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Walz's Treason Enables China's | |
By Yoichi Shimatsu | |
“So they say Money is the root of all Evil today” - Pink Floyd ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ Here, Part 4 on Tim Walz’s treasonous role as a facilitator of China’s massive counterfeit dollar smuggling into the USA is timed for release alongside Part 5, a separate companion piece focused on “Walz-ing in Beijing: The Secret Life in China of a Homosexual Traitor”. In this report, the smuggling route of currency forgery rings from the Netherlands to Indonesia and then onto China - destined for the USA - is examined; while the separate report is focused on the homosexual foreigner spy network secretly run by the Communist Party of China (CPC). Tim’s double life - so reminiscent of Britain’s Cambridge queer spy ring beholden to their Soviet masters - is uncharted territory for Americans. As an “Old China Hand”, I cut through the complex web of deception and state secrecy to expose one of the most heinous traitors in American history, who is Beijing’s hand-picked watchdog over Kamala Harris and soon after her scheduled demise - the next President of the United States - that’s after the Chinese witch doctors decide to embalm and bury her stinking quivering corpse - if indeed “she” is actually a female birthed by Shyamala Gopalan. In event that “she” is a closet he in drag then disposal will be by cremation at higher temperatures than a hog roast. There is no loyalty in treason, only brazen self-interest aka greed. Covert engraving and printing of counterfeit currency is as old as money but attained the level of a high art under the British Empire, due to the untiring efforts of the Rothschild cabal, which undermined Napoleonic France with fake bank notes and, more grievously, flooded Germany - defeated in World War I - with bogus marks collapsing that economy and forcing the populace of Berlin into pimps, whores, homosexual prostitutes and beggars, as famously described in the memoir “Goodbye Berlin”. Counterfeit issuance is warfare at its dirtiest against a vulnerable hungry populace. The underlying motive for the creation of a common-produced Euro currency by the Continentals was to avert another avalanche of counterfeit from potential adversaries - the Soviet Union and East Germany and, more sinister, a Britain and the USA in collusion. Meanwhile the Britain itself suffered a hailstorm of fake banknotes, presumably printed by the Finnish-Russian mafia combine. Thus, motivated by wild-eyed vengeance, the Dutch master forgers and their British ink-and-paper suppliers went to paper war - against the People’s Republic of China that was preparing the takeover - aka “Handover” of Hong Kong to mainland rule. Missing in this criminal alliance was the USA due to the conservative attitude of the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve. On discovery of the flood of fake yuan (remimbi) currency, the Communist Party of China (CPC) launched a misguided counterattack against the “enemy mint” aka the U.S., dollar. Monetary subversion, however, required boots on the ground - local collaborators and gangster organizations. That accounts for the sudden rise of their longtime Yank asset Tim Walz, a loyal lackey with the potential to become a Democrat Party heavy - with a little help from millions of fake dollars made in the PRC and smuggled through the substantial Chinese population in Vancouver, Canada into his second home-state of Minnesota bordering Canadian Ontario. The earliest detected made-in-China counterfeit for political subversion was directed to Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid. As a point to note, Hill was a home-girl of Chicago, the main distribution center for illicit cash to Democrats in the 50 states. Before her, the fake-money trail goes cold, although the likely beginning of this dark traffic was likely President Bill Clinton’s nervous visit to Beijing. (I was teaching journalism at his host lecture at Tsinghua and coached some of my English-fluent students to ask succinct questions with adult confidence, and the other PR tactic taught to them was to know the weaknesses of your adversary - which in Billy Bob’s case was pretty girls. So he leaped at the bait hook, line and sinker, while I chuckled in the audience, thinking - Just your average Arkie hillbilly.) Since the misrule of Bill and Hill, the Chinese floodgates of counterfeit have been wide open, flooding America’s energy state of Texas and overwhelming the Mexico-U.S. border region in New Mexico and Arizona. This was the Chinese response to The Wall since there’d been no Uber Dam against their fake-money trafficking - until U.S. Treasury agents interdicted two Canadian Rail boxcars with boxes of counterfeit arriving from the Port of Vancouver enroute into Governor Tim Walz’s Minnesota, specifically at the border inspection station of International Falls. How did Tim wiggle out of a federal conviction - go ask Black Lives Matter why - really - did their paid hoodlums torch and loot Minneapolis, the bailiwick of poor lil Tiny Tim. Here his treasonable criminal activities in