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What Mainstream Media Won't Tell You:
Last Four Years a Dumpster Fire

By Frosty Wooldridge
Exclusive To Rense

Let’s face it, America became a Dumpster Fire for the past four years under Harris-Biden. The mainstream media does everything in its power to hide what’s really happening and what happened to our country. It matters little whether its Lester Holt, David Muir, Norah O’Donnell, Scott Simon, Terry Gross, Martha Raddatz, Jake Tapper, John Dickerson, Scott Pelley, Forest Whittaker, Leslie Stahl, Diane Sawyer and all the rest. On purpose, they refuse to report on what’s really happening to America.

Yes, they cover the daily “news” stories that don’t mean much, don’t affect Americans, and, in the end, are forgotten within a few days. But what’s really going on under the surface, they ignore, they suppress, and they hid.

It’s a running joke around Washington DC that Joe Biden does not know the day of the week. He shakes hands with the air. He doesn’t know which way to go off stage. Somebody writes his speeches because he is incapable of writing his own. He’s not all there, cognitively, and hasn’t been for the past 3 1/2 years. His own wife knew he suffered from Alzheimer’s, but instead of informing the American people four years ago, she forced him into running for another four years. Thankfully, that debate with Trump showed Biden to be totally incapable of remaining commander-in-chief of the United States.

Adding to the Dumpster Fire, the powers that be in that Swamp in Washington DC, decided that a cackling anchor baby fool who was chosen only because of her race and female attributes, should be president. She did not gain one single vote in the DNC voting. They simply installed her as the presidential candidate.

She did admit about how she and Biden planned everything from the same song sheet. She doesn’t have one regret for her actions for the past four years. She should apologize to the families of the 13 military personnel who died in Afghanistan because of her incompetence intertwined with General Milley’s unbelievable debacle and failure at the withdrawal.

But the Dumpster Fire that Harris-Biden created in the past 3 1/2 years has wrought extraordinary consequences to Americans that will be “BURNING” for years to come. Yet, the mainstream media hides it and suppresses any mention of it.

The FACT remains that Kamala and Mayorkas allowed over 15 million illegal aliens to violate our borders, while, at the same time, she lied to the American people that our borders were secure. Mayorkas should be tried for treason. He should be booted back to Cuba, his homeland. But, the mainstream press hid those facts. Now, we’ve got thousands of murderers, rapists, terrorists, mentally ill, illiterate, and unfit illegal aliens in our midst. We’ve got over 30 million illegal aliens leeching off our society. We’ve got drug gangs distributing drugs that have killed over 250,000 of our kids in the past three years.

Harris-Biden illegally flew over 300,000 illegal aliens into the country to dump them on towns like Springfield, Ohio, but you won’t hear about it from the mainstream media because they suppress and hide anything that would sully the current administration. Oh, and Harris-Biden continue flying them into our country at a reported 30,000 monthly. Who pays? YOU, the American taxpayer.

Undermining our country, Kamala wants to defund our police, open our borders even wider, and allow more drugs to kill more of our kids. She and that clown Walz want boys in women’s sports. They support boys in women’s bathrooms. Walz supports tampons in boys’ bathrooms. You can’t make this stuff up! It’s nuts!

What does that mean in the future? Answer: the Dumpster Fires will ignite all over the cities and towns of our country as our schools sink into the conflagration of students from over 180 countries that cannot speak our language, cannot assimilate into our customs, and become gang members, angry, pregnant, and dependent on our welfare tax dollars.

Guess what? As the Dumpster Fires spread across the land, you won’t hear a peep from “60 Minutes, Fresh Air at NPR, Rachel Maddox, The View, Scott Simon” or any of them.

As I have stated, “Mass immigration results in war with conflict delayed…but it’s coming.”

What body facilitates and supports the foundation of all this corruption besides Harris-Biden? Answer: the Unites States House of Representatives and the United States Senate. They have facilitated illegal immigration since 1986. Instead of protecting and securing our borders, they have done nothing to stop it once and for all. They refuse to apply the laws on the books like Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution. They refuse to engage U.S. Code 8, Section 1324. Instead of protecting young college girls like Laken Riley in Georgia from killer illegal aliens, they let our innocent citizens die as collateral damage.

Yet, the mainstream media won’t touch the fact that our entire financial system stands $36 trillion debt. We pay over $1.2 trillion in taxes for interest on that debt annually. What does that mean in real terms? It’s called a Faustian Bargain, where we sell our economic souls for the luxuries of the moment, but we will be forced into a Hobson’s Choice down the road. You WILL NOT like Hobson’s Choice, or at least, your children won’t because they will be forced to deal with it.

Last week, the entire school board in Chicago quit because of the chaos in that Sanctuary City where tens of thousands of illegals have pitched their tents. Hundreds of thieves steal from stores, home robberies and cargo trains in LA, San Francisco, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta because we’ve lost the “Rule of Law” across this nation. All those Sanctuary Cities beg for and receive money from the Federal Government that caused the immigration invasion. Who pays? You do! Unfortunately, money will NOT solve what’s happening to inner cities in America.

A kid can steal up to $900.00 in California and not be charged with any crime. You can steal, rape or shoot someone in NYC, and be back on the street within hours with no bail. You can sell drugs that kill, but never see a jail cell.

We’ve got women like Ilhan Omar in Minnesota as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, but she in fact, has broken our immigration laws and should be deported. As a born Somalian, she’s a perfect example of third world corruption. Will the mainstream media report on her fraud? No, they would rather go after an American citizen like Donald J. Trump.

Today, 14 states do not require a picture ID or proof of citizenship for voting for the president of the United States. With over 30 million illegal aliens in our midst, any number of those millions of illegals could actually “vote into office” their choice for our president. This kind of corruption will destroy our Constitutional Republic by our own hands.

What have I learned from my world travels? I learned that “Corruption is a mechanism by which third world countries operate.” Once it imbeds itself into the fabric of their political societies, it cannot be dislodged without a revolution where many people die in conflict. We are well on our way to becoming a third world country.


This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America's immigration-population crisis as well as the world's. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, "Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls", Roy Beck, director of  www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself: v=LPjzfGChGlE&feature=player_ embedded

"Immigration by the numbers-off the chart "  by Roy Beck This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, "Mind boggling!" v=muw22wTePqQ


-- Frosty Wooldridge
Golden, CO
Population-Immigration-Environmental specialist: speaker at colleges, civic clubs, high schools and conferences
Facebook: Frosty Wooldridge
Facebook Adventure Page: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World
Six continent world bicycle traveler
Adventure book: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World
Frosty Wooldridge, six continent world bicycle traveler, Astoria, Oregon to Bar Harbor, Maine, 4,100 miles, 13 states, Canada, summer 2017, 100,000 feet of climbing: