we own everyone of significance in every major media" (William Colby, Ex-CIA-Director) does not apply. And he proved right after criticizing the US missile shield plans for eastern Europe as a "provocation". The other media were 100% against him, but I pointed out that sovereignty is an universal value: either a country is sovereign in contact with all other states or it is not sovereign at all. A minister has no choice whether to take his decisions in a sovereign way or not, he just has to if he doesn't want to violate his oath, And it is the duty of a defense minister to judge the security environment.
The minister estimated such support and expressed that he would like to earn my approval also in the future by his work. It's not the way a minister usually would treat someone from the media. The missile shield question must be seen on the background of US presence in Europe since WW II. The biggest base is Ramstein in Germany where until now nukes where stationed. In some European countries there are US nuclear weapons whose use is transferred from the US in cases of crisis to the military of the host country. This is called "nuclear participation" and to some experts a clear violation of the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty, which is a important neglected aspect in the debate about the Iranian nuclear program. Austria is one of 6 non-NATO members of the European Union while 21 states are members of NATO and EU. We even have a constitutional law on military neutrality and our national holiday on 26 October is dedicated to neutrality.
The EU heads of state are very well aware that the international image of the EU is far better than that of the US. The European Union is seen as more inclined to "soft power", negotiating instead of intervening with military. So the future of the defense of the EU should lay in a new body separated from NATO which could mean the end of NATO. Whether this will happen or not try to imagine what NATO without 21 member states would look like: USA, Canada, Turkey,  Norway and Iceland will be left. The missile shield plans contain electronic surveillance capacities and (at first) 12 missiles called "defensive" against Iranian missiles. Russia fears that the real purpose is to gather intelligence about their defense systems and about new developments in the field of missiles. That is what experts also say and what the Austrian defense minister dared to share.
As in other European countries there have been enormous efforts (financed among others via the Marshall Plan Funds for reconstruction after WW II) to "contain" leftist policies and movements in Austria. The Congress for Cultural Freedom served as a CIA front in the field of culture, literature and magazines and via AFL-CIO (also called AFL-CIA) money was funneled into strengthening right-wing Social Democrats in Trade Unions which also played a role in establishing stay behind forces. One product of that era was the founding of the biggest Austrian newspaper, the "Kronen Zeitung" (in Germany likewise the "Bild-Zeitung" got support, and both are famous for unleashing primitive instincts in people against certain politicians and against migrant population).
In 2007 a satire on TV showed an old man who told a new young journalist that he once founded all Austrian media on behalf of the American occupation forces after WW II. Together with two other journalists he now makes all newspapers and magazines and he showed that on his computer: he wrote the headlines and articles that appear next day in the papers. The young man thought he got crazy when he realized that this was true ­ he saw exactly the same headlines next day. He tried to gather more information and arranged a secret meeting with a well known TV anchorman. This person listened to him, and after the young man has finished the door opens and the old man and his companions enter and say that they of course own the TV too. This satire was like implementing "We own every one of significance in every major media." (William Colby, Ex-CIA-Director) And it was not so far from truth, as especially the further development will show.
Terror Suspects - Al Qaida In Austria?
On 12 September 2007 three terror suspects were arrested in Vienna. Media called them "Al Qaida in Austria" and published 9 years old images of Bin Laden (the last images where he looks healthy; the last images ever are that of a sick man in 2001) alongside with images of the arrested. US-intelligence told Austrian authorities in February that they got hold of an Al Qaida message that video threats should be issued against European governments which have troops in Afghanistan. In March a video was published which incorporated a video of Ayman Al-Zawahiri ("Bin Laden's right hand") and which recommended Germany and Austria to leave Afghanistan. Tourist images of Austria were shown as to say "you have such a nice peaceful country, it is up to you that it stays this way". US-intelligence tracked the video back to a young Muslim in Vienna whose internet account is hosted by a internet and cable TV provider. Now Austrian police and intelligence had a lot to do in watching all the movements of the main suspect Mohamed M, age 22, as he used seven cell phones.
