US Army Newest
Bio Warfare Handbook -
Types, Risks, Precautions
Smallpox must be distinguished from other vesicular exanthems, such as chickenpox, erythema multiforme with bullae, or allergic contact dermatitis. Particularly problematic to infection control measures would be the failure to recognize relatively mild cases of smallpox in persons with partial immunity. An additional threat to effective quarantine is the fact that exposed persons may shed virus from the oropharynx without ever manifesting disease. Therefore, quarantine and initiation of medical countermeasures should be promptly followed by an accurate diagnosis so as to avert panic.
The usual method of diagnosis is demonstration of characteristic virions on electron microscopy of vesicular scrapings. Under light microscopy, aggregations of variola virus particles, called Guarnieri bodies, are found. Another rapid but relatively insensitive test for Guarnieri bodies in vesicular scrapings is Gispen's modified silver stain, in which cytoplasmic inclusions appear black.
None of the above laboratory tests are capable of discriminating variola from vaccinia, monkeypox or cowpox. This differentiation classically required isolation of the virus and characterization of its growth on chorioallantoic membrane. The development of polymerase chain reaction diagnostic techniques promises a more accurate and less cumbersome method of discriminating between variola and other Orthopoxviruses.
Medical personnel must be prepared to recognize a vesicular exanthem in possible biowarfare theaters as potentially variola, and to initiate appropriate countermeasures. Any confirmed case of smallpox should be considered an international emergency with immediate report made to public health authorities. Droplet and Airborne Precautions for a minimum of 16-17 days following exposure for all persons in direct contact with the index case, especially the unvaccinated. Patients should be considered infectious until all scabs separate. Immediate vaccination or revaccination should also be undertaken for all personnel exposed to either weaponized variola virus or a clinical case of smallpox.
The potential for airborne spread to other than close contacts is controversial. In general, close person-to-person proximity is required for transmission to reliably occur. Nevertheless, variola's potential in low relative humidity for airborne dissemination was alarming in two hospital outbreaks. Smallpox patients were infectious from the time of onset of their eruptive exanthem, most commonly from days 3-6 after onset of fever. Infectivity was markedly enhanced if the patient manifested a cough. Indirect transmission via contaminated bedding or other fomites was infrequent. Some close contacts harbored virus in their throats without developing disease, and hence might have served as a means of secondary transmission.
Vaccination with a verified clinical "take" (vesicle with scar formation) within the past 3 years is considered to render a person immune to smallpox. However, given the difficulties and uncertainties under wartime conditions of verifying the adequacy of troops' prior vaccination, routine revaccination of all potentially exposed personnel would seem prudent if there existed a significant prospect of smallpox exposure.
Antivirals for use against smallpox are under investigation. Cidofovir has been shown to have significant in vitro and in vivo activity in experimental animals.
Vaccine: Smallpox vaccine (vaccinia virus) is most often administered by intradermal inoculation with a bifurcated needle, a process that became known as scarification because of the permanent scar that resulted. Vaccination after exposure to weaponized smallpox or a case of smallpox is effective in preventing disease if given within 7 days after exposure. A vesicle typically appears at the vaccination site 5-7 days post-inoculation, with surrounding erythema and induration. The lesion forms a scab and gradually heals over the next 1-2 weeks.
Side effects include low-grade fever and axillary lymphadenopathy. The attendant erythema and induration of the vaccination vesicle is frequently misdiagnosed as bacterial superinfection. More severe first-time vaccine reactions include secondary inoculation of the virus to other sites such as the face, eyelid, or other persons (~ 6/10,000 vaccinations), and generalized vaccinia, which is a systemic spread of the virus to produce mucocutaneous lesions away from the primary vaccination site (~3/10,000 vaccinations).
Vaccination is contraindicated in the following conditions: immunosuppression, HIV infection, history or evidence of eczema, or current household, sexual, or other close physical contact with person(s) possessing one of these conditions. In addition, vaccination should not be performed during pregnancy.
Despite the above caveats, most authorities state that, with the exception of significant impairment of systemic immunity, there are no absolute contraindications to post-exposure vaccination of a person who experiences bona fide exposure to variola. However, concomitant VIG administration is recommended for pregnant and eczematous persons in such circumstances.
Passive Immunoprophylaxis: Evidence indicates that vaccinia immune globulin is of value in post-exposure prophylaxis of smallpox when given within the first week following exposure, and concurrently with vaccination. Vaccination alone is recommended for those without contraindications to the vaccine, unless greater than one week has elapsed after exposure. At this time, administration of both products, if available, is recommended.
The U.S. Army maintains a supply of VIG. The dose for prophylaxis or treatment is 0.6 ml/kg intramuscularly. VIG should be available when using vaccinia vaccine for treatment of adverse reactions.
Signs and Symptoms: Sudden onset of illness with generalized malaise, spiking fevers, rigors, severe headache, photophobia, and myalgias. Nausea, vomiting, cough, sore throat, and diarrhea may follow. Full recovery takes 1-2 weeks.
Diagnosis: Clinical diagnosis. Physical findings are usually non-specific. The white blood cell count often shows a striking leukopenia and lymphopenia. Virus isolation may be made from serum, and in some cases throat swab specimens. Both neutralizing or IgG antibody in paired sera or VEE specific IgM present in a single serum sample indicate recent infection.
Treatment: Supportive only.
Prophylaxis: A live, attenuated vaccine is available as an investigational new drug. A second, formalin-inactivated, killed vaccine is available for boosting antibody titers in those initially receiving the live vaccine.
Isolation and Decontamination: Standard Precautions for healthcare workers. Human cases are infectious for mosquitoes for at least 72 hours. The virus can be destroyed by heat (80 degrees centigrade for 30 minutes) and standard disinfectants.
Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) virus is an arthropod-borne alphavirus that is endemic in northern South America, Trinidad, Central America, Mexico, and Florida. Eight serologically distinct viruses belonging to the VEE complex have been associated with human disease; the two most important of these pathogens are designated subtype I, variants A/B, and C. These agents also cause severe disease in horses, mules, burros and donkeys (Equidae). Natural infections are acquired by the bites of a wide variety of mosquitoes. Equidae serve as amplifying hosts and source of mosquito infection. In natural human epidemics, severe and often fatal encephalitis in Equidae always precedes disease in humans. The virus is rather easily killed by heat and disinfectants.
VEE was weaponized by the United States in the 1950's and 1960's before the U.S. offensive biowarfare program was terminated, and other countries have been or are suspected to have weaponized this agent. This virus could theoretically be produced in either a wet or dried form and potentially stabilized for weaponization. This agent could then theoretically be delivered against friendly forces in a manner similar to the other agents already discussed.
As mentioned above, in natural human epidemics, disease in Equidae always precedes that in humans. A biological warfare attack with virus disseminated as an aerosol would almost certainly cause human disease as a primary event. If Equidae were present, disease in these animals would occur simultaneously with human disease. However, during natural epidemics, illness or death in wild or free ranging Equidae may not be recognized before the onset of human disease, thus a natural epidemic could be confused with a BW event, and data on onset of disease should be considered with caution. A more reliable method for determining the likelihood of a BW event would be the presence of VEE outside of its natural geographic range. Secondary spread by person-to-person contact has not been conclusively shown to occur; however, observations during a recent outbreak in Columbia suggest that it may occur often enough to sustain epidemics in the absence of Equidae. A BW attack in a region populated by Equidae and appropriate mosquito vectors could initiate an epizootic/epidemic.
VEE is characterized by inflammation of the meninges of the brain and of the brain itself, thus accounting for the predominance of CNS symptoms in the small percentage of infections that develop encephalitis. The disease is usually acute, prostrating and of short duration. The case fatality rate is less than 1 percent, although is somewhat higher in the very young or aged. Nearly 100 percent of those infected suffer an overt illness. Recovery from an infection results in excellent short-term and long-term immunity.
After an incubation period varying from 1 to 5 days, onset is usually sudden. It is manifested by generalized malaise, spiking fever, rigors, severe headache, photophobia, and myalgias in the legs and lumbosacral area. Nausea, vomiting, cough, sore throat, and diarrhea may follow. This acute phase lasts 24-72 hours. A prolonged period of asthenia and lethargy may follow, with full health and activity regained after 1-2 weeks. Approximately 4 percent of children during natural epidemics develop signs of central nervous system infection, with meningismus, convulsions, coma, and paralysis. Adults rarely develop neurologic complications. In children manifesting severe encephalitis, the fatality rate may reach 20 percent. Permanent neurologic sequelae are reported in survivors. Experimental aerosol challenges in animals suggest that the incidence of CNS disease and associated morbidity and mortality would be high after a BW attack, as the VEE virus would infect the olfactory nerve and spread directly to the CNS. A VEE infection during pregnancy may cause encephalitis in the fetus, placental damage, abortion, or severe congenital neuroanatomical anomalies.
The white blood cell count shows a striking leukopenia and lymphopenia. In cases with encephalitis, the cerebrospinal fluid may be under increased pressure and contain up to 1,000 white cells/mm3 (predominantly mononuclear cells) and a mildly elevated protein concentration. Viremia during the acute phase of the illness (but not during encephalitis) is generally high enough to allow detection by antigen-capture enzyme immunoassay. Virus isolation may be made from serum, and in some cases throat swab specimens, by inoculation of cell cultures or suckling mice. A variety of serological tests are applicable, including the IgM ELISA indirect FA, hemagglutination inhibition, complement-fixation, and neutralization. For persons without prior exposure to VEE complex viruses, a presumptive diagnosis may be made by finding IgM antibody in a single serum sample taken 5 to 7 days after onset of illness.