league with the Guan, China’s Public Security bureau is examined. Spooked into Treason Walz’s criminal betrayals in collusion with his Chinese Communist masters includes his past role as a mole in National Guard operations during the War on Terror and as a courier for illicit Chinese campaign cash to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. His all-too frequent 30-plus sojourns in China were mostly sponsored by the Guan-bu (Public Security Agency) to hone his spycraft and also as a courier for illicit fake-dollar funding of the Democratic Party of the Obama, Hillary and Harris campaigns. His mysterious aka unseen sojourns in Beijing following his teaching position in Foshan with the Luce foundation opened the way for his career as a China-loyal spy against the land of his birth. His presence at Tiananmen Square exactly on the day of the PLA crackdown that cleared the plaza with violent deadly clashed was recently denied by Walz, who since has been caught in a “big lie”. Interestingly in the horrified wake of that heinous political crime, Tim never appeared at the panicked meetings in major American cities amid shock, anger and despair to come up with some response to the butchery and imprisonment of idealist Chinese students - without further endangering them. But by then, for reasons hidden in his black heart, Walz had already sided with his Politburo masters. (From a psychiatric viewpoint, his traumatic hatred of America, especially the military, derived from the insane rage and vicious battery from his Korean War veteran father. Indeed the sins of the parent are too often passed on the child.) Whatever the psychological grounds, Tim Walz is a sworn traitor absolutely loyal to the enemy, in this case his Chinese spymasters. His overseas assignments with the National Guard enabled his espionage for his Chinese masters during the global War on Terror, not only as an informant on American military operations but, more far more precious to the Guan, secret transfer of military codes used by the American forces and NATO allies to the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). His back-stabbing betrayals are among the worst security breaches in U.S. history, which the Pentagon appeasers have yet to detect and examine in detail. Thus, Tim Walz is a true-to-life Manchurian Candidate, which his Chinese masters imposed on a complaint Kamala Harris and their lackey Democrat leadership - all guilty of standing by silently while counting their ill-gotten campaign bribes from Beijing. It’s the party of treason. Tim’s lifelong trauma from fatherly abuse led to a quiet quest for an alter-ego male figure who would gently protect and coddle him instead of voicing threats and inflicting harm. In his case officer with Chinese global intelligence, a sad and lonely Tim found the ideal gentle male protector who could calm his nerves, treat him with respect and encourage his progress out of the emotional shell with “good deeds to preserve world peace”. Thus he slept calmly in the mouth of the Tiger. Coming under the umbrella of classic Chinese father-figure - an honorable Mandarin gentleman - was probably the most important turning point in his life, enabling Tim to handle challenges rewarded with appreciative allowances of ample cash and later copious campaign funds for a career in politics. His spymaster was a classic example of an astute and calm intelligence officer, at the level of the legendary Marcus Wolf in East Germany - also capable of ordering ruthless punishment of enemies of state. A eager Tim, thus, did everything possible to be a dutiful step-son, going to extraordinary lengths to bring vital intelligence to his Chinese master. It is amazing indeed, how exposure to Confucian manners and a calm demeanor can radically change human behavior - taming an otherwise mad dog into a cuddly puppy. This calm sort of psychological welfare - as opposed to brute combat - is totally foreign to the puffed-up braggarts at the CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency. Chinese courtesy is killing with kindness - because once caught out, the victim/subject is not only defenseless but totally vulnerable, especially if left out in the cold to take the heat from ruthless American spy hunters. Basically, Tim Walz took way too many steps out on a limb, and now as the vice presidential candidate is a dead man walking. He has a lot to confess and after that cannot be left alone by his American handlers lest he decides to end the journey. This sort of trauma can bring on horrific psychiatric collapse followed by predictable self-harm. I should feel sorry for Tim Walz, but I cannot afford that level of concern for a traitor in a world on the brink of World War III. Compared with a looming world war, the fate of a sole misguided individual - however reprehensible - is a distraction, a waste of pity and a diversion from the ultimate just cause of saving humanity from the worst possible scenario of intercontinental nuclear war. I am sorry, Tim, that your troubled life has been a tortuous never-ending nightmare. May God forgive your father and redeem the son at the brink of our national