Mohamed M. was well known in the political scene in Vienna: among those who protested against the Bush visit in 2006 and among the Muslim community. Everybody described him as a lovely chaotic person but a loudmouth. Even for non chaotic people it is unbelievable to manage the use of seven cell phones (think for example of a meeting where several persons use the same cell phone type or have the same ring tone ­ how easy to pick up the wrong phone!). But in terms of surveillance 7 phones could mean that up to 30 men are busy in listening to conversations. Of course using phones is not very conspiring as well as
using Western Union for money transfer as they cooperate with the CIA after 9/11. Indeed Mohamed M. received money from Saudi Arabia via Western Union to buy cell phone components in London (for an alleged plot against a leader of the Hamas in Palestine). This again means making as much noise and trail as possible. Mohamed M.'s conflict with the Muslim community in Vienna began when he wanted to organize protest against the Danish Mohammed cartoons. Hizb ut-Tahrir, an asset of MI6 and CIA, was responsible for those protests in Europe and in Asia.
The other trail to western intelligence agencies was the alleged membership of Mohammed M. in Ansar Al-Islam, an organization which was used to train "terrorists" near the Iraqi border that should serve as terror suspects in western countries. Practically no group or person named in the questioning after Mohamed M. was arrested is free of such intelligence links: Abu Musab al Zarqawi, the leader of Ansar Al Islam, was trained by the CIA (now he is officially dead unlike Bin Laden), another leader Mullah Krekar at least admits meeting the CIA and is used for fake terror alerts; Mohamed M.'s father has links to Al Gamma Al Islamiya ("blind sheikh" of the intelligence directed WTC terror attack of 1993 and Al Zawahiri, who supported Mujaheddin-operations in Bosnia on behalf of the Angloamericans are members); the terror video of March 2007 uses excerpts from an Al Zawahiri-video which was also shown in videos with Adam Pearlman of the Mossad as an "Al Qaida"-man.
After Austrian authorities found not very much concrete in questioning Mohamed M., the daily paper "Österreich" (a misuse of the name of our country) claimed that the SITE Institute had taped conversations of M. concerning terror plans for the European soccer championship in 2008 (taking place in Austria and Switzerland). The SITE Institute often publishes terror messages many hours before "Al Qaida" puts them on the web so the question arises who is the real author. Due to the massive surveillance it is impossible that Austrian police has missed such a vital point. Another point is also interesting: Mohamed M. planned to travel to Egypt at the beginning of September 2007. The police would have had to arrest him before departure but that would have overshadowed the visit of Pope Benedikt XVI in Austria (7 ­ 9 Sept). Luckily Mohamed M. decided to delay the flight to Cairo for a week and so his arrest did not interfere with the Pope's media coverage but it got it's own full media attention.
Internet Phantoms Begin To Denounce
Immediately after I wrote something about the dubious origins of terror videos (about Adam Pearlman, faked Videos, SITE Institute) I received emails from a so called student at Stanford University claiming that I support terror networks. In fact the question may arise if some mainstream media support terror networks, for example the Austrian TV ORF and the German Spiegel TV (a product of the magazine "Der Spiegel"). They interviewed Mohamed M. shortly after the terror video was distributed in March 2007 and he claimed to be the "chief of Al Qaida Austria" and that he has something to do with the video. M. was disguised but many people know who he was and surely the media knew whom they met. I would never be willing to promote Al Qaida (or Hizb ut-Tahrir, as some media gave them coverage after the arrest of M.) and could only imagine to make a deal with the authorities before such an interview to make the person arrested.
The phantom student also wrote emails to Ministries which gave funds to Ceiberweiber and whose logos we have on our website stating that we "abuse" these logos. In this case there exists a student with the used name and a relative of that person urged us to remove the name. I could not find out whether the student really wrote the emails or not as there never came answers. Then a real phantom took over which used the name "Gerhard Hardt" combining the German and the English word for "hard". "Hardt" has a blog where "he" hunts people who write against demonizing Islam in general as a religion promoting terrorism. "Hardt" appears in the blogs of especially German but also Austrian critical people when there is a possibility to leave a reply that is displayed immediately. For example there is a Muslim who lived in Germany for long time, had server space there and now lives in Bosnia. His website is in German language and devoted to exposing unfair critics of Islam. "Hardt" appears claiming that the page has a wrong imprint and refers to some laws. His tone gets more and more threatening stating that he could use not friends but "different structures" in Bosnia to look after the Muslim.