Standard Precautions are recommended for healthcare workers. Person-to-person transmission may theoretically occur by means of respiratory droplet infection. There is no specific therapy. Patients with uncomplicated VEE infection may be treated with analgesics to relieve headache and myalgia. Patients who develop encephalitis may require anticonvulsants and intensive supportive care to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance, ensure adequate ventilation, and avoid complicating secondary bacterial infections. Patients should be treated in a screened room or in quarters treated with a residual insecticide for at least 5 days after onset, or until afebrile, as human cases may be infectious for mosquitoes for at least 72 hours. The virus can be destroyed by heat and disinfectants.
Vaccine: An investigational vaccine, designated TC-83, is a live, attenuated cell-culture-propagated vaccine which has been used in several thousand persons to prevent laboratory infections. The vaccine is given as a single 0.5 ml subcutaneous dose. Febrile reactions occur in up to 18 percent of persons vaccinated, and may be moderate to severe in 5 percent, with fever, myalgias, headache, and prostration. Approximately 18 percent of vaccinees fail to develop detectable neutralizing antibodies, but it is unknown whether they are susceptible to clinical infection if challenged. Contraindications for use include an intercurrent viral infection or pregnancy. TC-83 is a licensed vaccine for Equidae.
A second investigational product that has been tested in humans is the C-84 vaccine, prepared by formalin-inactivation of the TC-83 strain. The vaccine is not used for primary immunization, but is currently used to boost nonresponders to TC-83 (0.5 ml subcutaneously at 2-4 week intervals for up to 3 inoculations or until an antibody response is measured), and probably affords complete protection against aerosol infection from homologous strains in these individuals. As with all vaccines, the degree of protection depends upon the magnitude of the challenge dose; vaccine-induced protection could be overwhelmed by extremely high doses.
Antiviral Drugs: In experimental animals, alpha-interferon and the interferon-inducer poly-ICLC have proven highly effective for post-exposure prophylaxis of VEE. There are no clinical data on which to assess efficacy in humans.
Signs and Symptoms: VHFs are febrile illnesses which can be complicated by easy bleeding, petechiae, hypotension and even shock, flushing of the face and chest, and edema. Constitutional symptoms such as malaise, myalgias, headache, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur in any of the hemorrhagic fevers.
Diagnosis: Definitive diagnosis rests on specific virologic techniques. Significant numbers of military personnel with a hemorrhagic fever syndrome should suggest the diagnosis of a viral hemorrhagic fever.
Treatment: Intensive supportive care may be required. Antiviral therapy with ribavirin may be useful in several of these infections. Convalescent plasma may be effective in Argentine hemorrhagic fever.
Prophylaxis: The only licensed VHF vaccine is yellow fever vaccine. Prophylactic ribavirin may be effective for Lassa fever, Rift Valley fever, CCHF, and possibly HFRS.
Isolation and Decontamination: Contact Precautions for healthcare workers. Decontamination is accomplished with hypochlorite or phenolic disinfectants. Isolation measures and barrier nursing procedures are indicated.
The viral hemorrhagic fevers are a diverse group of human illnesses that are due to RNA viruses from several different viral families: the Filoviridae, which consists of Ebola and Marburg viruses; the Arenaviridae, including Lassa fever, Argentine and Bolivian hemorrhagic fever viruses; the Bunyaviridae, including various members from the Hantavirus genus, Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever virus from the Nairovirus genus, and Rift Valley fever from the Phlebovirus genus; and Flaviviridae, such as Yellow fever virus, Dengue hemorrhagic fever virus, and others. The viruses may be spread in a variety of ways, and for some there is a possibility that humans could be infected through a respiratory portal of entry. Although evidence for weaponization does not exist for many of these viruses, many are included in this handbook because of their potential for aerosol dissemination or weaponization, or likelihood for confusion with similar agents which might be weaponized.
Because these viruses are so diverse and occur in different geographic locations endemically, their full history is beyond the scope of this handbook. However, there are some significant events for each of them that may provide insight into their possible importance as biological threat agents.
Ebola virus disease was first recognized in the western equatorial province of the Sudan and the nearby region of Zaire in 1976; a second outbreak occurred in Sudan in 1979, and in 1995 a large outbreak (316 cases) developed in Kikwit, Zaire from a single index case. Subsequent epidemics have occurred in Gabon and the Ivory Coast. A related virus was isolated from a group of infected cynomolgus monkeys imported into the United States from the Philippines in 1989. As of yet, this Ebola Reston strain has not been determined as a cause of human disease. The African strains have caused severe disease and death, and it is not known why this disease only appears infrequently or why the most recent strain appears to be less pathogenic in humans. Marburg disease has been identified on four occasions as causing disease in man: three times in Africa, and once in Germany, where the virus got its name. The first recognized outbreak of Marburg disease involved 31 infected persons in Germany and Yugoslavia who were exposed to African green monkeys, with 7 fatalities. It is unclear how easily these filoviruses can be spread from human to human, but spread definitely occurs by direct contact with infected blood, secretions, organs, or semen. The reservoir in nature for these viruses is unknown.
Argentine hemorrhagic fever (AHF), caused by the Junin virus, was first described in 1955 in corn harvesters. It is spread in nature through contact with infected rodent excreta. From 300 to 600 cases per year occur in areas of the Argentine pampas. Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, caused by the related Machupo virus, was described subsequent to AHF in northeastern Bolivia. These viruses have caused laboratory infections, and airborne transmission via dusts contaminated with rodent excreta may occur. A related African arenavirus, Lassa virus, causes disease which is widely distributed over West Africa.
Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a tick-borne disease which occurs in the Crimea and in parts of Africa, Europe and Asia. It can also be spread by contact with infected animals or nosocomially in healthcare settings. Rift Valley fever occurs only in Africa, and can occasionally cause explosive disease outbreaks. Hantavirus disease was described prior to WW II in Manchuria along the Amur River, later among United Nations troops during the Korean conflict, and since that time in Korea, Japan, and China. Hemorrhagic disease due to hantaviruses also occurs in Europe (usually in a milder form) and a non-hemorrhagic Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome occurs in the Americas and probably worldwide.
Yellow fever and dengue fever are two mosquito-borne fevers which can cause a hemorrhagic fever syndrome and have great historic importance in the history of military campaigns and military medicine.
All of these viruses (except for dengue virus) are infectious by aerosol or fomites. Since most patients are viremic, there is a potential for nosocomial transmission to patients, medical staff, and particularly laboratory personnel. Hantavirus infections are an exception, as at the time of presentation, viremia is waning and circulating antibody is present.
The age and sex distributions of each disease as it occurs endemically generally reflect the opportunities for zoonotic exposure to the disease reservoir. The way in which the filoviruses are transmitted to humans is not well understood.
The clinical syndrome which these viruses may cause in humans is generally referred to as viral hemorrhagic fever or VHF. Not all infected patients develop VHF; there is both divergence and uncertainty about which host factors and virus strain differences might be responsible for clinically manifesting hemorrhagic disease. For instance, an immunopathogenic mechanism has been identified for dengue hemorrhagic fever, which is seen only in patients previously infected with a heterologous dengue serotype. The target organ in the VHF syndrome is the vascular bed; correspondingly, the dominant clinical features are usually a consequence of microvascular damage and changes in vascular permeability. Common presenting complaints are fever, myalgia, and prostration; clinical examination may reveal only conjunctival injection, mild hypotension, flushing, and petechial hemorrhages. Full-blown VHF typically evolves to shock and generalized mucous membrane hemorrhage and often is accompanied by evidence of neurologic, hematopoietic, or pulmonary involvement. Apart from epidemiologic and intelligence information, some distinctive clinical features may suggest a specific etiologic agent: high AST elevation correlates with severity of illness from Lassa fever, and jaundice is a poor prognostic sign in yellow fever. Hepatic involvement is common among the VHFs, but a clinical picture dominated by jaundice and other evidence of hepatic failure is only seen in some cases of Rift Valley fever, Congo-Crimean HF, Marburg HF, Ebola HF, and yellow fever. Neurologic symptoms and thrombocytopenia are common in Argentine and Bolivian hemorrhagic fever. Kyanasur Forest disease and Omsk hemorrhagic fever are notable for a concomitant pulmonary involvement, and a biphasic illness with subsequent CNS manifestations. With regard to the Bunyaviruses, copious hemorrhage and nosocomial transmission are typical for Congo-Crimean HF, and retinitis is commonly seen in Rift Valley fever. Renal insufficiency is proportional to cardiovascular compromise, except in hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) due to hantaviruses, where renal azotemia is an integral part of the disease process. Mortality may be substantial, ranging from 5 to 20 percent or higher in recognized cases. Ebola outbreaks in Africa have been notable for the extreme prostration and toxicity of the victims, as well as frighteningly high case fatality rates ranging from 50 to 90 percent. This particularly virulent virus could conceivably be chosen by an adversary as a biological warfare agent due to its probable aerosol infectivity and high mortality.
A detailed travel history and a high index of suspicion are essential in making the diagnosis of VHF. Patients with arenaviral or hantaviral infections often recall having seen rodents during the presumed incubation period, but, since the viruses are spread to man by aerosolized excreta or environmental contamination, actual contact with the reservoir is not necessary. Large mosquito populations are common during Rift Valley fever or flaviviral transmission, but a history of mosquito bite is sufficiently common to be of little assistance, whereas tick bites or nosocomial exposure are of some significance in suspecting Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever. Large numbers of military personnel presenting with VHF manifestations in the same geographic area over a short time period should lead treating medical care providers to suspect either a natural outbreak if in an endemic setting, or possibly a biowarfare attack, particularly if this type of disease does not occur naturally in the local area where troops are deployed.
VHF should be suspected in any patient presenting with a severe febrile illness and evidence of vascular involvement (subnormal blood pressure, postural hypotension, petechiae, easy bleeding, flushing of face and chest, non-dependent edema) who has traveled to an area where the virus is known to occur, or where intelligence information suggests a biological warfare threat. Signs and symptoms suggesting additional organ system involvement are common (headache, photophobia, pharyngitis, cough, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, hyperesthesia, dizziness, confusion, tremor), but usually do not dominate the picture with the exceptions listed above under "Clinical Features."
