- X-Sender: prophets@maui.net
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- Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 22:54:57 -1000
- To: axiom@aloha.net
- Subject: Sonar Death Tests: To Stun
- Dear Axiom/Prophets Conferences National
and International Subscriber Lists
- (all 8,000),
- We strongly feel that the following information
deserves your attention and
- action. These activities of the United
States Navy need to be haulted
- immediately, and the public needs to
know exactly why this is going on.
- Take a moment, read the information,
and please do what you can.
- Aloha,
- Robin & Cody Johnson <prophets@maui.net
- _______________________________________________________
- Aloha from Hawaii,
- As we email this to you a baby whale
lies abandoned and dying undoubtedly as
- a result of the LFAS testing. It cannot
survive without its mother. This is
- the second such death in two weeks in
the same Hawai'i waters
- where the US Navy is testing the Low
Frequency Active Sonar.
- You have a choice, a Conscious Choice
to peacefully protest:
- Please email your protest to those on
the list below and circulate this
- email to everyone you know this week.
- The goal this week is to email 500,000
protests. Your voice can contribute
- to make it happen. It concerns the lively
hood of the whales and dolphins
- that are being killed by the US Navy
in the waters of Hawai'i and waters
- around the planet. It concerns the livelyhood
of our oceans, the mammals
- and fish that inhabit them and ultimately
our planet.
- This is a regional and international
issue. Please send protests to the
- media, your local politicians and congressmen.
Some suggested email
- addresses are included below.
- _________________________________________
- The Plot Thickens:
- The last week with the LFAS is beginning
to read like an excellent script
- for a movie. Hey you folks in Hollywood
listen up. It has all the topical
- flavors with personal and political twists
that so easily take us in another
- direction and mask the real issues at
hand - the livelyhood of life on this
- planet.
- This is a lesson of discernment for all
of us to take a stand and to be
- heard, you can make a difference here
right now by sending out your protests.
- Last week thousands of email and fax
protests went out. This week it needs
- to be hundreds of thousands. The killing
has to stop. And thanks for your
- efforts last week it has brought these
issues to many peoples attention. By
- forwarding this appeal last week thousands
have petitioned our local
- politicians all the way to the Vice President
and the President of the
- United States.
- But sadly that was not enough, a baby
whale lies abandoned and dying because
- the US Navy has got permission to kill
our whales and apparently 200
- dolphins in the Mediterranean. What
does it take to put a stop to
- this? Hopefully this week's goal of
500,000 email protests will have them
- sit up and take action.
- The events in the last week have brought
news that the LFAS is a much larger
- problem than locally in Hawai'i. As
reported in the Guardian newspaper
- March 3rd out of England and also in
the Sydney daily newspaper, 13 Cuvier's
- beaked whales were found stranded off
Greece the next day after LFAS
- broadcast by the US Navy. And in the
last few weeks (I am not sure of the
- time period) 200 dolphins have been found
blown up in the Mediterranean sea.
- For more information on source materials
for the above go to
- http://www.dreamweaving.com/lfas308.htm
- This is very serious business. Read
the following and petition your local
- media and politicians.
- The Sound Equation:
- Last week I tracked down Sir Peter Guy
Manners' assistant Dr Dudley Finch,
- they were both in Florida treating patients
and presenting their work to the
- medical establishment. Through their
expertise they can predict precisely
- the type of damage that is done with
LFAS sound. They are the only experts
- in the world (that I know) who have many
decades of medical experience of
- the use of sound in altering the physiology
of living tissue. If you have
- any sound clips of the LFAS please forward
to me for their analysis.
- Sir Peter wrote:
- "...the likely effects (of LFAS)
on marine animals in our opinion could be
- disastrous, causing cell and tissue damage
as well as effecting the brain
- and nervous system"
- For more information on the "sound
equation" go to
- http://www.dreamweaving.com/lfas2.htm
- Our scientists and medical experts need
to contact Sir Peter because the
- sound does not necessarily effect the
living tissue in ways that can be
- conventionally measured or observed and
will not always show up in
- autopsies. It effects the energy and
the structure of the cells. Hence the
- whales are beaching sometimes, as in
the Greece incident, alive
- probably from lower intensities exposures
and at other times blown apart
- from higher intensities as in the recent
case of the dolphins.
- One would normally assume that the louder
the sound the worse the damage.
- However, that is not always the case.
It is the combination of the
- frequencies that do the damage, or if
used appropriately good. Sir Peter
- can break up tumors non surgically with
sound, or in my work we use sound
- vibroacoustically through the body to
relieve stress. I believe the Navy
- has this data and is classified, not
only could they use the sound to knock
- out say the electrical system of a submarine,
but by switching frequencies
- and depending on the distance to the
sub they could kill everyone on board,
- or maim or stun. Just like a dolphin
or some whales stun their prey with
- their sonar. Except the US Navy can
broadcast at 230 dB, 10,000 times
- louder than a 747 taking off.
