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The views and opinions expressed by Guest Columnists
at do not necessarily reflect the views and opinons
of Jeff Rense or the website. We offer these writers in the
spirit of Free Speech and Free communication of
differing points of view.

Kelleigh Nelson

Killing Us Softly - Pt 1

Killing Us Softly - Pt 2
Passive-Aggressive Euthanasia

Killing Us Softly - Pt 3
Dame Cicely Saunders Hospice

Killing Us Softly - Pt 5
Elisabeth Kubler Ross

Killing Us Softly - Pt 6
Euthanasia Society And Hospice

A Cure For Cancer Hidden In Plain Site

Hatred At My Door

Kelleigh Nelson's 'Christmas Thing'

Fearless Courage

Saving Our Country From Dystopian
Oligarchs, Part 6 - America's Endgame

Kelleigh Nelson - Consolidation Of Power,
The Great Reset Part 4 - Eye Of The Serpent

Chemical And Biological Military Activities

The Deadly Dystopian Designs
For Humanity’s Future - Pt 2

The Failure of the Church and Her Shepherds

Touch Not the Apple of His Eye

You Really Expected A Red Wave?

The STASI Overlords of America's Medical

Stasi Actions Of The Politicized DOJ

Republicans Aren't Going To Save America
...It's Entirely Up To Us

Trump Lacked The Ability To Discern
...Has His Next Running Mate Been Chosen?
...'He Definitely Likes Her'

World Economic Forum - Totalitarian

The Most Glorious, Freedom-Loving Nation
In The World Is Dying. Can We Save Her?

Trump's Endorsements Are Inflating The Swamp

Enemies On The Left...
False Friends On The Right

Truth About Dr. Oz Being Far MORE than

The Homicidal Killing Fields of America's
Medical System

Military Medical Evisceration of America's

Dr. Robert Malone...Knight in Shining
Armor or Controlled Opposition?

Chosen by the Deep State...
Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett

Trump's Deadly 'Operation Warp Speed' Jabs

The Gifts Of The Maji:
Gold, Frankincense And Myrrh

General Mike Flynn Inspires the Left
to Speak About God

The Gathering Storm and Its Historic Precedent,
Pt 1

Kelleigh's Wonderful Christmas Cookies Over A
Grim Backdrop Of Covid BioWeapon Horror -

The Demonic Road to Genocide and

America's Medical Stasi From
Subjugation to Slavery

Tyranny In Shelby County TN

America's Medical Stasi, From Subjugation
to Slavery

Forced Jabs, Health Fascism And
Medical Apartheid

The Coming Genocide...The Mass
Extermination of Humanity, Part 1

'Your Papers Please'...Is Only the Beginning

At Best Negligent Homicide
...At Worst Murder

The Deadly Politicization
of America's Medical Care

Criminal Collusion, Medical Malfeasance
and Murder

Fear, Control and the Authoritarian Abuse
of Power

Dividing America - The Racist Plot of
Communism, Pt 3

The Communist Lies of
'White Skin Privilege' - Pt 2

Covid Cult United Nations, the Nuremberg
Codes...and Mass Murder

The COVID Jab, a Genocidal Weapon of
Mass Destruction

Mandela's Communist Hatred Of Whites
Grows In American Soil

Officer Derek Chauvin - Human Sacrifice
to Marxist Mobs

Mandela's Communist White Hatred
Germinates In American Soil

Unraveling the Lies and Dropping the Masks

America's Vaccine Passports and China's
Social Credit System

The Demonic Carnage of Vaccines Part Three

Blood Lust - Covid Vaccines and
Culling the Population - Part Two

Blood Money Experimentation For Profit

If It Bleeds It Leads - The Morbidity Of The 'News'

America's Medical Guinea Pigs, Depopulation
and Eugenics - Part One

Rabid Marxists Dominate America's Judiciary

Satan's Minions - The Financiers of
Michael R. Pence - Part 3

Mike Pence - Waterboy For
The Deep State - Part 2

Judas Pence Joins Aaron Burr
And Benedict Arnold - Part 1

The Real Virus Is Not Covid,
It's Communism

The Biden-Harris Treasonous
Marxist Revolution

America's Subversion Factor,
The Cancer Of Comunism

Courageous Patriots Challenge
the Invisible Government

Stealing The Presidency: Deep State And