disaster when every one of us must do his or her duty to save humanity from extinction. That said, the unforgivable treason of Tim Walz cannot be swept under a rug but must be confronted in all its bizarre twists and ugly consequences. There can be no forgiving and certainly not forgetting - not when Ameicans have never heard a whisper about Walz’s flagrant misconduct capped by high treason. Allowing a damaged persona to continue on its death-trip is not compassion but only encouragement of further acts of suicidal destruction. So with this understanding of the sadness of the human drama, we proceed into the ugly details of his pathetic treason by passing a vast trove of counterfeit. The Invisible American in Communist China During more than two decades of venturing in and out of China as a freelance journalist based in Hong Kong, somewhere along the line I should have bumped into fellow American Tim Walz inside the Chinese Empire, either with an accidental encounter or introduction by media colleagues. Yet during my quarter-century in and out of China, I had encountered nary a trace of him at the usual hangouts south of the Sanlitun music-clubs, inside the major concert halls and art galleries, or while attending Fourth of July get-togethers with other expats. Walz visited China at least 30 times, so where in Hell was he during those sojourns? Besides Hong Kong, I also did a lot of media consulting in major industrial centers including Shenzhen (just across the border from HK), Xiamen a production hub for Microsoft and Dell computers, way out in the Dunhuang on the ancient Silk Road, the Tibetan Plateau and other less frequented locales, where I would have gained a whiff of mention of that jolly fellow from Minnesota among the small circle of local guides and foreign visitors. Either Tim was a ghost or a precious asset of his communist masters. In addition I appeared on CCTV as an occasional news commentator (due mainly to my historic role as the first foreign professor of journalism - at Tsinghua University - in the 5,000 years of Chinese history), yet never served in a panel discussion or debate with Walz. His absence is odd considering the relatively small circle of Americans in the China’s capital during those early years. Walz was a mystery man with some sort of secret purpose shielded from public exposure. After examining the few available news sources on his career - all absent of information on the more than 20 years of his travels to China following his early teaching stint for the Luce institute in Foshan, I have begun to realize that the total secrecy surrounding Walz was due to his close-up affiliation with the Guan-bu, China’s secret service aka the Public Security Bureau or in colloquial American terms the Chinese spooks. Note here: As a global-trotting journalist often caught in complex investigative reporting in dangerous situations including war, I’ve come in contact with a lot of foreign intel agencies and thereby kept to an ethos of “If you do not arrest me, I will not spill the beans on your dirty secrets”. Drawing that line was especially valuable during the global War on Terror. My findings in places like Pakistan and Afghanistan, aided by insider access and confidential interviews with the Taliban, were more often than not local public knowledge that conflicted with official accounts and propaganda out of D.C. and NATO headquarters or from allied foreign leaders. Truth is harder than hell to extract, decipher and analyze. In contrast with the treasonous Walz, my foreign adventures never involved compromising American secrets or the national interest - but to the contrary challenged misguided policies with factual insider findings (realism versus the crackpot theories of academics, ambitious diplomats, drunkard espionage agents and loose cannons on deck). I’ve oft on occasion caught living hell for journalistic independence and have been accused of all sorts of fantastical accusations by derelict American diplomats and lazy spooks to cover their own asses. Meanwhile, there’s never been a whisper or iota of interest about the silent activities of Tim Walz. Frankly, Walz was a traitor protected under a veil of secrecy by his Chinese controllers - which is why I’d never heard of him until my discovery of his secretive counterfeit smuggling through Canada into the entry point of International Falls, Minnesota. That was the spark that triggered Walz’s enlistment of Black Lives Matter maniacs to torch the state capital of Minneapolis in order to hide the truth about George Floyd’s role as an agent of the Walz-Chinese plot to smuggle in billions of fake dollars - counterfeit - to undermine the USA and fund the Mexican Cartel. That’s why the National Security Agent during the first Trump administration to order the Chinese consul general in Houston to get out in four days - for their payments to George Floyd - Walz’s flunky - as China’s principle drug courier to their allies in the Mexican Cartel. Yeah, it’s a nasty world we are trapped in. Trainloads of Counterfeit bound for Minnesota Like a character out of a Le Carre or Forsyth spy novel - Tim Walz was obviously a covert asset of