Encounters With
Underwater UFOs
From Gerry Lovell
Far Shores
Our planet's surface is nearly two-thirds covered by water and it would seem unusual in the extreme if the appearance of anomalous lights and objects were not associated with it. Indeed they have been and eye-witness records spanning centuries have logged these encounters, in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans around the globe.
For example, according to Dutch newspapers in August 1954, whilst en-route from Amsterdam to New York, Capt Jan Bos, of the SS Groot Beer, reported observing a strange moonlike object rising out of the Atlantic ocean some 90 miles east of Cape Cod light. Its keel shone with what appeared to be illuminated ports round the rim and the object's speed was later described as having been fantastic.
What was it that two policemen saw emerge from the water off Porthcawl on the evening of September 1 1957, which at first resembled a ship on fire. It was located in the direction of Ilfracombe, in the Bristol Channel and began as a bright red glow which soon grew larger than a harvest moon. A black zig-zag streak could be seenacross its centre and as it rose up the fiery globe took off at an alarming rate accompanied by two smaller lights, heading for the Atlantic.
The sounds picked up on the hydrophone of a research vessel operated by Woods Hole Oceonographic Institite were flashed to the ship's oscilliscopes as it probed the deep waters off Puerto Rico. Scientists on board were puzzled, as the noise continued intermittently from an estimated depth of 30,000ft. This extreme limit almost certainly ruled out the presence of a submarine or any other kind of known underwater craft.
When later translating their recordings onto IBM punch cards, the scientists discovered to their amazement that the sounds registered were of a screw turning at a rate of 100 to 180rpm. Several days evaluation of the data still left them baffled and the oceonographers eventually began to wonder if in fact they had tracked some unknown type of marine life - subsequently nicknaming it the "180rpm animal".
Nigel Lea-Jones. of London, recalls: "In 1972, a friend and I were diving from a rowing boat in the Caribbean close to the shore. Suddenly I turned and saw a silver and orange spherical object about six-feet in diameter on a stalk-like limb, just above the water. It was about 50 feet behind us and was closely following our zig-zag course.
After about a minute the surface of the object opened to reveal a dark circular window about two feet across. We glanced nervously at each other and when we turned back the object had disappeared without a sound. I never found any answer and the origin of the sphere remains a mystery."
Trevor Tyler was a deep-sea diver of more than 13 years experience when something happened, 270 feet below the surface of the Atlantic, which resulted in his sudden and inexplicable death.The 34 year-old Englishman was working underwater off the coast of Guinea, West Africa, when without warning over his radio workmates heard an inexplicable metallic noise, followed by a scream and then silence. A fellow diver was immediately sent down and found Tyler's lifeless body floating 180ft below the surface, his arms outstretched and the diving suit he was wearing blown up like a balloon. At an inquest in 1968, a witness told how Tyler had obviously thrown away his weight belt before he died in a vain attempt to raise himself quickly. From what predicament no one will ever know.
Returning to the Bristol Channel and one February afternoon in 1965, a Minehead couple were driving home when, while heading down a coastal hill from Exford, they both spotted what appeared to be a grey fighter aircraft suddenly pass them at a distance of only 150ft. It was travelling in the same direction but they soon realized its descent could only end in disaster. The driver of the car, a retired radio officer, quickly stopped and grapped his binoculars, watching as the craft continued on until it landed in the Channel with a puff of black smoke and disappeared. An RAF Search and Rescue unit based in Plymouth checked for any missing or overdue aircraft but found there were none. Every plane had been accounted for and what's more, no wreckage was ever recovered that could be linked to a missing fighter.

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