Introducing The Finest Rife Research Instrument
The BCX Ultra
And New, Advance Beam Ray Accessories!
Shift Your Frequency And Transform Your Life
- By exposing disease organisms to highly-modified
forms of their own unique frequency, viruses and bacteria can be
eliminated by the millions leaving healthy tissue unharmed. Validated
by nearly 80 years of research, this technology can be used for
experimental research purposes on pathogens and other metabolic
deficiencies like Arthritis, Fungus, Virus, Candida, Migraines,
Infections, Herpes, Lyme disease, Depression, Kidney Insufficiency,
Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Liver Congestion & many
other conditions.
- Physicists Kill Viruses With Rife's Genius -
NO Credit Given
- The Advanced BCX ULTRA Radio Frequency Plasma Ray
Tube brings Rife- type radio frequency instrumentation into the
21st Century with unequalled precision and performance.
The NEW BCX ULTRA features -
- ** 1236 Pre-programmed channels for
many common conditions
- ** 256 channels to program with your
own frequencies
- ** Frequency plasma tubes with a range
up to 50,000 hz
- ** Electrode delivery with a range up
to 1,000,000 MHz
- ** An exciting range of Wave forms ·
square, sine, triangle
- and more to assist with the advanced

Learn how specific frequencies can help recharge your body by
cleansing and strengthening your immune system. Balance your energy
field to help bring in higher energies for body mind & soul.
You may also charge your water, crystals, healing grids, your
space and yourself.
Charge your body and cells with the right frequency and you can
prevent disease. Why wait?
The BCX Ultra comes standard with handheld state-of-the-art Beam
Ray Tubes, stainless steel foot plates for optional simutaneous
use, and optional use hand cylinders
There is no finer frequency research instrument
available than the BCX Ultra
The BCX Ultra Ray Tubes
Versus Pads
The Importance Of Using Ray
Tubes In Rife Frequency Research
- 1. Royal R. Rife always used ray tubes with his
fredquency devices.
- 2. The BCX Ultra Hand Held Ray Tubes complete
the circuit by running through the body between the Ray Tubes held
in each hand, thus guaranteeing that the frequencies flow through
the entire subject.
- 3. The Ray Tubes produce a much higher voltage
than pad devices and push the frequencies far deeper into the research
- 4. There is also the Magnetic Effect produced
by gas-filled Ray Tubes (this can be tested) that especially - when
used in conjunction with the radio frequencies (RF) - penetrates
thoroughly into the subject.
- 6. Most people prefer the "soft" "energetic" "warm"
feel of the glass tubes compared to the electrical bite felt from
the stainless steel metal electrodes.
- 7. Many people report that the glass Ray Tubes
'glow and flow' has a relaxing calming, softening effect on their
Standard Included BCX Ultra Accessories
(2) RAY TUBES hand-held glass tubes, (2) Metal footplates,
(2) Metal hand held cylinder and (2) Gel pads

Our Classic Hand Held Ray Tubes

BCX Ultra Hand Held Raytubes
(included w Standard Package)
Operate at a 100,000 hz carrier frequency
.Can be modulated 1 to 100,000 hz w any
wave form (square, sine, etc.)
.Variable Intensity
Power - 30 watts maximum
Connects right to your BCX Ultra unit
Our New Double Beam Ray Tube
(Beam Tube- Plasma Carrier Modulator)

Generates Plasma discharge and minor Electric Field
Operating frequency: 1Hz to 4 MHz
Wave Form: (square, sine, etc.) Variable Intensity
Power: 125 microjoules/pulse (96 watts @ 4.00 MHz)
Phanatron Tube Connects right to your BCX Ultra
Cost: $2675
The Rife Vortex Ray Tube

Vortex Ray Tube Photos
Operates at a 100,000 hz carrier frequency
Can be modulated 1 to 100,000hz with any wave form (square, sine,
Frequency range goes up to 50,000 hz
Variable Intensity
Power - 48 watts maximum
Connects right to your BCX Ultra unit
Cost - $1195
Read Some Of Our Glowing Testimonials!
Click HERE
Important Information About Frequencies, Waveforms, Harmonics and
Power click HERE
Big Success With Lyme Disease. Click HERE
The magnificent BCX Ultra comes
with a complete manual of
experimental frequency recommendations, a highly-informative DVD,
and complete phone support with the experts when needed.
The Greatest Scientific Medical
Genius Of Our Age
Royal Raymond Rife

Universal Virus Microscope #3

Royal Raymond Rife
To read more about Dr. Rife...
Royal Raymond Rife
by Jeff Rense
Genius Of Royal Rife
New Medical
Research Show Rife Frequencies Kill Cancer
Incredible Cures
Ignored By Science - Royal Rife
Rife Research
The Ultimate DVD Documentary On The
Unsurpassed Triumph And
Government Efforts To DestroyThe Brilliance Of Royal Raymond Rife,
The Man Who Could Have Ended Most ALL Microbially-Caused Disease.
Hear Rife's Own Voice Describe His Work!
Narrated by Jeff Rense

New Earth Health Solutions