For much of the world, the major differential diagnosis is malaria. It must be borne in mind that parasitemia in patients partially immune to malaria does not prove that symptoms are due to malaria. Typhoid fever, rickettsial, and leptospiral diseases are major confounding infections, with nontyphoidal salmonellosis, shigellosis, relapsing fever, fulminant hepatitis, and meningococcemia being some of the other important diagnoses to exclude. Any condition leading to disseminated intravascular coagulation could present in a confusing fashion, as well as diseases such as acute leukemia, lupus erythematosus, idiopathic or thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, and hemolytic uremic syndrome.
Because of recent recognition of their worldwide occurrence, additional consideration should be given to infection with hantavirus. Classic HFRS (also referred to as Korean hemorrhagic fever or epidemic hemorrhagic fever) has a severe course which progresses sequentially from fever through hemorrhage, shock, renal failure, and polyuria. This clinical form of HFRS is widely distributed in China, the Korean peninsula, and the Far Eastern USSR. Severe disease also is found in some Balkan states, including Bosnia/Serbia and Greece. However, the Scandinavian and most European virus strains carried by bank voles usually produce a milder disease (referred to as nephropathia epidemica) with prominent fever, myalgia, abdominal pain, and oliguria, but without shock or severe hemorrhagic manifestations. Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, recently recognized in the Americas and probably worldwide, lacks hemorrhagic manifestations, but nevertheless carries a very high mortality due to its rapidly progressive and severe pulmonary capillary leak which presents as ARDS.
The clinical laboratory can be very helpful. Thrombocytopenia (exception: Lassa) and leukopenia (exception: Lassa, Hantaan, and some severe CCHF cases) are the rule. Proteinuria and/or hematuria are common, and their presence is the rule for Argentine HF, Bolivian HF, and HFRS. A positive tourniquet test has been particularly useful in Dengue hemorrhagic fever, but should be sought in other hemorrhagic fevers as well.
Definitive diagnosis in an individual case rests on specific virologic diagnosis. Most patients have readily detectable viremia at presentation (exception: hantaviral infections). Rapid enzyme immunoassays can detect viral antigens in acute sera from patients with Lassa, Argentine HF, Rift Valley fever, Congo-Crimean HF, yellow fever and specific IgM antibodies in early convalescence. Lassa- and Hantaan-specific IgM often are detectable during the acute illness. Diagnosis by virus cultivation and identification will require 3 to 10 days or longer. With the exception of dengue, specialized microbiologic containment is required for safe handling of these viruses. Appropriate precautions should be observed in collection, handling, shipping, and processing of diagnostic samples. Both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, Atlanta, Georgia) and the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID, Frederick, Maryland) have diagnostic laboratories functioning at the highest (BL-4 or P-4) containment level.
Contact Precautions required for healthcare workers. General principles of supportive care apply to hemodynamic, hematologic, pulmonary, and neurologic manifestations of VHF, regardless of the specific etiologic agent concerned. Patients generally are either moribund or recovering by the second week of illness, but only intensive care will save the most severely ill patients. Health care providers employing vigorous fluid resuscitation of patients with hemodynamic compromise must be mindful of the propensity of some VHF cases (e.g., hantaviral) for pulmonary capillary leak. Pressor agents are frequently required. Invasive hemodynamic monitoring should be used where normal indications warrant, but extra caution should be exercised with regard to sharp objects and their potential for nosocomial transmission of a viral agent (see below). Intramuscular injections, aspirin and other anticoagulant drugs should be avoided. Restlessness, confusion, myalgia, and hyperesthesia should be managed by conservative measures and judicious use of sedative, pain-relieving, and amnestic medications. Secondary infections may occur as with any patient undergoing intensive care and invasive procedures, such as intravenous lines and indwelling catheters.
The management of clinical bleeding should follow the same principles as for any patient with a systemic coagulopathy, assisted by coagulation studies. DIC has been implicated specifically in Rift Valley fever and Marburg/Ebola infections, but in most VHF the etiology of the coagulopathy is multifactorial (e.g., hepatic damage, consumptive coagulopathy, and primary marrow injury to megakaryocytes). Dengue HF is a notable case where antibody-mediated enhancement of dengue virus infection of monocytes and cytotoxic T-cell responses to these presented viral antigens precipitates vascular injury and permeability, complement activation, and a systemic coagulopathy.
The investigational antiviral drug ribavirin is available via compassionate use protocols for therapy of Lassa fever, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever, and Rift Valley fever. Separate Phase III efficacy trials have indicated that parenteral ribavirin reduces morbidity in both HFRS and Lassa fever, in addition to lowering mortality in the latter disease. In the human field trial with HFRS, treatment was effective if begun within the first 4 days of fever, and was continued for 7 days total. For Lassa fever patients, a compassionate use protocol utilizing intravenous ribavirin as a treatment is sponsored by the CDC. Dosages used were slightly different, and continued for 10 days total; treatment is most effective if begun within 7 days of onset. The only significant side effect of ribavirin is a modest anemia related to reversible block in erythropoiesis and mild hemolysis. Although ribavirin has demonstrated teratogenicity in animal studies, its use in a pregnant woman with grave illness from one of these VHFs must be weighed against potential benefit. Safety in infants and children has not been established. A similar dose of ribavirin begun within 4 days of disease may be effective in HFRS patients. It is important to note that ribavirin has poor in vitro and in vivo activity against either the filoviruses (Marburg and Ebola) or the flaviviruses (Dengue, Yellow Fever, Omsk HF and Kyanasur Forest Disease).
Argentine HF responds to therapy with 2 or more units of convalescent plasma containing adequate amounts of neutralizing antibody and given within 8 days of onset.
The only established and licensed virus-specific vaccine available for any of the hemorrhagic fever viruses is Yellow Fever vaccine, which is mandatory for travelers to endemic areas of Africa and South America. Argentine hemorrhagic fever (AHF) vaccine is a live, attenuated, investigational vaccine developed at USAMRIID, which has proved efficacious both in an animal model and in a field trial in South America, and seems to protect against Bolivian hemorrhagic fever (BHF) as well. Both inactivated and live-attenuated Rift Valley fever vaccines are currently under investigation. There is no currently available vaccine for either the filoviruses or for dengue.
Persons with percutaneous or mucocutaneous exposure to blood, body fluids, secretions, or excretions from a patient with suspected VHF should immediately wash the affected skin surface(s) with soap and water. Mucous membranes should be irrigated with copious amounts of water or saline.
Close personal contacts or medical personnel extensively exposed to blood or secretions from VHF patients (particularly Lassa fever, CCHF, and filoviral diseases) should be monitored for fever and other disease manifestations during a time equal to the established incubation period. A DoD compassionate use protocol exists for prophylactic administration of oral ribavirin to high risk contacts (direct exposure to body fluids) of Congo-Crimean HF patients. A similar post-exposure prophylaxis strategy has been suggested for high contacts of Lassa fever patients. Most patients will tolerate this drug dose well, but patients should be under surveillance for breakthrough disease (especially after drug cessation) or adverse drug effects (principally anemia).
It should be noted that strict adherence to Contact Precautions has halted secondary transmission in the vast majority of circumstances. With the exception of dengue (virus present, but no secondary infection hazard) and hantaviruses (infectious virus not present in blood or excreta at the time of diagnosis), VHF patients generally have significant quantities of virus in blood and often other secretions. Special caution must be exercised in handling sharps, needles, and other potential sources of parenteral exposure. Clinical laboratory personnel are also at risk for exposure, and should employ a biosafety cabinet (if available) and barrier precautions when handling specimens.
Caution should be exercised in evaluating and treating the patient with a suspected VHF. Over-reaction on the part of health care providers is inappropriate and detrimental to both patient and staff, but it is prudent to provide as rigorous isolation measures as feasible. These should include: isolation of the patient; stringent adherence to barrier nursing practices; mask, gown, glove, and needle precautions; decontamination of the outside of double-bagged specimens proceeding from the patient’s room; autoclaving or liberal application of hypochlorite or phenolic disinfectants to excreta and other contaminated materials; and biosafety cabinet containment of laboratory specimens undergoing analysis.
Experience has shown that Marburg, Ebola, Lassa, and Congo-Crimean HF viruses may be particularly prone to aerosol nosocomial spread. Well-documented secondary infections among contacts and medical personnel who were not parenterally exposed have occurred. Sometimes this occurred when the acute hemorrhagic disease (as seen in CCHF) mimicked a surgical emergency such as a bleeding gastric ulcer, with subsequent exposure and secondary spread among emergency and operating room personnel. Therefore, when a significant suspicion of one of these diseases exists, additional management measures should include: an anteroom adjoining the patient’s isolation room to facilitate putting on and removing protective barriers and storage of supplies; use of a negative pressure room for patient care if available; minimal handling of the body should the patient die, with sealing of the corpse in leak-proof material for prompt burial or cremation.
No carrier state has ever been observed with any VHF, but excretion of virus in urine (e.g., hantaviruses) or semen (e.g., Argentine hemorrhagic fever) may occur in convalescence.