The imprint question could serve as a billiard ball to test how people react: some shy away, some ask who is the person interfering here (has "he" got an imprint on "his" page which is just a blog?) and some begin a (fruitless) debate. In another blog "Hardt" claimed that "he" has original Hamas TV broadcasting and that "he" speaks better Arabic than known translators. This possibly should attract naive people of the calibre of Mohammed M. as a kind of preparation of recruitment. In Germany many people are easily suspicious so "Hardt" was often called a provocateur or snitch. "Hardt" tried to drag the editors of web magazines into supporting terrorism by making them responsible if their articles are used on websites like one devoted to the Hizbollah. In fact it is common practice that you ask politely if you could republish an article or better write yourself on a topic and then link to others. One never knows how many blogs and other webpages just take your full text without asking.
"Hardt" used such a "theft of mental property" from a blog entry I made concerning the terror suspects to begin a denouncing campaign against me. Again I was accused to support terror networks and even holocaust deniers (one thief of my mental property has indeed written an article himself on Iran that was  stolen by a forum devoted to a holocaust denier ­at least "Hardt" claims it was stolen as there are no proofs given). As the phantom student the "Hardt"-phantom also wrote e-mails to Ministries and to the administration of the City of Vienna where we also get funds. "Hardt" referred to public services law to force answers (like using laws on imprint in the example before) and also claimed that I abuse the logos of the Ministries and of Vienna. I immediately emailed the facts to the office of the Interior Minister suggesting that "Hardt" is an intelligence phantom but I never got any reaction so far (even when I could point at many more indices).
On October 1 there was a fake failed terror attempt in the US embassy in Vienna which is heavily protected also by Marines. A victim of the war in Bosnia and since then mentally ill came with a rucksack and hand grenades (detonator disabled), nails, screws and explosives (un sharp as it turned out later) and was of course stopped at the metal detector. He got in panic and ran away, throwing the rucksack down on the streets. He passed a police station and was arrested not very far from the embassy. When questioned he blamed a friend of him that gave him the rucksack but this friend denied it. The Bosnian has called the embassy days before the visit. "Hardt" speculated in "his" blog if the "so-called journalist" and "so-called intelligence expert" as "he" uses to call me would write about that terrorist attack. In fact there was not much to write about it and the mainstream media were surprisingly reasonable (no old Bin Laden-images on the cover). "Hardt" was furious in some of "his" blog entries when I quoted media who cited experts saying the Bosnian was perhaps unfit to plead as if "he" personally took care for this man. I was again heavily attacked by "Hardt" in these days also again via emails to Ministries and the City of Vienna.
Operation Arigona ­ Black Propaganda Against The Government
Should my attention be distracted in these days in the beginning of October, I asked myself. Then I began to take a closer look to the affair that was most prominent in media coverage: Arigona, a 15 year old girl from Kosovo, is hiding as she doesn't want to go back there. Her parents and her 4 brothers and sisters had come with her illegally from Kosovo after the war, at a time when no asylum was granted to refugees from there any more. The parents could have migrated as labor force within quotas but that would have meant to wait and be patient. The costs for the illegal immigration via smugglers were about 10.000 Euros (enough to build a house in Kosovo). The family knew for month that they will have to return but the village in Austria were they lived had fought for their stay. The Interior Minister can grant permanent residence due to humanitarian reasons which he does in many but not all cases. In that case he denied it and the family had to leave and was not willing. Arigona got a call on her cell phone that police was at the parents' house and so she decided to hide, as she told afterwards. These simple facts were completely overshadowed by a black propaganda operation:
The girl was used as an alleged source of suicide threats against the Government and especially against the Interior Minister. The receivers of these forged messages were the public, the Green Party and parts of the ruling parties (the Social Democrats and the Conservatives) in order to blow up the Government. The receivers should be manipulated to run emotionally wild and to direct their anger against the Minister. In media (again "Österreich" was leading) Arigona was portrayed as a soft, desperate, courageous young lady driving a minister into defense. Minister Platter was described as a hard and heartless man, reckless and brutal, cold against the desperate weeping of Arigona's younger brother and sister (all the other children and the father were brought to Kosovo, the mother was allowed to stay in Austria but had a nervous breakdown; Arigona demanded that the two youngest should return to Austria). In "Österreich" there was once a commentary by the editor Wolfgang Fellner where you could hardly count the variations of weeping children used against the minister.
Whenever there are such classical contrasts of good and evil, tender and reckless, people should follow the lead blindly which was in this case given by media and the Green Party. As all black propaganda of the type when heavy and irreversible reaction within days is intended the tools are not very sophisticated.  For example there were three messages from the girl (letter to mother, email to "Österreich" and video message to ORF) and the suicide threat was forgotten in the second message, the email to "Österreich". The girl used grown-up verbalizations like that she feels "good according to the circumstances". Even grown-ups hardly say that about themselves while using it automatically when speaking about a third person. She stated that she sees no future for herself and her family in the Kosovo but it was again an empty verbalization as it became once again clear after her reappearance ("because....because...because...I see... no future for me and my family...").
Of course no girl of 15 who seldom was without her family could manage hiding here and there and deliver messages to the media on her own. Minister Platter said that the state can't be blackmailed which was interpreted widely as "this hard and heartless man states that he feels himself blackmailed by a poor desperate girl!"). The blackmailing-question was also discussed in connection with the terror suspects as it was an attempt to blackmail Austria to withdraw the 5 soldiers (there are not more!) in Afghanistan. On 6 October I wrote an article "Should the Government be overthrown via the Arigona case"? and made many postings on newspapers' websites to pierce through the veil of disinformation and of emotionalized postings. Especially on 7 October I asked in another article how far these forces are willing to go if we consider forged suicide threats and media commentaries which preemptively but the blame for a suicide of the girl on the Interior Minister.  There was an extraordinary parliamentary session on 10 October on behalf of a proposal of the Green Party. After the Arigona Video (which was delivered to TV on 5 October) they announced to present a motion of non-confidence against Minister Platter.
They thought to protect the girl and not to bring her into danger, of course. What if ­ something had happened to Arigona immediately before the parliamentary session or during it? That would have meant the end to this Government and in the election campaign afterwards the Green Party would benefit from those who blame the Government while on the other side the right wing Freedom Party could count on voters who are against more immigrants and "asylum abuse". I was by far not the only one fearing something might happen as there were by chance two young male asylum seekers who tried to stab themselves and were of course encouraged by the huge Arigona media coverage. Luckily they survived and there was much less media interest in them. On the morning of 10 October a press release from the Interior Ministry informed the public that Arigona is well and save ­ she was handed over to a priest "by unknown". Now the Government stayed in office, the "revolution" did not take place, the motion of non-confidence was supported by the Greens.
On 12 October the TV ORF declared that it has nothing to do with the 5 October video of Arigona as some sources claimed. The day after the girl disappeared a unknown man contacted ORF saying that he is taking care of Arigona's media relations. He announced messages to come. On 29 September a letter was delivered to Arigona's mother (on a day when no mailman comes) where the girl threatens with suicide (in which language? The official story makes Arigona incapable of speaking Albanian though she lived in Kosovo until the age of 10 and her mother incapable of speaking German). Before the 5 October video was handed over to the ORF (again by "unknown") other unknown persons contacted the TV for several times. Also on 12 October the priest gave a press conference with the girl to uphold the legend of Arigona fleeing on her own through the country and even through the 1,7 million inhabitants city Vienna (when I was 15 I was for the first time longer in that town with my school class: we were happy to find the place for our lunch by ourselves after days). The priest was ironically without intention in claiming that the video with the suicide threat was thought as a life sign for Arigonas mother.
Media and the Green Party were busy in calling those "unknown persons" heroes that fought against inhuman asylum laws. Of course this was not the question as tracking these people could end at the masters of this conspiracy and this has to be prevented. They continued to claim that Minister Platter wants to sue the priest for hiding a person who has no right to stay in Austria ignoring that the heavily relieved minister thanked the priest immediately. Now, some days afterwards, there is almost no media interest in Arigona any more as it could have been predicted. Those who care for asylum seekers have as it was before problems in bringing their most dramatic cases into the media. They complain about having almost no chance to help people who face bad treatment in their home countries either by the state or by their relatives.
During the Arigona Operation "Hardt" emailed again to the City of Vienna. For "him" Ceiberweiber, my magazine, is an abuse of taxes ("he" as a "taxpayer") because I claimed that Arigona is kept by foreign intelligence. In fact I described what was strange and quoted media and statements of Green politicians in my articles in order to make the readers judge themselves. So a non existing person denies the involvement of foreign intelligence ­ and the police would have noticed at once that it is a phantom. But the email was neither handed over to the police nor to me (I would also have realized that it is a matter of the police forces). "Hardt" later on published the email on his blog so I got to know the contents. "Hardt" also denounced a media prize that I received on 12 October at a congress for female journalists (where colleagues I know for years mostly treated me icy cold, after my exposing of the Arigona operation). I told the Vice Chancellor that I was the only journalist revealing the Arigona staging in time and that now my secure existence is threatened but he only said that it would not be so dramatically. I tried to get help by those I helped with my articles but they didn't realize that these articles were important ­ which was underlined by the internet harassment that I face and by the non existing solidarity (with the exeption of some people who don't say it openly, users, readers and media people outside Austria).