a foreign intelligence agency and likely not a CIA courier to the Chinese establishment. (The boys and gals at Langley should email me a correction if I got that wrong.) His long span in a covert role as an infiltrator inside the National Guard would explain Chinese confidence in his highly sensitive assignment of counterfeit dollar smuggling from China via Canada into Minnesota - which was blown by railway inspectors at the behest of the Treasury Department. That discovery was bypassed with the Black Lives Matter torching of Minneapolis, Walz’s bailiwick. So on top of passing military secrets including top-secret codes to his Chinese superiors at the PLA and collecting funds for his political career as a Chinese asset inside the Democrat Party, Walz plunged into a life of high crime as a fake-currency smuggler to the Cartel. Let me interrupt with this thought: Why is this sort of high treason thinkable and indeed acceptable? Because of the ban on the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools! There is no respect any longer for the Flag or the Nation for which It stands. And the result? Tim’s treason pure and simple. He is beholden to his foreign masters who are deadly serious about surpassing the USA as world power No.1. According to federal law, this sort of high treason is punishable with the death sentence - after extracting a full confession. Actually, I don’t speculate about why the the FBI and CIA have not been defending the national interest. Buck up, guys and gays, do your patriotic duty instead of trolling the Internet in the endless search for evermore salacious porn! The times and moral values have changed under the rubric of political correctness and nowadays murderous traitors are punished by being elected Vice President, eh? Well, if that’s the case, it’s open season on treasonous politicians! Perhaps as his first decree after taking the oath of office, Walz can be the founder the American Society for the Rehabilitation of Benedict Arnold. Otherwise, it would be an absurdist comedy as to how a high-school teacher could afford the unaffordable expense of trans-Pacific airfare, hotels, local transport and daily sustenance in China - at vast distance from Minnesota or Nebraska. China’s Mystery Man Early on in his working career, for less than a dozen years Tim Walz served as a tutor at an American-sponsored school in Foshan (near the border from Hong Kong) - leaving more than 20-plus China sojourns (in total 30 and probably more) mysteriously unaccounted for in any public record or personal account, as well as during his two terms as governor of Minnesota. It would have been within the bounds of normal international relations to promote his state of Minnesota by arranging student exchange programs, environmental studies and other bilateral gestures of friendly relations with his foreign counterparts in some equivalent backwater of rural province in China’s interior, say Ningxia or Xinjiang. Well, that normal bilateral protocol certainly never happened. His contact with China seemed to have nothing to do with the expected duties of a state governor. Most telling, his unreported “courtesy calls” to the Chinese capital were never hailed by the state-run television channel CCTV, which was ever eager for foreigner comments on current issues. On my frequent sojourns in Beijing from my various news-gathering posts across Asia, and as a pioneering journalism professor and occasional international affairs commentator for the CCTV state television network, there should have been at least one or two brushes with Walz in Beijing. The pattern of social invisibility can be explained by only one possibility - Tim Walz was a secret intelligence asset that the Chinese Communist Party kept discreetly out of public view. I challenge former diplomats, educators and media-related individuals with extensive experience of working in Beijing to examine their notes and recollections to recall meeting or spotting Tim Walz outside of or inside the Communist leadership compound in Beijing. Walz in China would make for a very compelling John Le Carre spy novel. During my routine activities and pastimes when in Beijing, I’ve never encountered Walz by the book shelves of that popular second-floor cafe south of the Sanlitun boozing district (apparently closed a while back) or in the quaint hutong (alleyway) cafes and bars or inside the lobby bar of the huge bubble-shaped national concert hall - nor the student cafes by Tsinghua University or at the electronics district near Beijing University. Tim - or whatever his code name may be - came and went as a “gwei” - an apparition, a ghost - under a cloud of state secrecy as a highly valued intelligence asset, a key link-man with the Clintons’ Democratic Party beholden to multi-millions of secret campaign money from the China People’s Bank slush fund. By middle age, Watz had to be a familiar sycophant and sworn comrade or “tongjie” of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which eagerly enrolled politically connected foreigners into the party ranks to serve as loyal spies and operatives, His sworn duty to Chinese-style Marxist subversion - and now as a Manchurian candidate in the upcoming presidential election - comes as no surprise to me since I’ve met several American and European agents of Beijing’s international intelligence over the years. As a journalist in need of occasional updates or scoops on internal Chinese policy I shall not here name names - other than of Tim Walz, who has the temerity to run for the second-highest political office in these United States - which is utterly reprehensible and grounds for a treason trial. The Democratic Party has to face the fact that both of their top candidates are foreign assets - Kamala Harris with the British-Canadian MI-6 and Walz a loyalist of Red China probably as far back as his enlistment in the U.S. National Guard or even earlier. On the flipside, during his homecoming to the USA after the Luce gig in Foshan, Walz probably already a voluntary mole. Am I surprised? Obviously not. Treason pays well along its many benefits, whereas independent freelance journalists must scrape and save for the next meal, especially when on assignment to distant war zones. The smart-money double-agents look down on earnest fools like me, a sewer rat - well OK, it does seem ridiculous to remain stuck in lifelong poverty in the gutter while all the wrong people become wealthy through treason, right?. Wrong, at the end of the day karma matters. Anyway, we shall see who’s been the fool when Walz defects to China to evade a treason trial and the traitor’s noose. On that inevitable day, I shall dine on a Texas-size T-bone steak while Tim slurps watery noodles in the Zhongan-hai lake district party barracks as his spy masters puzzle over what to do with him, as yet another obstacle in patching up relations with the USA. Then maybe I’ll have to fly to Beijing or some outland prison camp in the Taklamakan Desert beg his master to allow me to bring his weeping carcass back for trial in the USA so that CBS and NPR commentators can shed tears over the unfairness of this cruel world to poor tiny Tim. I jest not, knowing full well that his Chinese masters will accept the price of his head with a greedy smile since he’s been utterly worthless to their agenda thus far - now that their secret shipments of counterfeit dollars have been detected and confiscated by the U.S. Treasury Department - Game Over. As an embarrassment to both sides of the New Cold War, Walz is dead on arrival. The obscure realm of financial treason and politicized perversion of sexually bent foreigners in Beijing is largely hidden from public view in the USA and the West. Media censorship prevails due to the “internationalist” Treasury Secretary Janice Yellen, a groveling handmaiden for the People’s Republic of China along with her minions at the New York Times, Washington Post and the major television news networks - all of them shameless self-serving traitors to American ideals without an iota or courage or honesty. Internationalism is a suicidal delusion of happiness in a world of hucksters, crooks and madmen. Tracing the Counterfeit Trail My more than two decades of investigative journalism along the global counterfeit dollar trail from the Netherlands to Indonesia and onto Myanmar, Thailand and the Philippines (all the “usual suspect” hot zones), the journey reached its destination - Beijing, the once friendly power that morphed into America’s worst foe. I cannot blame their leadership for having the foresight to realize what it will take to kick the once-dominant USA out of the South China Sea and Taiwan and shatter America’s former invicibility. If you or I were to be a foreign member of the Communist Party of China - as is long-timer Tim Walz - the current reversal of global strategic power would be a joyous occasion for cheering and clinking cups of maotai wine - until your masters decide to bury the evidence of their duplicity. Instead Americans are on the losing end of this vast shift in global power and military reach. The point of no return is arriving soon, as foreign recruits outnumber American troops in the U.S. Armed Forces - due to widespread opioid addiction, homelessness and, most traitorous of all homosexuality - the latter gladly promoted by the queer traitor Walz and his warped ilk. At this moment of Democrat dominance - if it continues for four more years or perhaps for perpetuity under Chinese occupation - this continental landmass will soon cease to be American and start to resemble Brazil or Zaire, a fleabag of corruption, poverty, criminal control and civil warfare. Americans are at the edge of annihilation or, more accurately, suicide by political correctness. A Long Journey to Discovery Trafficking in counterfeit currency came into my purview then with the flight from China of Guo Wengui, the owner of the closest hotel to the Bird’s Nest stadium then in the early phase of construction. A curtain of secrecy surrounded his activities, mainly because Guo was connected with Ma Jian, the Guan-bu chief of counter-intelligence. Thus in pursuit of truth, with a pal from Hong Kong, I boarded a slow train to look at the then highest office tower in Henan, the bandit capital, a showcase for Ma in the poorest region of