Science FACTS On The
Biological Effects Of Mercury
Amalgam Fillings
>From Leading Edge Research
From: Anita Sands Hernandez
* Mercury penetrates the blood-brain barrier around the brain, and as little as one part per million can impair this barrier, permitting entry of substances in the blood that would otherwise be excluded. Chang and Hartman, 1972; Chang and Burkholder, 1974
* The effect of mercury on the nervous system selectively inhibits protein and amino acid absorption into brain tissue. So you get stupider and stupider. Yoshino et al.,1966; Steinwall, 1969; Steinwall and Snyder, 1969 Cavanagh and Chen, 1971
* Mercury inhibits the synaptic uptake of neurotransmitters in the brain and can produce subsequent development of Parkinson's disease. Know any oldsters with the shakes? Ohlson and Hogstedt, "Parkinsons Disease and Occupational Exposure to Organic Solvents, Agricultural Chemicals and Mercury" Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment Health Vol 7 No.4 : 252-256,1981
* Mercury is nephrotoxic (toxic to the kidneys) and causes pathological damage. Kidney damage would mean your face would get pudgier and more edema-ridden as you got older. In fact, all old people look alike today. None of them are recognizeable from their photos at age 20. Nicholson et al, "Cadmium and Mercury Nephrotoxicity" Nature Vol 304:633, 1983
* Chronic exposure to mercury may cause an excess of serum proteins in the urine which may progress to nephrotic syndrome and peculiar susceptibility to infections that break into and modify the course of any pre-existing disease.
Friberg et al, 1953 "Kidney Injury after chronic exposure to inorganic mercury" Archives of Environmenal Health Vol 15:64, 1967; Kazantis et al, 1962 "Albuminuria and the Nephrotic Sundrome Following Exposure to Mercury" Quarterly Journal of Medicine Vol 31: 403-418, 1962; Joselow and Goldwater, 1967 "Absorption and Excretion of Mercury in Man and Mercury Content of "normal" Human Tissues" Archives of Environmental Health Vol 15:64, 1967
* Mercury fillings can contribute to a higher level of mercury in the blood, and can affect the functioning of the heart, change the vascular response to norepinepherine and potassium chloride, and block the entry of calcium ions into the cytoplasm. No Calcium in your cells you get squishy everywhere. Do I hear cellulite being mentioned? Abraham et al, 1984 "The Effect of Dental Amalgam Restorations on Blood Mercury Levels" Journal of Dental Research Vol 63
No.1:71-73,1984; Kuntz et al, "Maternal and Cord Blood Background Mercury Levels: A Longitudinal Surveillance" American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Vol 143 No. 4: 440-443, 1982; Joselow et al, 1972; Mantyla and Wright, 1976; Trakhtenberg, 1968; Oka et al, 1979
* Mercury exposure from amalgams leads to interference with brain catecholamine reactivity levels, has a pronounced effect on the human endocrine system, and accumulates in both the thyroid and pituitary glands, reducing production of important hormones. Without hormones, we age, get wrinkled and die. Anything that gets into these glands and causes glands to die deserves serious attention. Carmignani, Finelli and Boscolo, 1983; Kosta et al, 1975; Trakhtenberg, 1974
* Mercury induces the thyroid gland to absorb an increasing amount of nuclear radiation from the environment. Radiation triggers cancer. Trakhtenberg, 1974
* Mercury can impair the adrenal and testicular steroid hormone secretions, cause intolerance for stress and decreased sexual ability. In rats, it causes subnormal fertility and sperm production. The definition of an unhappy life is not to want sex and to be screaming at each other all the time anyway. Burton and Meikle, 1980; Khera, 1973; Stoewsand et al, 1971; Lee and Dixon, 1975; Thaxton and Parkhurst, 1973
* Mercury in the body can produce contact dermititis and reduced function of the adrenal glands (Addison's disease), producing progressive anemia, low blood pressure, diarrhea and digestive disturbances. Alomar et al, 1983
* Mercury has a distinct effect on the human immune system, especially the white blood cells. Mercury ions have been observed to cause chromosomal aberrations and alters the cellular genetic code. Mercury has the ability to induce chromosomal breakage, alter cellular mitosis, cause a drop in T-cell production and kill white blood cells. Maybe it's the cause of AIDS and all those kids born with birth defects! Vershaeve et al, 1976; Popescu et al, 1979; Skerfving et al, 1970,1974; Fiskesjo, 1970
* Mercury has an effect on the fetal nervous system, even at levels far below that considered to be toxic in adults. Background levels of mercury in mothers correlate with incidence of fetal birth defects and still births.
Reuhl and Chang, 1979;Clarkson et al, 1981; Marsh et al, 1980; Tejning, 1968; Kuntz, W.D., Pitkin, R.M., Bostrum, A.W., and Hughes M.S., The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Vol 143 No.4:440-443,1982
* Mercury in the human body can contribute to intelligence disturbances, speech difficulties, limb deformity, and hyperkinesia (hyperactivity resulting from brain damage). Abnormally small heads and retardation were present in 60% of cases. How many hyperactive kids in our nation today? Amin-Zaki and Clarkson, et al, 1979
The above information has been posted at the Leading Edge Research Group Internet Web Site:
Leading Edge Research Group, P.O. Box 7530, Yelm, Washington 98597 USA Email:
Dental Amalgam Illness Internet Resources
* Effects of mercury in dental amalgams
* Mercury in dental amalgams FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):
* IAOMT's web page: <
* Recent amalgam research: <
* Mercury page: <
* Jeff Clark's CFS/Amalgam page: <
* DaveQ's MS page: <
* * Leading Edge Research - Effects of Amalgams and other neurotoxins:
* Page for Zipped version of amalgam texts and FAQ:
* Amalgam-free dentists:
NOTE: If you DEMAND safe gold or silver or non-toxic substances, your
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