Toxins are defined as any toxic substance of natural origin produced by an animal, plant, or microbe. They are different from chemical agents such as VX, cyanide, or mustard in that they are not man-made. They are non-volatile, are usually not dermally active (mycotoxins are an exception), and tend to be more toxic per weight than many chemical agents. Their lack of volatility also distinguishes them from many of the chemical threat agents, and is very important in that they would not be either a persistent battlefield threat or be likely to produce secondary or person to person exposures. Many of the toxins, such as low molecular weight toxins and some peptides, are quite stable, as where the stability of the larger protein bacterial toxins is more variable. The bacterial toxins, such as botulinum toxins or shiga toxin, tend to be the most toxic in terms of dose required for lethality (Appendix C), whereas the mycotoxins tend to be among the least toxic compounds, thousands of times less toxic than the botulinum toxins. Some toxins are more toxic by the aerosol route than when delivered orally or parenterally (ricin, saxitoxin, and T2 mycotoxins are examples), whereas botulinum toxins have lower toxicity when delivered by the aerosol route than when ingested. However, botulinum is so toxic inherently that this characteristic does not limit its potential as a biological warfare agent. The utility of many toxins as military weapons is potentially limited by their inherent low toxicity (too much toxin would be required), or by the fact that some, such as saxitoxin, can only feasibly be produced in minute quantities. The relationship between aerosol toxicity and the quantity of toxin required to provide an effective open-air exposure is shown in Appendix D. The lower the lethal dose for fifty percent of those exposed (LD50), in micrograms per kilogram, the less agent would be required to cover a large battlefield sized area. The converse is also true, and means that for some agents such as ricin, very large quantities (tons) would be needed for an effective open-air attack.
Where toxins are concerned, incapacitation as well as lethality must be considered. Several toxins cause significant illness at levels much lower than the level required for lethality, and are thus militarily significant in their ability to incapacitate soldiers.
This manual will cover four toxins considered to be among the most likely toxins which could be used against U.S. forces: botulinum toxins, staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB), ricin, and T-2 mycotoxins.
Signs and Symptoms: Ptosis, generalized weakness, dizziness, dry mouth and throat, blurred vision and diplopia, dysarthria, dysphonia, and dysphagia followed by symmetrical descending flaccid paralysis and development of respiratory failure. Symptoms begin as early as 24-36 hours but may take several days after inhalation of toxin.
Diagnosis: Clinical diagnosis. No routine laboratory findings. Biowarfare attack should be suspected if multiple casualties simultaneously present with progressive descending bulbar, muscular, and respiratory weakness.
Treatment: Intubation and ventilatory assistance for respiratory failure. Tracheostomy may be required. Administration of heptavalent botulinum antitoxin (IND product) may prevent or decrease progression to respiratory failure and hasten recovery.
Prophylaxis: Pentavalent toxoid vaccine (types A, B, C, D, and E) is available as an IND product for those at high risk of exposure.
Isolation and Decontamination: Standard Precautions for healthcare workers. Toxin is not dermally active and secondary aerosols are not a hazard from patients. Hypochlorite (0.5% for 10-15 minutes) and/or soap and water.
The botulinum toxins are a group of seven related neurotoxins produced by the bacillus Clostridium botulinum. These toxins, types A through G, could be delivered by aerosol over concentrations of troops. When inhaled, these toxins produce a clinical picture very similar to foodborne intoxication, although the time to onset of paralytic symptoms may actually be longer than for foodborne cases, and may vary by type and dose of toxin. The clinical syndrome produced by one or more of these toxins is known as "botulism".
Botulinum toxins have caused numerous cases of botulism when ingested in improperly prepared or canned foods. Many deaths have occurred secondary to such incidents. It is feasible to deliver botulinum toxins as a biological weapon, and other countries have weaponized or are suspected to have weaponized one or more of this group of toxins. Iraq admitted to a United Nations inspection team in August of 1991 that it had done research on the offensive use of botulinum toxins prior to the Persian Gulf War, which occurred in January and February of that year. Further information given in 1995 revealed that Iraq had not only researched the use of this toxin as a weapon, but had filled and deployed over 100 munitions with botulinum toxin.
Botulinum toxins are proteins of approximately 150,000 kD molecular weight which can be produced from the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium botulinum. As noted above, there are seven distinct but related neurotoxins, A through G, produced by different strains of the clostridial bacillus. All seven types act by similar mechanisms. The toxins produce similar effects when inhaled or ingested, although the time course may vary depending on the route of exposure and the dose received. Although an aerosol attack is by far the most likely scenario for the use of botulinum toxins, theoretically the agent could be used to sabotage food supplies; enemy special forces or terrorists might use this method in certain scenarios to produce foodborne botulism in those so targeted.
The botulinum toxins as a group are among the most toxic compounds known to man. Appendix C shows the comparative lethality of selected toxins and chemical agents in laboratory mice. Botulinum toxin is the most toxic compound per weight of agent, requiring only 0.001 microgram per kilogram of body weight to kill 50 percent of the animals studied. As a group, bacterial toxins such as botulinum tend to be the most lethal of all toxins. Note that botulinum toxin type A is 15,000 times more toxic than VX and 100,000 times more toxic than Sarin, two of the well known organophosphate nerve agents.
Botulinum toxins act by binding to the presynaptic nerve terminal at the neuromuscular junction and at cholinergic autonomic sites. These toxins then act to prevent the release of acetylcholine presynaptically, and thus block neurotransmission. This interruption of neurotransmission causes both bulbar palsies and the skeletal muscle weakness seen in clinical botulism.
Unlike the situation with nerve agent intoxication, where there is too much acetylcholine due to inhibition of acetylcholinesterase, the problem in botulism is lack of the neurotransmitter in the synapse. Thus, pharmacologic measures such as atropine are not indicated in botulism and would likely exacerbate symptoms.
The onset of symptoms of inhalation botulism may vary from 24 to 36 hours, to several days following exposure. Recent primate studies indicate that the signs and symptoms may in fact not appear for several days when a low dose of the toxin is inhaled versus a shorter time period following ingestion of toxin or inhalation of higher doses. Bulbar palsies are prominent early, with eye symptoms such as blurred vision due to mydriasis, diplopia, ptosis, and photophobia, in addition to other bulbar signs such as dysarthria, dysphonia, and dysphagia. Skeletal muscle paralysis follows, with a symmetrical, descending, and progressive weakness which may culminate abruptly in respiratory failure. Progression from onset of symptoms to respiratory failure has occurred in as little as 24 hours in cases of foodborne botulism.
Physical examination usually reveals an alert and oriented patient without fever. Postural hypotension may be present. Mucous membranes may be dry and crusted and the patient may complain of dry mouth or even sore throat. There may be difficulty with speaking and with swallowing. Gag reflex may be absent. Pupils may be dilated and even fixed. Ptosis and extraocular muscle palsies may also be observed. Variable degrees of skeletal muscle weakness may be observed depending on the degree of progression in an individual patient. Deep tendon reflexes may be present or absent. With severe respiratory muscle paralysis, the patient may become cyanotic or exhibit narcosis from CO2 retention.
The occurrence of an epidemic of cases of a descending and progressive bulbar and skeletal paralysis in afebrile patients points to the diagnosis of botulinum intoxication. Foodborne outbreaks tend to occur in small clusters and have never occurred in soldiers on military rations such as MRE’s (Meals, Ready to Eat). Higher numbers of cases in a theater of operations should raise at least the consideration of a biological warfare attack with aerosolized botulinum toxin. Foodborne outbreaks are theoretically possible in troops on normal "A" rations.
Individual cases might be confused clinically with other neuromuscular disorders such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, myasthenia gravis, or tick paralysis. The edrophonium or Tensilon® test may be transiently positive in botulism, so it may not distinguish botulinum intoxication from myasthenia. The cerebrospinal fluid in botulism is normal and the paralysis is generally symmetrical, which distinguishes it from enteroviral myelitis. Mental status changes generally seen in viral encephalitis should not occur with botulinum intoxication.
It may become necessary to distinguish nerve agent and/or atropine poisoning from botulinum intoxication. Nerve agent poisoning produces copious respiratory secretions and miotic pupils, whereas there is if anything a decrease in secretions in botulinum intoxication. Atropine overdose is distinguished from botulism by its central nervous system excitation (hallucinations and delirium) even though the mucous membranes are dry and mydriasis is present. The clinical differences between botulinum intoxication and nerve agent poisoning are depicted in Appendix E.
Laboratory testing is generally not helpful in the diagnosis of botulism. Survivors do not usually develop an antibody response due to the very small amount of toxin necessary to produce clinical symptoms. Detection of toxin in serum or gastric contents is possible, and mouse neutralization (bioassay) remains the most sensitive test. Other assays include gel hydralization or ELISA. Serum specimens should be drawn from suspected cases and held for testing at such a facility.
Respiratory failure secondary to paralysis of respiratory muscles is the most serious complication and, generally, the cause of death. Reported cases of botulism prior to 1950 had a mortality of 60%. With tracheostomy or endotracheal intubation and ventilatory assistance, fatalities should be less than five percent. Intensive and prolonged nursing care may be required for recovery which may take several weeks or even months.
Antitoxin: In isolated cases of food-borne botulism, circulating toxin is present, perhaps due to continued absorption through the gut wall. Botulinum antitoxin (equine origin) has been used in those circumstances, and is thought to be helpful. Animal experiments show that after aerosol exposure, botulinum antitoxin can be very effective if given before the onset of clinical signs. Administration of antitoxin is reasonable if disease has not progressed to a stable state.
A trivalent equine antitoxin has been available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for cases of foodborne botulism. This product has all the disadvantages of a horse serum product, including the risks of anaphylaxis and serum sickness. A "despeciated" equine heptavalent antitoxin against types A, B, C, D, E, F, and G has been prepared by cleaving the Fc fragments from horse IgG molecules, leaving F(ab) 2 fragments. This product is under advanced development, and is currently available under IND status. Its efficacy is inferred from its performance in animal studies. Disadvantages include a reduced, but theoretical risk of serum sickness.