China. On the approach to the ramshackle provincial capital, his narrow office tower dominated the otherwise run-down cityscape. We took the mayor’s office by surprise to request information about the business dealings that led to his sudden rise. The staffers were stunned about foreign interest in one of their more successful patrons turned outlaw. My experience with investigative journalism is that local yokels are either a gold-mine of insider information or know-nothings. Well, Henan as the crime capital of China is a realm of secret dealings. The inquiry came up blank. We had already covered his tracks in the capital, so the search ended in just another unsolvable mystery. Over a bottle of beer in the train’s dining car, Paul mentioned to me: “In Hong Kong banking circles, there are rumors about counterfeit American dollars circulating on the Mainland.” My exhausted response: OK, man, later - I gotta get some mental rest. Then my eyes popped wide open. “That’s it, Paul, you’ve nailed it! Ma’s entire real-estate empire was built on counterfeit! Where in hell did he obtain that much fake cash and who printed it?” The very existence of of fake currency in the puritanical Middle Kingdom opened the way to our investigative reporting in the People’s Republic of China ever since - and to this very day. Rembrandt the Younger Soon after getting back to Hong Kong to prepare a local magazine for Fashion Week, I met with an old friend involved in soliciting American and European clients for the four massive book-publishing houses in Shenzhen (located immediately outside the border of Hong Kong). We dined outdoors on a narrow street cleared in the evening for tourists and locals interested in old-style Cantonese cuisine on folding tables. After listening in amusement to my recent hunt for the lord of counterfeit, Sonny mentioned that among his European clients there was an interesting character in Amsterdam that I should contact for information on the underground crime scene. His name was simply Rembrandt and, yes, he is a direct descendant of the world’s greatest painter. After jotting down the contact number, Sonny paid the dinner bill and rushed off to catch an express train back to Shenzhen, waving and shouting “Good Luck this time!” He’d previously witnessed some of my most aspiring projects flop. After clearing deadline for the Fashion Week edition, I stopped by my usual haunt, a dark low-end bar in the herbal medicine district of western Hong Kong. I always enjoying teasing the three bachelorette sisters who ran the joint. When I mentioned a hot lead that I was onto in Europe, the youngest proprietor urged me to call over the phone in their back office. So with a mug of beer on her desk, I dialed the international country code and number - with zero expectation of success. A voice tentatively answered my query with: “This is he. Friend of Sonny, ah yes, what would you like to know?” Well, for over an hour, Rembrandt spilled the beans about international counterfeit production and distribution of London and Rotterdam. To summarize: at the time Britain was the source of rare indelible inks and thread-lined resilient paper. The actual scoring of metal plates was done by the world’s best engravers - Dutchmen in the Netherlands aka Holland. This noble if criminal tradition implicated even his great ancestor often accused of cutting plates for a forgery ring in the Dutch effort to financially undermine the oppressive Spaniard foes. I tried to suppress the explosions in my brain, while jotting down quick notes. Indeed, this descendant of the master artist was under police surveillance on suspicion of involvement in pristine forgeries recently detected by top art experts in government employ. Straight from the horse’s mouth, I gasped. Cutting (carving grooves into) a plate was masterwork so rare that various gangsters had been exploring the use of digital technology but the results thus far were shabby compared with the steady grip of a talented engraver. Top-grade subtle ink was the greater problem for faint, barely perceptible incisions in the region of the watermark along with various patches of hidden images. Continuing, Rembrandt mentioned that recent arrests in England had spooked the craft there into researching digital technology with the potential to be faster, more accurate and immune to flaws in pictorial graphics. As yet, there’d been no connections with Chinese counterfeiters, although that was becoming less certain given the art exchanges between Europe and Asia. He emphasized that counterfeit was primarily an artistic challenge rather than a low-minded grab for profit, even if vast profits are to be made by this noble trade that hails back to the Dutch struggle for liberation from Spanish oppression. I thought to myself, how patriotic is that? Wonderful! I should be cranking out fake dollars to oppose unjust wars while filling my pockets! May I call you back in case I come across unfamiliar issues here in Asia? His answer was: Anytime, but be warned I’m under increased police surveillance at this time. I wished him luck and future success. Click. My offer to pay a vast amount for the call