- Last Saturday March 7th we heard the
LFAS sound broadcast at hourly
- intervals for several seconds. We heard
three broadcasts. That day, we
- were about 10 miles (my guestimate) from
the sending vessel so the levels
- were below the local background levels
of the whales singing and grunting
- around our boat. We did get a recording,
and I will post it as soon as I
- get a copy. They were using frequencies
around middle "C" and stepping up
- the frequencies. There appeared to be
some change in the whale's sounds, if
- anything their song activity appeared
to increase after the 8(?) second
- broadcast. However, you can be assured
with all the public interest they
- are being very mindful about the power
and the frequencies they use.
- The earliest report of the Navy using
the LFAS dates back to the early
- 1980's so you can bet that they have
compiled lots of data already, so why
- the testing in Hawai'i?
- It occurs to us that the testing here
is to determine the thresholds they
- can broadcast to stun and enemy sub or
UFO or whatever the situation may be.
- They are using the birthing waters here
to test those thresholds and show to
- the conservationists, environmentalists
and research folks that LFAS is
- safe, but the dying baby whale tells
us its a lie.
- So again the time for a public outcry
is right NOW!
- Delay Tactics:
- Last week there was a continuation of
the hearing in Honolulu brought
- forward by lawyer Paul Achitoff for the
Earth Justice Legal Defense Fund.
- Presently, Judge Helen Gillmor is considering
her action and will make a
- decision this week. It is already too
late. Have you ever looked into the
- eye of a dying baby whale?
- So again the time for your protest is
right NOW!!
- These political delay tactics and maneuvers
are all so common. We urge you
- to send another round of protests to
the addresses below, it made a huge
- difference last week and we urge you
to follow up again today...take action
- right now.
- The New York times is considering an
article on the LFAS and may be out
- today, swimmers have been in the water
around the sending vessel last week
- and now the coast guard cutter is hovering
around to harass the protesters.
- It is getting nasty. Is it going to
take the death of a human to get the
- public attention? Hopefully not.
- Your email protest could prevent all
of that and peacefully resolve the
- issue now.
- What can you do?
- The time is NOW. Send protests to the
media, your local politicians and
- environmentalist groups. Then, send
this email to everyone you know. In
- the header of your email or fax put "Whales
and Dolphins dead and dying from
- LFAS".
- And words to the effect:
- "This is an urgent appeal to stop
the US Navy killing of whales and dolphins
- with LFAS. Recent reports in the European
press have linked the US Navy to
- killing whales and possibly 200 dolphins
in the Mediterranean.
- Please stop this and the current LFAS
testing in the Hawaiin waters".
- Signed: Your name
- Send to:
- President Bill Clinton
- mailto: president@whitehouse.com
- Vice-President Al Gore
- mailto: vicepresident@whitehouse.com
- Govenor of Hawaii:
- Ben Cayetano
- mailto: gov@aloha.net
- phone 808.586.0034
- fax 808.586.0006
- State Senator:
- David Tarnas
- mailto: reptarnas@capitol.hawaii.gov
- phone 808.586.8510
- fax 808.587.0390
- Dept Land and Natural Resources State
of Hawaii
- Chairman Mike Wilson
- mailto: mwilson@pixi.com
- phone 808.587.0400
- fax 808.587.0390
- Joseph Johnson
- Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command
- (703) 919-8959
- mailto: Jsquared@nosc.mil
- Also:"Williamson, Richard"
mailto: williamr@spawar.navy.mil
- Senators:
- Danial Inouye
- mailto: senator@inouye.senate.gov
- DC fax 202.224.6747 Honolulu fax 808.541.2549
- Danial Akaka
- DC fax 202.224.2126
- Honolulu fax 808. 545.4683
- Congressmen:
- Neil Abercrombie
- mailto: neil@abercrombie.house.gov
- DC fax 202.225.4580
- Honolulu phone 808.541.2570
- Hono fax 808.533.0133
- Diana H. Josephson,
- Principle Deputy (I&E) -
- Ph. (703) 693-4527,
- mailto: Josephson.Diana@hq.navy.mil
- Elsie Munsell,
- Ph. (703) 614-1303,
- mailto: Munsell.Elsie@hq.navy.mil
- Robert (Robin) Pirie,
- ASN (I&E) -
- Ph. (703) 695-4533,
- mailto: Pirie.Robert@hq.navy.mil
- Dr. Kurt Riegel,
- Director of Environmental Technology
- Ph. (703) 695-3363,
- mailto: Riegel.Kurt@hq.navy.mil
- Lew Shotton,
- Director of Environmental Planning &
Natural Resources -
- Ph. (703) 614-1295,
- mailto: Shotton.Lew@hq.navy.mil
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- mailto: tmcintyr@kingfish.ssp.nmfs.gov
- Patsy Mink
- DC fax 202.225.4987
- Hono phone 808.541.1986
- Hono fax 808. 538.0233
- White House Office of Enviromental Quality
- Kate McGinty
- White House
- 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
- Washington DC 20006
- phone 202.456.6224
- fax 202.456.2710
- National Marine Fisheries Services
- Office of protected species
- Ann Terbush
- 1335 East West Highway
- Silver Springs, MD 20910
- fax 301.713.0376
- And in service to the livelyhood of life
on the planet and in the Universe
- Benedick
- _______________________________________________