Use of the antitoxin requires skin testing for horse serum sensitivity prior to administration. Skin testing is performed by injecting 0.1 ml of a 1:10 dilution (in sterile physiological saline) of antitoxin intradermally in the patient’s forearm with a 26 or 27 gauge needle. Monitor the injection site and observe the patient for allergic reaction for 20 minutes. The skin test is positive if any of these allergic reactions occur: hyperemic areola at the site of the injection 0.5 cm; fever or chills; hypotension with decrease of blood pressure 20 mm Hg for systolic and diastolic pressures; skin rash; respiratory difficulty; nausea or vomiting; generalized itching. Do NOT administer Botulinum F(ab’)2 Antitoxin, Heptavalent (equine derived) if the skin test is positive. If no allergic symptoms are observed, the antitoxin is administered intravenously in a normal saline solution, 10 mls over 20 minutes.
With a positive skin test, desensitization is carried out by administering 0.01 - 0.1 ml of antitoxin subcutaneously, doubling the previous dose every 20 minutes until 1.0 - 2.0 ml can be sustained without any marked reaction.
Vaccine: A pentavalent toxoid of Clostridium botulinum toxin types A, B, C, D, and E is available under an IND status. This product has been administered to several thousand volunteers and occupationally at-risk workers, and induces serum antitoxin levels that correspond to protective levels in experimental animal systems. The currently recommended primary series of 0, 2, and 12 weeks, then a 1 year booster induces protective antibody levels in greater than 90 percent of vaccinees after one year. Adequate antibody levels are transiently induced after three injections, but decline prior to the one year booster.
Contraindications to the vaccine include sensitivities to alum, formaldehyde, and thimerosal, or hypersensitivity to a previous dose. Reactogenicity is mild, with two to four percent of vaccinees reporting erythema, edema, or induration at the local site of injection which peaks at 24 to 48 hours, then dissipates. The frequency of such local reactions increases with each subsequent inoculation; after the second and third doses, seven to ten percent will have local reactions, with higher incidence (up to twenty percent or so) after boosters. Severe local reactions are rare, consisting of more extensive edema or induration. Systemic reactions are reported in up to three percent, consisting of fever, malaise, headache, and myalgia. Incapacitating reactions (local or systemic) are uncommon. The vaccine should be stored at refrigerator temperatures (not frozen).
Three or more vaccine doses at 0, 2, and 12 weeks, then at 1 year if possible, all by deep subcutaneous injection are recommended for selected individuals or groups judged at high risk for exposure to botulinum toxin aerosols. There is no indication at present for use of botulinum antitoxin as a prophylactic modality except under extremely specialized circumstances.
Signs and Symptoms: From 3-12 hours after aerosol exposure, sudden onset of fever, chills, headache, myalgia, and nonproductive cough. Some patients may develop shortness of breath and retrosternal chest pain. Fever may last 2 to 5 days, and cough may persist for up to 4 weeks. Patients may also present with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea if they swallow toxin. Presumably, higher exposure can lead to septic shock and death.
Diagnosis: Diagnosis is clinical. Patients present with a febrile respiratory syndrome without CXR abnormalities. Large numbers of soldiers presenting with typical symptoms and signs of SEB pulmonary exposure would suggest an intentional attack with this toxin.
Treatment: Treatment is limited to supportive care. Artificial ventilation might be needed for very severe cases, and attention to fluid management is important.
Prophylaxis: Use of protective mask. There is currently no human vaccine available to prevent SEB intoxication.
Isolation and Decontamination: Standard Precautions for healthcare workers. Hypochlorite (0.5% for 10-15 minutes) and/or soap and water. Destroy any food that may have been contaminated.
Staphylococcus aureus produces a number of exotoxins, one of which is Staphylococcal enterotoxin B, or SEB. Such toxins are referred to as exotoxins since they are excreted from the organism; however, they normally exert their effects on the intestines and thereby are called enterotoxins. SEB is one of the pyrogenic toxins that commonly causes food poisoning in humans after the toxin is produced in improperly handled foodstuffs and subsequently ingested. SEB has a very broad spectrum of biological activity. This toxin causes a markedly different clinical syndrome when inhaled than it characteristically produces when ingested. Significant morbidity is produced in individuals who are exposed to SEB by either portal of entry to the body.
SEB has caused countless endemic cases of food poisoning. Often these cases have been clustered, due to common source exposure in a setting such as a church picnic or other community event in which contaminated food is consumed. Although this toxin would not be likely to produce significant mortality on the battlefield, it could render up to 80 percent or more of exposed personnel clinically ill and unable to perform their mission for 1-2 weeks. Therefore, even though SEB is not generally thought of as a lethal agent, it may severely incapacitate soldiers, making it an extremely important toxin to consider.
Staphylococcal enterotoxins are extracellular products produced by coagulase-positive staphylococci. They are produced in culture media and also in foods when there is overgrowth of the staph organisms. At least five antigenically distinct enterotoxins have been identified, SEB being one of them. These toxins are heat stable. SEB causes symptoms when inhaled at very low doses in humans: a dose of several logs lower than the lethal dose by the inhaled route would be sufficient to incapacitate 50 percent of those soldiers so exposed. This toxin could also be used (theoretically) in a special forces or terrorist mode to sabotage food or small volume water supplies.
Staphylococcal enterotoxins produce a variety of toxic effects. Inhalation of SEB can induce extensive pathophysiological changes to include widespread systemic damage and even septic shock. Many of the effects of staphylococcal enterotoxins are mediated by interactions with the host’s own immune system. The mechanisms of toxicity are complex, but are related to toxin binding directly to the major histocompatibility complex that subsequently stimulates the proliferation of large numbers of T cell lymphocytes. Because these exotoxins are extremely potent activators of T cells, they are commonly referred to as bacterial superantigens. These superantigens stimulate the production and secretion of various cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor, interferon, interleukin-1 and interleukin-2, from immune system cells. Released cytokines are thought to mediate many of the toxic effects of SEB.
Relevant battlefield exposures to SEB are projected to cause primarily clinical illness and incapacitation. However, higher exposure levels can presumably lead to septic shock and death. Intoxication with SEB begins 3 to 12 hours after inhalation of the toxin. Victims may experience the sudden onset of fever, headache, chills, myalgias, and a nonproductive cough. More severe cases may develop dyspnea and retrosternal chest pain. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea will also occur in many patients due to inadvertently swallowed toxin, and fluid losses can be marked. The fever may last up to five days and range from 103 to 106 degrees F, with variable degrees of chills and prostration. The cough may persist up to four weeks, and patients may not be able to return to duty for two weeks.
Physical examination in patients with SEB intoxication is often unremarkable. Conjunctival injection may be present, and postural hypotension may develop due to fluid losses. Chest examination is unremarkable except in the unusual case where pulmonary edema develops. The chest X-ray is also generally normal, but in severe cases increased interstitial markings, atelectasis, and possibly overt pulmonary edema or an ARDS picture may develop.
As is the case with botulinum toxins, intoxication due to SEB inhalation is a clinical and epidemiologic diagnosis. Because the symptoms of SEB intoxication may be similar to several respiratory pathogens such as influenza, adenovirus, and mycoplasma, the diagnosis may initially be unclear. All of these might present with fever, nonproductive cough, myalgia, and headache. SEB attack would cause cases to present in large numbers over a very short period of time, probably within a single 24 hour period. Naturally occurring pneumonias or influenza would involve patients presenting over a more prolonged interval of time. Naturally occurring staphylococcal food poisoning cases would not present with pulmonary symptoms. SEB intoxication tends to progress rapidly to a fairly stable clinical state, whereas pulmonary anthrax, tularemia pneumonia, or pneumonic plague would all progress if left untreated. Tularemia and plague, as well as Q fever, would be associated with infiltrates on chest radiographs. Nerve agent intoxication would cause fasciculations and copious secretions, and mustard would cause skin lesions in addition to pulmonary findings; SEB inhalation would not be characterized by these findings. The dyspnea associated with botulinum intoxication is associated with obvious signs of muscular paralysis, bulbar palsies, lack of fever, and a dry pulmonary tree due to cholinergic blockade; respiratory difficulties occur late rather than early as with SEB inhalation.
Laboratory findings are not very helpful in the diagnosis of SEB intoxication. A nonspecific neutrophilic leukocytosis and an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate may be seen, but these abnormalities are present in many illnesses. Toxin is very difficult to detect in the serum by the time symptoms occur; however, a serum specimen should be drawn as early as possible after exposure. Data from rabbit studies clearly show that SEB in the serum is transient; however, it accumulates in the urine and can be detected for several hours post exposure. Therefore, urine samples should be obtained and tested for SEB. Because most patients will develop a significant antibody response to the toxin, acute and convalescent serum should be drawn which may be helpful retrospectively in the diagnosis.
Currently, therapy is limited to supportive care. Close attention to oxygenation and hydration are important, and in severe cases with pulmonary edema, ventilation with positive end expiratory pressure and diuretics might be necessary. Acetaminophen for fever, and cough suppressants may make the patient more comfortable. The value of steroids is unknown. Most patients would be expected to do quite well after the initial acute phase of their illness, but most would generally be unfit for duty for one to two weeks.
Although there is currently no human vaccine for immunization against SEB intoxication, several vaccine candidates are in development. Preliminary animal studies have been encouraging and a vaccine candidate is nearing transition to advanced development and safety and immunogenicity testing in man. Experimentally, passive immunotherapy can reduce mortality, but only when given within 4-8 hours after inhaling SEB.
Signs and Symptoms: Weakness, fever, cough and pulmonary edema occur 18-24 hours after inhalation exposure, followed by severe respiratory distress and death from hypoxemia in 36-72 hours.
Diagnosis: Signs and symptoms noted above in large numbers of geographically clustered patients could suggest an exposure to aerosolized ricin. The rapid time course to severe symptoms and death would be unusual for infectious agents. Laboratory findings are nonspecific but similar to other pulmonary irritants which cause pulmonary edema. Specific serum ELISA is available. Acute and convalescent sera should be collected.
