Books By Linda S. Godfrey
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The Beast Of Bray Road
Tailing Wisconsin's Werewolf
The small town of Elkhorn, Wisconsin made national headlines in the
early 1990s with reports of strange, hairy, wolf-headed creatures that sometimes
walked upright and seemed not afraid of man stalking the cornfields just
outside of town. The canid sensation was soon dubbed "Beast of Bray
Road," after the location of the first reported sightings. Nobody has
ever been able to prove whether the beast is a flesh-and-blood werewolf
or will-o'-the-wisp, demon dog, or noble animal. But the author gives the
reader plenty to chew on. Drag these stories into the safest recesses of
your private den. Then make up your own mind, if you do so at all, only
after the marrow has been extracted and well digested.