Capitol Shooter - Goverment
Assasin Agent Or
Lone Nut??
From Joe L. Jordan <>
From Peter Kawaja <>
Note - This speculative piece is in wide internet circulation.

Once again the mountain of dead bodies around Clinton grows larger. Can all of them possibly be the ridiculous array of suicides and accidental deaths the mainstream media newsfakers and White House spin doctors claim? Let's look at some known facts and wander into some wild supposition and speculation. What is known:
1. Several times during the Clinton years, news stories appear at
very convenient times. The 'Unabomber' was arrested within two hours of the
news of Ron Brown plane crash. The OKC bombing was 48 hours after a
secret indictment of Hillary had been handed down. It disappeared.
Clinton gets a subpoena on the Lewinsky 'oral office' scandal and
the Capitol gets shot up. The OKC bombing has been compared to the
burning of the Reichstag. If the assassination of De Lay had been
successful, it would have been compared to the assassination of
Archduke Ferdinand. Coincidence? You tell me.
2. Always pay careful attention to the first 15 minutes of reportage
while the announcers are caught off guard and are preening for a
pulitzer. They at first said perimeter security for the capitol
had completely broken down and armed men were running amok in the
halls. Why was sergeant giving press conferences when Capitol
police lts and capts with scrambled eggs on their caps remained
silent in the background? If this was a confirmed lone nut, why then
did we see a cop motioning children to leave while he was hunkered
down with pistol drawn behind a car?
3. Gun-grabbing U S Senator Carol Moseley-Braunn (D-IL) arrives in
Chicago shortly after the carnage and immediately calls for the
confiscation of all 65 million guns in America. Do you remember
the shooting of school children in New Zealand and Scotland?
Shortly afterwards all guns were banned. The shooters conveniently
died before a trained psychotherapist could examine them for mind
control (MK ULTRA) drugs or level 5 zombie somnambulist hypnotic
programming. Sirhan and Hinckley are in this category.
4. The rest of the country wouldn't have seen this, but here on our
local affiliates, we captured, live, the arrival of DeLay at IAH
under unprecedented security for a member of the US Congress.
There were 12 armed HPD at the gate area in addition to IAH
security. Another 50 in the gate area which was closed to anyone
without a ticket. ALL PRESS CREDENTIALS were called in for
verification. Delay was jittery like a marine grunt point man running
through the A Shau valley.
On DeLay's return flight, all passengers were triple ID checked
and run through NCIC. All carry-on bags, purses and briefcases
were hand-searched. All checked bags were x-rayed and hand-searched
and bomb sniffing dogs were run through all areas of the plane.
The yellow signs and lights were activated denoting "Maximum FAA
security levels in effect." Military chase planes with missile-jamming
(Wild Weasel) capability left Ellington AFB and escorted the plane on
climbout (remember TWA 800) and out of Texas airspace. Similar planes from
Andrews AFB escorted it in. De Lay and his family were removed
at Reagan airport onto the runway and left in a white US government
van under heavy escort to an undisclosed location (not his residence).
Again, if this was the act of a lone nut, why the security measures
1600 miles away?
5. Questions people should be asking:
a. The shooter(Weston) entered De Lay's office through an un-marked
door. How did he know about it?
b. What did De Lay have in his office somebody would want that bad
to do all that killing? (Some say it was evidence of both Bush
and Clinton giving Red China nuclear secrets). Do you
suppose De Lay has now been sufficiently warned not to reveal
whatever it was?
c. Weston used his dad's .38 revolver to commit all this carnage.
Witnesses heard 20 shots. What's wrong with this picture?
Who were the other shooters? Can a mortally wounded men reload
3 times? If Weston wanted to do the job right he would at
least have had a silencer. Notice no detailed maps of his
route appeared on TV.
d. The US Government is quoted as saying he was on the Secret Service watch
list for writing threatening letters to Clinton and Gore. Who
do you know who has done this that is not now currently in jail?
He is not in the NCIC data base as a convicted felon. Where are
they getting this stuff? Making it up? What's the real agenda?
Who's pulling the strings? How can Weston's bullets kill while
the cops guns only wound? Dum-Dums? Cop-Killers? Special loads
supplied by the CIA or FBI. Remember, he was after somebody who
had to be dropped.
e. Now for the really good stuff.
i. My sources tell me that Weston was recruited by the FBI
to go to Montana and infiltrate Militia Groups. He was
allegedly trained for this work at a secret FBI facility
at Crete, IL. The mainstream media reported that Weston
visited Washington DC and put in job applications at several
federal agencies including the CIA.
ii. If, let's say, the CIA wanted a Lee Harvey Oswald style patsy
who would they choose? Perhaps a slightly retarded loser
and malcontent who could be easily duped into believing
he was only participating in a "Test of Security" at the
capitol. Was he a manchurian candidate? When he triggered
the metal detector, could a microchip in his butt or neck
been coded to set him off? <and miles to go before I sleep
iii. Was this a failed attempted coup d'etat of the Governmentt
of the United States? Wouldn't De Lay been one of a list
of top ten government officials who would have to be killed or
jailed? What did Admiral Boorda, CIA Director Colby, and the
generals and NSA officials killed in Alabama on a lear
jet crash know about Clinton's deals with Red China? Why
is the media saying it is Russia leaking nuclear secrets and
equipment to India, Pakistan, Iraq and Iran when in fact it
is from the Israeli Nuclear Command at Dimona...selling devices
we gave them.
Like all the other deaths around Clinton, there are more questions than answers. I encourage discourse on the matter. Prove to me why I am wandering down too many blind alleys.
Joe L. Jordan Executive Director National Vietnam POW Strike Force

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