Nuclear Explosion in San Francisco Bay 1944 - Research Package ============================================================= In this package, you will find a wealth of materials dealing with one of the most mysterious episodes of United States history. It began with a chance discovery of a classified document at a garage sale (of all places), detailing the "History of a 10,000 Ton Gadget". A twenty year investigation of the contents of this document led to the possible discovery that the first atomic explosion in history was not at the Trinity Test site, as is usually supposed. Rather, it may have been in the San Francisco Bay of California. Though the US government has never directly admitted to this, there is a wealth of circumstantial evidence suggesting that it is nevertheless true. Perhaps most convincing of all, a radiological survey of the area showed what might be the remaining traces of a radioactive fallout plume from the explosion. And, a 2002 study of aquatic particulates from the North San Francisco Bay (the site of the explosion) show extraordinarily high levels of rare earth elements there - many of which are the products of atomic fission - and high levels of radioactive Cesium 137. Though it may seem like a historical coverup, its significance today might be much greater than supposed. It may have parallels in an explanation for the otherwise almost unaccountable demolition of the New York City World Trade Center towers. The conclusion that the collapse of these incredibly strong steel towers could only have been facilitated by small 'clean' nuclear demolition charges, is increasingly gaining acceptance. If true, this scenario involves a tremendous coverup by the government, very much like that which has occurred in the San Francisco Bay explosion. (The now 'official' first nuclear explosion within the US, that at the Trinity New Mexico test site, was originally also followed by an immediate coverup.) In a society which enshrines the principle of government of and by The People, rule by deception is anathema. This package is intended to help you find the truth for yourself.