Treatment: Management is supportive and should include treatment for pulmonary edema. Gastric decontamination measures should be used if ingested.
Prophylaxis: There is currently no vaccine or prophylactic antitoxin available for human use, although immunization appears promising in animal models. Use of the protective mask is currently the best protection against inhalation.
Isolation and Decontamination: Standard Precautions for healthcare workers. Secondary aerosols should generally not be a danger to health care providers. Weak hypochlorite solutions (0.1% sodium hypochlorite) and/or soap and water can decontaminate skin surfaces.
Ricin is a potent protein toxin derived from the beans of the castor plant (Ricinus communis). Castor beans are ubiquitous worldwide, and the toxin is fairly easily produced. Ricin is therefore a potentially widely available toxin. When inhaled as a small particle aerosol, this toxin may produce pathologic changes within 8 hours and severe respiratory symptoms followed by acute hypoxic respiratory failure in 36-72 hours. When ingested, ricin causes severe gastrointestinal symptoms followed by vascular collapse and death. This toxin may also cause disseminated intravascular coagulation, microcirculatory failure and multiple organ failure if given intravenously in laboratory animals.
Ricin’s significance as a potential biological warfare toxin relates in part to its wide availability. Worldwide, one million tons of castor beans are processed annually in the production of castor oil; the waste mash from this process is five percent ricin by weight. The toxin is also quite stable and extremely toxic by several routes of exposure, including the respiratory route. Ricin is said to have been used in the assassination of Bulgarian exile Georgi Markov in London in 1978. Markov was attacked with a specially engineered weapon disguised as an umbrella which implanted a ricin-containing pellet into his body.
Ricin is actually made up of two hemagglutinins and two toxins. The toxins, RCL III and RCL IV, are dimers of about 66,000 daltons molecular weight. The toxins are made up of two polypeptide chains, an A chain and a B chain, which are joined by a disulfide bond. Ricin can be produced relatively easily and inexpensively in large quantities in a fairly low technology setting. It is of marginal toxicity in terms of its LED50 in comparison to toxins such as botulinum and SEB (incapacitating dose), so an enemy would have to produce it in larger quantities to cover a significant area on the battlefield. This might limit large-scale use of ricin by an adversary. Ricin can be prepared in liquid or crystalline form, or it can be lyophilized to make it a dry powder. It could be disseminated by an enemy as an aerosol, or it could be used as a sabotage, assassination, or terrorist weapon.
Ricin is very toxic to cells. It acts by inhibiting protein synthesis. The B chain binds to cell surface receptors and the toxin-receptor complex is taken into the cell; the A chain has endonuclease activity and extremely low concentrations will inhibit protein synthesis. In rodents, the histopathology of aerosol exposure is characterized by necrotizing airway lesions causing tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, and interstitial pneumonia with perivascular and alveolar edema. There is a latent period of 8 hours post-inhalation exposure before histologic lesions are observed in animal models. In rodents, ricin is more toxic by the aerosol route than by other routes of exposure.
There is little toxicity data in humans. The exact cause of morbidity and mortality would be dependent upon the route of exposure. Aerosol exposure in man would be expected to cause acute lung injury, pulmonary edema secondary to increased capillary permeability, and eventual acute hypoxic respiratory failure.
The clinical picture in intoxicated victims would depend on the route of exposure. After aerosol exposure, signs and symptoms would depend on the dose inhaled. Accidental sublethal aerosol exposures which occurred in humans in the 1940’s were characterized by onset of the following symptoms in four to eight hours: fever, chest tightness, cough, dyspnea, nausea, and arthralgias. The onset of profuse sweating some hours later was commonly the sign of termination of most of the symptoms. Although lethal human aerosol exposures have not been described, the severe pathophysiologic changes seen in the animal respiratory tract, including necrosis and severe alveolar flooding, are probably sufficient to cause death if enough toxin is inhaled. Time to death in experimental animals is dose dependent, occurring 36-72 hours post inhalation exposure. Humans would be expected to develop severe lung inflammation with progressive cough, dyspnea, cyanosis and pulmonary edema.
By other routes of exposure, ricin is not a direct lung irritant; however, intravascular injection can cause minimal pulmonary perivascular edema due to vascular endothelial injury. Ingestion causes gastrointestinal hemorrhage with hepatic, splenic, and renal necrosis. Intramuscular administration causes severe local necrosis of muscle and regional lymph nodes with moderate visceral organ involvement.
An attack with aerosolized ricin would be, as with many biological warfare agents, primarily diagnosed by the clinical and epidemiological setting. Acute lung injury affecting a large number of cases in a war zone (where a BW attack could occur) should raise suspicion of an attack with a pulmonary irritant such as ricin, although other pulmonary pathogens could present with similar signs and symptoms. Other biological threats, such as SEB, Q fever, tularemia, plague, and some chemical warfare agents like phosgene, need to be included in a differential diagnosis. Ricin intoxication would be expected to progress despite treatment with antibiotics, as opposed to an infectious process. There would be no mediastinitis as seen with inhalation anthrax. SEB would be different in that most patients would not progress to a life-threatening syndrome but would tend to plateau clinically. Phosgene-induced acute lung injury would progress much faster than that caused by ricin.
Additional supportive clinical or diagnostic features after aerosol exposure to ricin may include the following: bilateral infiltrates on chest radiographs, arterial hypoxemia, neutrophilic leukocytosis, and a bronchial aspirate rich in protein compared to plasma which is characteristic of high permeability pulmonary edema. Specific ELISA testing on serum or immunohistochemical techniques for direct tissue analysis may be used where available to confirm the diagnosis. Ricin is an extremely immunogenic toxin, and acute as well as convalescent sera should be obtained from survivors for measurement of antibody response.
Management of ricin-intoxicated patients again depends on the route of exposure. Patients with pulmonary intoxication are managed by appropriate treatment for pulmonary edema and respiratory support as indicated. Gastrointestinal intoxication is best managed by vigorous gastric decontamination with superactivated charcoal, followed by use of cathartics such as magnesium citrate. Volume replacement of GI fluid losses is important. In percutaneous exposures, treatment would be primarily supportive.
The protective mask is effective in preventing aerosol exposure. Although a vaccine is not currently available, candidate vaccines are under development which are immunogenic and confer protection against lethal aerosol exposures in animals. Prophylaxis with such a vaccine is the most promising defense against a biological warfare attack with ricin.
Signs and symptoms: Exposure causes skin pain, pruritus, redness, vesicles, necrosis and sloughing of epidermis. Effects on the airway include nose and throat pain, nasal discharge, itching and sneezing, cough, dyspnea, wheezing, chest pain and hemoptysis. Toxin also produces effects after ingestion or eye contact. Severe poisoning results in prostration, weakness, ataxia, collapse, shock, and death.
Diagnosis: Should be suspected if an aerosol attack occurs in the form of "yellow rain" with droplets of yellow fluid contaminating clothes and the environment. Confirmation requires testing of blood, tissue and environmental samples.
Treatment: There is no specific antidote. Superactivated charcoal should be given orally if the toxin is swallowed.
Prophylaxis: The only defense is to wear a protective mask and clothing during an attack. No specific immunotherapy or chemotherapy is available for use in the field.
Isolation and Decontamination: Standard Precautions for healthcare workers. Outer clothing should be removed and exposed skin should be decontaminated with soap and water. Eye exposure should be treated with copious saline irrigation. Once decontamination is complete, isolation is not required. Environmental decontamination requires the use of a hypochlorite solution under alkaline conditions such as 1% sodium hypochlorite and 0.1M NAOH with 1 hour contact time.
The trichothecene mycotoxins are low molecular weight (250-500 daltons) nonvolatile compounds produced by filamentous fungi (molds) of the genera Fusarium, Myrotecium, Trichoderma, Stachybotrys and others. The structures of approximately 150 trichothecene derivatives have been described in the literature. These substances are relatively insoluble in water but are highly soluble in ethanol, methanol and propylene glycol. The trichothecenes are extremely stable to heat and ultraviolet light inactivation. Heating to 1500o F for 30 minutes is required for inactivation, while brief exposure to NaOCl destroys toxic activity. The potential for use as a BW toxin was demonstrated to the Russian military shortly after World War II when flour contaminated with species of Fusarium was unknowingly baked into bread that was ingested by civilians. Some developed a protracted lethal illness called alimentary toxic aleukia (ATA) characterized by initial symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, prostration, and within days fever, chills, myalgias and bone marrow depression with granulocytopenia and secondary sepsis. Survival beyond this point allowed the development of painful pharyngeal/laryngeal ulceration and diffuse bleeding into the skin (petechiae and ecchymoses), melena, bloody diarrhea, hematuria, hematemesis, epistaxis and vaginal bleeding. Pancytopenia, and gastrointestinal ulceration and erosion were secondary to the ability of these toxins to profoundly arrest bone marrow and mucosal protein synthesis and cell cycle progression through DNA replication.
Mycotoxins allegedly have been used in aerosol form ("yellow rain") to produce lethal and nonlethal casualties in Laos (1975-81), Kampuchea (1979-81), and Afghanistan (1979-81). It has been estimated that there were more than 6,300 deaths in Laos, 1,000 in Kampuchea, and 3,042 in Afghanistan. The alleged victims were usually unarmed civilians or guerrilla forces. These groups were not protected with masks or chemical protective clothing and had little or no capability of destroying the attacking enemy aircraft. These attacks were alleged to have occurred in remote jungle areas which made confirmation of attacks and recovery of agent extremely difficult. Some investigators have claimed that the "yellow clouds" were, in fact, bee feces produced by swarms of migrating insects. Much controversy has centered upon the veracity of eyewitness and victim accounts, but there is evidence to make these allegations of BW agent use in these areas possible.
