- For the first time ever, a private French UFO research
group obtains a file on a military radar detection directly through the
French Ministry of Defence.
- We are pleased to announce that the issue 43 of Phenomena,
the French newsstand journal dedicated to the scientific study of unidentified
aerial phenomena has been published. An issue which features an investigation
that will possibly cause a stir since it reveals the dealings of UFO cases
by the French military.
- August 98: A civilian living near Metz sees a spherical
object which beams down a light as it flies over his head. The witness
files a testimonial report with the French Military Gendarmerie Corps.
- January 99: SOS OVNI asks the authorities for a copy
of the report. The witness tells private researchers that the police showed
him a file which seems to demonstrate that there was a military radar detection
of the object. SOS OVNI requests confirmation from the Drachenbronn control
center in the East of France.
- February 99: Drachenbronn denies in a written statement:
"We researched our archives to no avail".
- July 99: Investigators from SOS OVNI recieve a copy of
the Gendarmerie report. The military radar detection is mentionned in unquestionnable
- July 99: SOS OVNI writes back to Drachenbronn asking
for an explanation as to why they denied the sighting.
- September 99: having never recieved any reply, investigators
file a procedure with the Commission díAcces aux Documents Administratifs,
a French official body which gives an opinion of whether the files may
or may not be communicated under the French Freedom of Information Act.
The committee replies favorably to the demand.
- October 99: The complete file is forwarded to SOS OVNI
directly by the French Defence Ministry. Where one finds confirmation of
a radar detection: "We detected track ME 403 for three minutes, with
no information about height, of an object on which we have no data"
Radar Control Center in Drachenbronn. Where one also discover that the
French official investigative body SEPRA, headed by Jean-Jacques Velasco,
filed the case without any research.
- More information can be obtained about this issue of
Phenomena by contacting:
- Perry Petrakis Phone ++ (33) 442.12.30.59. E-mail: sosovni@pacwan.fr
- Or directly through our web site: http://www.sosovni.com
- This
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