"Hardt" became reluctant thinking "he" has me on the ground: "he" used abbreviations common inside the Defense Ministry and focused on claiming that I never had any contact with the Defense Minister. Here "he" again makes specific abbreviations: HBM Darabos, for Herr Bundes Minister, Mr. Federal Minister. My contact to the Ministers for Women's Affairs and for Social Affairs are not at all interesting. "Hardt" makes hints that only can come from Central Intelligence due to the long time struggle against them for my human rights and citizens rights. No Austrian authority was until now interested in my findings let alone willing to help me in tracking the phantom. "Hardt" makes clear again that "he" wants to silence me because of my findings on the terror suspects, my opion on the fake foiled terror attempt in the US embassy and of course for revealing the "operation Arigona". "Hardt" consists of posts in the blogs of others as explained before that seem to be more spontaneous than "his" "own" blog entries against me ­ the latter are more elaborate probably because I am playing in another class of enemies.
These "spontaneous" posts are also interesting: "he" writes "simple" English not German ("simpel"), he writes "comprehensive security" (in German "Comprehensive Security"), he prefers stability to peace and speaks of functional elites in third world countries ­ in others words it sounds quite geo strategic. Against me he uses the rule which intelligence personnel as well as intelligence critical authors know: if you have an information from a source you could not quote another completely independent source must approve it ("he" states my readers' reactions are forged because I only give first names and no email address in order to prevent people from being harassed by "him"). Some other verbalizations point to intelligence as an intelligence critical author can be ruled out. The Antiwar Coalition for Truth actindependent.org has revealed recently that COINTEL PRO activities are monitored in Australia, Canada, Germany, Austria and the US. This means that a Counter Intelligence Program of US Intelligence (those inside there who are from the Cheney war fraction) denounce and harass critical exponents through fake blogs, fake posts, fake videos and fake email.
In Germany authors from the 9/11 Truth Movement made the experience that fake-mails from their accounts with racist or even extreme right wing contents are send to their address book. If you answer wondering what has happened you reach the original mail account owner. In fact not all recipients will be so suspiciously. In the US there are strange videos by DOG4TREE against certain people accused to "censor" the 9/11 Truth Movement. The style of one video makes me think of a mind control tool as it consists of music with a fast beat and a short always repeated written message. Perhaps we can compare Ken Welch (exposed by Captain Eric May) to "Gerhard Hardt": you need to create some kind of identity as it would have no effect to post claims under always changing names. It does not matter that a short internet search demonstrates the difference between a phantom and a real person (at least it is so easy here in a small country but in the US you might ask others to help you). Who does this immediately if he/she comes across a new name? Only those who are denounced do it.
And who are the persons in the focus of forgeries? Those who not only make research on cover ups in the past (and even 9/11 is in the past, more than 6 years ago) but connect the dots in the present. Those who realize concrete war plans in time or those who see the pattern of disinformation and black propaganda. In other words: those who not only write, appear on TV and radio and on the internet but who are capable of counterintelligence. That means to realize the plans of others and to find a way to expose them successfully. From that point of view I can perhaps be "proud" but I'm far from that. In fact it means to risk everything, to prepare for groundless fall. When you are harassed and denounced, your calls for help are not answered, your important publishing work is not acknowledged you might end up in never publishing again ­ as the only publishing possible will be harmless things that are undemanding and make no more a difference. Or you might get familiar with the perspective to sleep under the bridge or clean toilets. So far I can't rule that out for me as we won't get funding any more from the City of Vienna after the COINTELPRO campaign against us.
Alexandra Bader
Some reference articles:
(On COINTELPRO and "Hardt")
Operation Arigona
Should the Government be overthrown via the Arigona Case?
On terror suspects in Germany and Austria
Solidarity with Minister Darabos who is attacked by the USA for his critics
60 9/11 questions and no answers
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