Note - Mr. Chappelle does not claim to be a scientist and offers this only as a 'common sense theory' with no specific data to back it up.
Ten years ago i figured out what the ozone problem really was about - at least my theory:
For the last hundred years, the atmosphere has effectively been "mined" of a considerable bit of oxygen in order to make new materials and compunds.
Although the atmosphere is inconcievably vast and it is hard to imagine that enough oxygen could be removed to make a difference, the percentage of atmosphere which is at the altitude of the ozone layer is very small and even a removal of a fraction of a percent of oxygen will result in much less available oxygen where the ozone layer is produced.
The ozone layer is lacking because the material from which it is made is lacking.
If it were only the effect of cfc's, then the lessening of the ozone layer would result in more uv radiation going deeper into the atmosphere resulting in the production of more ozone producing in effect a feedback loop that would self regulate the amount of ozone.
And now for an ascii diagram:
. = oxygen - lets call each dot 2 lbs per square inch so that at ground level we have 16 pounds per square inch
normal | remove 2 units | |
High altitude | . | |
ozone layer | .. | . |
... | ... | |
.... | .... | |
medium altitude | ..... | ..... |
...... | ...... | |
low altitude | ....... | ....... |
ground | ........ | ........ |
let's call it 36 units. remove 2 units
You can see that by removing only two units in this diagram results in 1/3 the oxygen needed to maintain the ozone layer.
Now, this is a linear representation but the actual scale would be curved - a log scale:
. =1/4 pound per square inch
ozone layer | . |
.. | |
.... | |
medium altitude | ........ |
................ | |
low altitude | ................................. |
ground | ................................................................ |
Now it is clear that removal of a very small number at the bottom of the scale would have very much more significant effects at the top of the scale. If we remove less than one percent the top layer is gone. In reality, the percentage required to produce a significant effect would be much smaller.
Of course, none of this is to scale.
I'm sure that NOAA knows about it, but what can they do? Tell the chemical companies to stop making plastics and other new materials? I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.
How do you figure something like this out? When you put a straw in a beverage and suck some fluid up from the bottom of the glass the fluid amount is reduced at the top of the glass, not the bottom. It is just that simple - no wonder they want to blame it on something esoteric and imcomprehensible to the average person.
Now there is a story which suggests a "why" for this in the three-fisted tales of bob . . .
Has the sun changed that much since we have first studied
it, or, for that matter, during the span that life has been on the planet?
And if so, would not life have adapted to this? I don't buy the solar
culprit on this one.