T-2 and other mycotoxins may enter the body through the skin and digestive or respiratory epithelium. They are fast acting potent inhibitors of protein and nucleic acid synthesis. Their main effects are on rapidly proliferating tissues such as the bone marrow, skin, mucosal epithelia, and germ cells. In a successful BW attack with trichothecene toxin (T-2), the toxin(s) can adhere to and penetrate the skin, be inhaled, or can be ingested. Clothing would be contaminated and serve as a reservoir for further toxin exposure. Early symptoms beginning within minutes of exposure include burning skin pain, redness, tenderness, blistering, and progression to skin necrosis with leathery blackening and sloughing of large areas of skin in lethal cases. Nasal contact is manifested by nasal itching and pain, sneezing, epistaxis and rhinorrhea; pulmonary/tracheobronchial toxicity by dyspnea, wheezing, and cough; and mouth and throat exposure by pain and blood tinged saliva and sputum. Anorexia, nausea, vomiting and watery or bloody diarrhea with abdominal crampy pain occurs with gastrointestinal toxicity. Eye pain, tearing, redness, foreign body sensation and blurred vision may follow entry of toxin into the eyes. Skin symptoms occur in minutes to hours and eye symptoms in minutes. Systemic toxicity is manifested by weakness, prostration, dizziness, ataxia, and loss of coordination. Tachycardia, hypothermia, and hypotension follow in fatal cases. Death may occur in minutes, hours or days. The most common symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, skin involvement with burning pain, redness and pruritus, rash or blisters, bleeding, and dyspnea.
Rapid onset of symptoms in minutes to hours supports a diagnosis of a chemical or toxin attack. Mustard agents must be considered but they have an odor, are visible, and can be rapidly detected by a field available chemical test. Symptoms from mustard toxicity are also delayed for several hours after which mustard can cause skin, eye and respiratory symptoms. Staphylococcal enterotoxin B delivered by an aerosol attack can cause fever, cough, dyspnea and wheezing but does not involve the skin and eyes. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may follow swallowing of inhaled toxin. Ricin inhalation can cause severe respiratory distress, cough, nausea and arthralgias. Swallowed agent can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal bleeding, but it spares the skin, nose and eyes. Specific diagnosis of T-2 mycotoxins in the form of a rapid diagnostic test is not presently available in the field. Removal of blood, tissue from fatal cases, and environmental samples for testing using a gas liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry technique will confirm the toxic exposure. This system can detect as little as 0.1-1.0 ppb of T-2. This degree of sensitivity is capable of measuring T-2 levels in the plasma of toxin victims.
Use of a chemical protective mask and clothing prior to and during a mycotoxin aerosol attack will prevent illness. If a soldier is unprotected during an attack the outer uniform should be removed within 4 hours and decontaminated by exposure to 5% hypochlorite for 6-10 hours. The skin should be thoroughly washed with soap and uncontaminated water if available. The M291 skin decontamination kit should also be used to remove skin adherent T-2. Superactivated charcoal can absorb swallowed T-2 and should be administered to victims of an unprotected aerosol attack. The eyes should be irrigated with normal saline or water to remove toxin. No specific antidote or therapeutic regimen is currently available. All therapy is supportive.
Physical protection of the skin and airway are the only proven effective methods of protection during an attack. Immunological (vaccines) and chemoprotective pretreatments are being studied in animal models, but are not available for field use by the warfighter.
Adequate and accurate intelligence is required in order to develop an effective defense against biological warfare. Once an agent has been dispersed, detection of the biological aerosol prior to its arrival over the target, in time for personnel to don protective equipment, is the best way to minimize or prevent casualties. However, interim systems of detecting biological agents are just now being fielded in limited numbers. Until reliable detectors are available in sufficient numbers, usually the first indication of a biological attack in unprotected soldiers will be the ill soldier.
Detector systems are evolving, and represent an area of intense interest with the highest priorities within the research and development community. Several systems are now being fielded. The Biological Integrated Detection System (BIDS) is vehicle mounted and concentrates aerosol particles from environmental air, then subjects the particle sample to both generic and antibody-based detection schemes for selected agents. The Long Range Standoff Detection System (LRSDS) will provide a first time biological standoff detection capability to provide early warning. It will employ infrared laser to detect aerosol clouds at a standoff distance up to 30 kilometers. An improved version is in development to extend the range to 100 km. This system will be available for fixed-site applications or inserted into various transport platforms such as fixed-wing or rotary aircraft. In the research and development phase is the Short-Range Biological Standoff Detection System (SRBSDS). It will employ an ultraviolet and laser-induced fluorescence to detect biological aerosol clouds at distances up to 5 kilometers. The information will be used to provide early warning, enhance contamination avoidance efforts, and cue other detection efforts.
The principal difficulty in detecting biological agent aerosols stems from differentiating the artificially generated BW cloud from the background of organic matter normally present in the atmosphere. Therefore, the aforementioned detection methods must be used in conjunction with medical protection (vaccines and other chemoprophylactic measures), intelligence, and physical protection to provide layered primary defenses against a biological attack.
The currently fielded chemical protective equipment, which includes the protective mask, battle dress overgarment (BDO), protective gloves, and overboots will provide protection against a biological agent attack.
The M40 protective mask is available in three sizes, and when worn correctly, will protect the face, eyes, and respiratory tract. The M40 utilizes a single screw on filter element which involves two separate but complementary mechanisms: 1) impaction and adsorption of agent molecules onto ASC Whetlerite Carbon filtration media, and 2) static electrical attraction of particles initially failing to contact the filtration media. Proper maintenance and periodic replacement of the crucial filter elements are of the utmost priority. The filter MUST be replaced under these circumstances: the elements are immersed in water, crushed, cut, or otherwise damaged; excessive breathing resistance is encountered; the "ALL CLEAR" signal is given after exposure to a biological agent; 30 days have elapsed in the combat theater of operations (the filters must be replaced every 30 days); supply bulletins indicate lot number expiration; or when ordered by the unit commander. The filter element can only be changed in a non-contaminated environment. Two styles of optical inserts for the protective mask are available for soldiers requiring visual correction. The wire frame style is considered to be the safer of the two and is more easily fitted into the mask. A prong-type optical insert is also available. A drinking tube on the mask allows the wearer to drink while in a contaminated environment. Note that the wearer should disinfect the canteen and tube by wiping with a 5 percent hypochlorite solution before use.
The battle dress overgarment suits come in eight sizes and are currently available in both woodland and desert camouflage patterns. The suit may be worn for 24 continuous hours in a contaminated environment, but once contaminated, it must be replaced by using the MOPP-gear exchange procedure described in the Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks. The discarded BDO must be incinerated or buried. Chemical protective gloves and overboots come in various sizes and are both made from butyl rubber. They may be decontaminated and reissued. The gloves and overboots must be visually inspected and decontaminated as needed after every 12 hours of exposure in a contaminated environment. While the protective equipment will protect against biological agents, it is important to note that even standard uniform clothing of good quality affords a reasonable protection against dermal exposure of surfaces covered.
Those casualties unable to continue wearing protective equipment should be held and/or transported within casualty wraps designed to protect the patient against further chemical-biological agent exposure. Addition of a filter blower unit to provide overpressure enhances protection and provides cooling.
Collective protection by the use of either a hardened or unhardened shelter equipped with an air filtration unit providing overpressure can offer protection for personnel in the biologically contaminated environment. An airlock ensures that no contamination will be brought into the shelter. In the absence of a dedicated structure, enhanced protection can be afforded within most buildings by sealing cracks and entry ports, and providing air filtration with high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters within existing ventilation systems. The key problem is that these shelters can be very limited in military situations, very costly to produce and maintain, and difficult to deploy. Personnel must be decontaminated prior to entering the collective protection unit.
The most important route of exposure to biological agents is through inhalation. Biological warfare (BW) agents are dispersed as aerosols by one of two basic mechanisms: point or line source dissemination. Unlike some chemical threats, aerosols of agents disseminated by line source munitions (e.g., sprayed by low-flying aircraft or speedboats along the coast) do not leave hazardous environmental residua (although anthrax spores may persist and could pose a hazard near the dissemination line). On the other hand, aerosols generated by point-source munitions (i.e., stationary aerosol generator, bomblets, etc.) are more apt to produce ground contamination, but only in the immediate vicinity of dissemination. Point-source munitions leave an obvious signature that alerts the field commander that a biological warfare attack has occurred. Because point-source munitions always leave an agent residue, this evidence can be exploited for detection and identification purposes.
Aerosol delivery systems for biological warfare agents most commonly generate invisible clouds with particles or droplets of < 10 micrometers (m m). They can remain suspended for extensive periods. The major risk is pulmonary retention of inhaled particles. To a much lesser extent, particles may adhere to an individual or his clothing, thus the need for individual decontamination. The effective area covered varies with many factors, including wind speed, humidity, and sunlight. In the absence of an effective real-time alarm system or direct observation of an attack, the first clue would be mass casualties fitting a clinical pattern compatible with one of the biological agents. This may occur hours or days after the attack.
Toxins may cause direct pulmonary toxicity or be absorbed and cause systemic toxicity. Toxins are frequently as potent or more potent by inhalation than by any other route. A unique clinical picture may sometimes be seen which is not observed by other routes (e.g., pulmonary edema after staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) exposure). Mucous membranes, including conjunctivae, are also vulnerable to many biological warfare agents. Physical protection is then quite important and the use of full-face masks equipped with small-particle filters, like the chemical protective masks, assumes a high degree of importance.
Other routes for delivery of biological agents are thought to be less important than inhalation, but are nonetheless potentially significant. Contamination of food and water supplies, either purposefully or incidentally after an aerosol biological warfare attack, represents a hazard for infection or intoxication by ingestion. Assurance that food and water supplies are free from contamination should be provided by appropriate preventive medicine authorities in the event of an attack.
