Major Protests Planned
In DC Against Illuminati Agenda
By David Icke
The much-publicised protests at the World Trade Organisation meeting in Seattle are to be followed by a similar demonstraton at a joint meeting of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington D.C. on April 16th.
The World Trade Organisation is an Illuminati creation to make it impossible for a nation state to control its own economy and to decide what it produces within its own borders and what it imports from outside.Countries now face enormous fines and sanctions if they stop "free trade" through their borders. Free trade in these terms means to give the transnational corporations and major industrial countries the right to dump their products anywhere they like and, in doing so, destroy the local businesses and economies of their targeted nations.
This has been particularly devastating in so-called Third World countries, but the industrial nations of the north are also being seriously affected by this in the destruction of local businesses, industries, and job opportunities. That's the idea. To make all countries and their people dependent on, and subservient to, the global system which the Illuminati not only controls, but actually created. The first two heads of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) have been members of the Bilderberg Group and the first, Peter D. Sutherland, of Ireland, now head of British Petroleum (BP), is a major Illuminati operator.
The World Bank and the IMF are two masks on the same Illuminati face which interconnect with the World Trade Organisation to form a global network of trade, business, and financial control which is allowing the economies of nations to be manipulated and dictated by a few people at the peak of the global pyramid. The three organisations - and many others - are inseparable. They are the same people under different disguises.
You may recall the public protests at the last World Trade Organisation meeting in Seattle when protesters were arrested and beaten for their peaceful challenge to this global agenda, and how agent-provocateurs were used by the authorities to smash windows and justify the police and military response.
The World Bank-IMF meeting is in Washington on April 16th and here are two articles being distributed on the web which are calling for a similar protest there. I am all for this, so long as it remains peaceful at all times. - _____
Another WTO Protest Planned
Organizers of the WTO protests in Seattle are gearing up for similar massive anti-globalist demonstrations in Wash ington, D.C., when the world's financial leaders gather this April.
By James P. Tucker Jr. Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT 4-5-00
More than 60 organizations, ranging from the ideological left to followers of Pat Buchanan, plan Seattle-style demonstrations April 16 when the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) meet in Washington.
It is to be a "strong stand against corporate globalization," said Mark Weisbrot, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington. His latest conclusions were presented at a press conference by the umbrella group, Mobilization for Global Justice, on March 14.
The groups plan to lobby Congress, hold educational forums and conduct peaceful demonstrations during the annual joint meeting of the World Bank and IMF.
Police said they are prepared to block the type of violence that shut down a meeting of the World Trade Organization last November in Seattle.
Many of the participating groups object to the World Trade Organization (WTO), World Bank, IMF and such trade agreements as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). And they point to victories attributable to their popular resistance.
"Although NAFTA was ratified, more recent efforts to extend this model have so far been defeated," Weisbrot said. He cited Congress' rejection of the Free Trade Area of the Americas"a 34-nation extension of NAFTA.
David Rockefeller, a power in Bilderberg and its brother group, the Trilateral Commission (TC), has publicly called for expanding NAFTA to include all the Western Hemisphere, a preliminary to establishing an "American Union" similar to the European Union.
The Multinational Agreement on Investment, another NAFTA-expander, and "fast track" authority for the administration to negotiate trade deals that could be voted up or down "but not changed by Congress" have also failed to pass, Weisbrot said.
"Although most people don't know much about it, there is an institution that causes more harm to working people than NAFTA: that is the IMF," said Weisbrot, a Ph.D. in economics who has written on the subject for the Cornell International Law Journal and other publications.
"This is not a conspiracy theory; almost all of what we know about the IMF is in the form of publicly available information," Weisbrot said. "The information is there, but there are a couple of reasons that the IMF and its practices receive little attention.
"First, the IMF deliberately tries to keep a low profile: its practices are as secretive and unaccountable as it can get away with," he said. "And second, the IMF hides behind a veil of 'technical expertise,' with the result that most people don't try to find out what it does."
The IMF imposes NAFTA-like conditions on countries. Just as NAFTA made it easier for U.S. corporations to move their operations to Mexico, he said, the IMF makes it easier for them to move almost anywhere in the world.
"It forces governments to rewrite their laws, as NAFTA did to Mexico, so that they are more favorable to foreign investors," Weisbrot said. "This drives down wages everywhere and especially in those countries like the United States where businesses can threaten to move when workers try to unionize or demand higher pay. It also leads to job losses when these employers actually move their operations out of the country."
The IMF also forces countries to produce for export instead of domestic markets, causing global gluts that drive down prices and wages and encourage "dumping," he said. "Many of the 12,000 [U.S.] steel workers who lost their jobs over the last year are casualties of IMF policies in countries like South Korea, Russia and Brazil."


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