Intact skin provides an excellent barrier for most biological agents. T-2 mycotoxins would be an exception because of their dermal activity. However, mucous membranes and abraded, or otherwise damaged, integument can allow for passage of some bacteria and toxins, and should be protected in the event of an attack.
Contamination is the introduction of microorganisms into tissues or sterile materials. Decontamination is disinfection or sterilization of infected articles to make them suitable for use (the reduction of microorganisms to an acceptable level). Disinfection is the selective elimination of certain undesirable microorganisms in order to prevent their transmission (the reduction of the number of infectious organisms below the level necessary to cause infection). Sterilization is the complete killing of all organisms. BW agents can be decontaminated by mechanical, chemical and physical methods.
Decontamination methods have always played an important role in the control of infectious diseases. However, we are often unable use the most efficient means of rendering infectious diseases harmless (e.g., toxic chemical sterilization) in order to not hurt people or damage materials which are to be freed from contamination.
Mechanical decontamination involves measures to remove but not necessarily neutralize an agent. An example is the filtering of drinking water to remove certain agents (e.g., Vibrio cholera or Clostridium botulinum) that may have been used to purposefully contaminate a water supply.
Chemical decontamination renders BW agents harmless by the use of disinfectants which are usually in the form of a liquid, gas or aerosol. One has to remember that some disinfectants are harmful to humans, animals, the environment, and/or materials.
Dermal exposure with a suspected BW agent should be immediately treated by soap and water decontamination. Careful washing with soap and water removes a very large amount of the agent from the skin surface. It is important to use a brush to ensure mechanical loosening from the skin surface structures, and then rinse with copious amounts of water. This method is often sufficient to avert contact infection. The contaminated areas should then be washed with a 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution, if available, with a contact time of 10 to 15 minutes.
Ampules of calcium hypochlorite (HTH) are also currently fielded in the Chemical Agent Decon Set for mixing hypochlorite solutions. The 0.5% solution can be made by adding one 6-ounce container of calcium hypochlorite to five gallons of water. The 5% solution can be made by adding eight 6-ounce ampules of calcium hypochlorite to five gallons of water. These solutions evaporate quickly at high temperatures so if they are made in advance they should be stored in closed containers. Also the chlorine solutions should be placed in distinctly marked containers because it is very difficult to tell the difference between the 5% chlorine solution and the 0.5% solution.
To mix a 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution, take one part Clorox and nine parts water (1:9) since standard stock Clorox is a 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution. The solution is then applied with a cloth or swab. The solution should be made fresh daily with the pH in the alkaline range.
Chlorine solution must NOT be used in patients with (1) open abdominal wounds, as it may lead to the formation of adhesions, or (2) brain and spinal cord injuries. However, this solution may be instilled into non-cavity wounds and then removed by suction to an appropriate disposal container. Within about 5 minutes, this contaminated solution will be neutralized and nonhazardous. Subsequent irrigation with saline or other surgical solutions should be performed. Prevent the chlorine solution from being sprayed into the eyes, as corneal opacities may result.
For decontamination of fabric clothing or equipment, a 5% hypochlorite solution should be used. For decontamination of equipment, a contact time of 30 minutes prior to normal cleaning is required. This is corrosive to most metals and injurious to most fabrics, so rinse thoroughly and oil metal surfaces after completion.
BW agents can be rendered harmless through such physical means as heat and radiation. To render agents completely harmless, sterilize with dry heat for two hours at 160 degrees centigrade. If autoclaving with steam at 121 degrees centigrade and 1 atmosphere of overpressure (15 pounds per square inch), the time may be reduced to 20 minutes, depending on volume. Solar ultraviolet radiation (UV radiation) has a certain disinfectant effect, often in combination with drying. This is effective in certain environmental conditions but hard to standardize for practical usage for decontamination purposes.
Rooms in fixed spaces are best decontaminated with gases or liquids in aerosol form (e.g., formaldehyde). This is usually combined with surface disinfectants to ensure complete decontamination. Environmental decontamination of terrain is costly and difficult and should be avoided, if possible. If contaminated terrain, streets, or roads must be passed, spray with a dust-binding spray to minimize reaerosolization. If it is necessary to decontaminate these surfaces, chlorine-calcium or lye may be used. Otherwise, rely on the natural processes which, especially outdoors, leads to the decontamination of agent by means of drying and solar UV radiation.
Appendix A: Glossary of Medical Terms
Adapted from Stedman's Electronic Medical Dictionary,
Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1996 and
Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases,
Mandell et al, Third Edition.
Acetylcholine (ACH, Ach) - The neurotransmitter substance at cholinergic synapses, which causes cardiac inhibition, vasodilation, gastrointestinal peristalsis, and other parasympathetic effects. It is liberated from preganglionic and postganglionic endings of parasympathetic fibers and from preganglionic fibers of the sympathetic as a result of nerve injuries, whereupon it acts as a transmitter on the effector organ; it is hydrolyzed into choline and acetic acid by acetylcholinesterase before a second impulse may be transmitted.
Active immunization -The act of artificially stimulating the body to develop antibodies against infectious disease by the administration of vaccines or toxoids.
Adenopathy - Swelling or morbid enlargement of the lymph nodes.
Aleukia - Absence or extremely decreased number of leukocytes in the circulating blood.
Analgesic - 1. A compound capable of producing analgesia, i.e., one that relieves pain by altering perception of nociceptive stimuli without producing anesthesia or loss of consciousness. 2. Characterized by reduced response to painful stimuli.
Anaphylaxis - The term is commonly used to denote the immediate, transient kind of immunologic (allergic) reaction characterized by contraction of smooth muscle and dilation of capillaries due to release of pharmacologically active substances (histamine, bradykinin, serotonin, and slow-reacting substance), classically initiated by the combination of antigen (allergen) with mast cell-fixed, cytophilic antibody (chiefly IgE).
Anticonvulsant - An agent which prevents or arrests seizures.
Antitoxin - An antibody formed in response to and capable of neutralizing a biological poison.; an animal serum containing antitoxins.
Arthralgia - Severe pain in a joint, especially one not inflammatory in character.
AST - Abbreviation for aspartate aminotransferase, a liver enzyme.
Asthenia - Weakness or debility.
Ataxia - An inability to coordinate muscle activity during voluntary movement, so that smooth movements occur. Most often due to disorders of the cerebellum or the posterior columns of the spinal cord; may involve the limbs, head, or trunk.
Atelectasis - Absence of gas from a part or the whole of the lungs, due to failure of expansion or resorption of gas from the alveoli.
Atropine - An anticholinergic, with diverse effects (tachycardia, mydriasis, cycloplegia, constipation, urinary retention) attributable to reversible competitive blockade of acetylcholine at muscarinic type cholinergic receptors; used in the treatment of poisoning with organophosphate insecticides or nerve gases.
Bilirubin - A red bile pigment formed from hemoglobin during normal and abnormal destruction of erythrocytes. Excess bilirubin is associated with jaundice.
Blood agar - A mixture of blood and nutrient agar, used for the cultivation of many medically important microorganisms.
Bronchiolitis - Inflammation of the bronchioles, often associated with bronchopneumonia.
Bronchitis - Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes.
Brucella - A genus of encapsulated, nonmotile bacteria (family Brucellaceae) containing short, rod-shaped to coccoid, Gram-negative cells. These organisms are parasitic, invading all animal tissues and causing infection of the genital organs, the mammary gland, and the respiratory and intestinal tracts, and are pathogenic for man and various species of domestic animals. They do not produce gas from carbohydrates.
Bubo - Inflammatory swelling of one or more lymph nodes, usually in the groin; the confluent mass of nodes usually suppurates and drains pus.
Bulla, gen. and pl. bullae - A large blister appearing as a circumscribed area of separation of the epidermis from the subepidermal structure (subepidermal bulla) or as a circumscribed area of separation of epidermal cells (intraepidermal bulla) caused by the presence of serum, or occasionally by an injected substance.
Carbuncle - Deep-seated pyogenic infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissues, usually arising in several contiguous hair follicles, with formation of connecting sinuses; often preceded or accompanied by fever, malaise, and prostration.
Cerebrospinal - Relating to the brain and the spinal cord.
Chemoprophylaxis - Prevention of disease by the use of chemicals or drugs.
Cholinergic - Relating to nerve cells or fibers that employ acetylcholine as their neurotransmitter.
CNS - Abbreviation for central nervous system.
Coagulopathy - A disease affecting the coagulability of the blood.
Coccobacillus - A short, thick bacterial rod of the shape of an oval or slightly elongated coccus.
Conjunctiva, pl. conjunctivae - The mucous membrane investing the anterior surface of the eyeball and the posterior surface of the lids.
CSF - Abbreviation for cerebrospinal fluid.
Cutaneous - Relating to the skin.
Cyanosis - A dark bluish or purplish coloration of the skin and mucous membrane due to deficient oxygenation of the blood, evident when reduced hemoglobin in the blood exceeds 5 g per 100 ml.
Diathesis -The constitutional or inborn state disposing to a disease, group of diseases, or metabolic or structural anomaly.
Diplopia -The condition in which a single object is perceived as two objects.
Distal - Situated away from the center of the body, or from the point of origin; specifically applied to the extremity or distant part of a limb or organ.
Dysarthria - A disturbance of speech and language due to emotional stress, to brain injury, or to paralysis, incoordination, or spasticity of the muscles used for speaking.
Dysphagia, dysphagy - Difficulty in swallowing.
Dysphonia - Altered voice production.
Dyspnea - Shortness of breath, a subjective difficulty or distress in breathing, usually associated with disease of the heart or lungs; occurs normally during intense physical exertion or at high altitude.
Ecchymosis - A purplish patch caused by extravasation of blood into the skin, differing from petechiae only in size (larger than 3 mm diameter).