was rejected by the younger sister who said that the phone line was wired into a big exporter’s phone system so it cost nothing for her. Holy Cow! Could this lovely girl be involved in a trist? Everything I’m dealing with is a crime which makes me something of a criminal! So I ordered a bottle of wine in thanks to share with the sisters. On the following week, I tried calling Rembrandt to confirm my follow-up research on his revelations. His phone was dead. Damn it, I swore to myself: Maybe the NATO bastards tapped my call. I already had some scrapes with NATO due to my media exposure of the deliberate bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, which was located inside a huge no-strike zone, along with my adventurous visit to Serbia. OK, touche! The duel is on again. Also there was that long visit to Amsterdam to dig out the truth about the Israeli plane loaded with chemical weapons that crashed into an apartment killing some 80 residents. At the consequent Hague hearings, I was the only non-European to report the facts in the only magazine that dared accept the story - Japan Playboy. OK, as enemy of the state I had no choice but to plod ahead against not-so veiled threats and lousy pay, even if my scoop is posted next to a naked lady. The Beijing Arts scene After a brief period of confusion, I realized from the hoopla on the arts page of local newspapers there were many Chinese arts experts working in the Netherlands. It did not take any flash of genius to realize that the media-lionized pseudo-artist Ai Weiwei had a large crew in Holland. In my humble opinion as a former research librarian at the New York Metropolitan Museum that the Dada movements use of “found objects” accounts for China’s most famous/notorious “artist” was a philistine copycat, for instance, his stacking of chairs as ‘brilliant” sculpture. I supposed one of the artsy critics had ever been by a bar after closing hour. Yet he was earning millions of dollars from arts patrons, galleries and EU funding. Millions for trash? Yeah, Rembrandt nailed it: Art is a cover for counterfeit production. Thus, my next trip to Beijing began a cycle of routine visits to the arts district known at factory 798 in Beijing’s northside. My tour of those galleries confirmed that genuinely talented painters were not gaining any media attention as opposed to con artists. Meanwhile, Ai kept relocating his local studio, which appeared to be inoperative. The government was putting a lid on him. The hunt for truth reminded me of the carnival game of hammering the mole - and wherever the hammer dropped the blind mole had already slipped away to another hole. I eagerly went to a planned reception for Ai, but it turned out that the event was merely a show of a few of his recent works without his presence since he was in hot water with the police. As the first reporter to arrive, I was greated by a Dutch embassy official, who seemed totally uninterested in art but full of praise for Ai’s artistic genius. Of course, the air reeked of corruption and deception that goes with fakery and illicit cash. Via Jakarta The con game in Beijing was obviously a diversionary hoax, so I did the next best thing based on Rembrandt’s advice: Fly to Jakarta, Indonesia, the gateway to Asia for the Dutch mafia’s drug trafficking. There to cover the National Geographic bogus celebration of jatropha bean-oil as the pollution-free aircraft fuel of the near-term future, There I met with media-related locals and one of them was retired navigator for Indonesia’s airlines, who assured me that jatropha was poisonous for local livestock and did not combust efficiently enough for transport use - it was yet another eco-hoax. Impressed by my openness to critical thinking, they invited me to their suburb on the distant outskirts of Jakarta. The roadway was slow-going due to floodwaters. The arrival was to a pleasant old-style rural village, where over vegan fare we continued the discussion. The retired navigator explained that the flight routes for drug shipments were constantly changed to evade inspectors. The most recent pathway was out of the new airport in Shenzhen, just outside of Hong Kong, aboard flights to Vancouver, where local Chinese baggage handlers moved the contraband onto small planes for delivery to various cities and small towns in the USA and Canada. I recall my reaction as: This is a maze of air routes impossible to interdict. The navigator assured me that the “triads” or crime syndicates were making a fortune on bush-pilot delivery of dope. My ensuing report from Hong Kong as met with sullen silence and a refusal to publish without testimony from an insider - yeah, and I’m expected to interview a dead man walking. I seemed to have angered the heavens. So how did my invisible nemesis Tim Walz fit into this maze? For one thing, Fentanyl, moved out from China via Mexico and transferred to safe haven Minnesota bound for dozens of U.S. towns and cities. All bases covered. Obviously I had been chasing after race horses on a bicycle. The smart money was with Tim Walz and his ilk connected with Chinese intel and its masters. Yeah, Rembrandt had been silenced, Ai Weiwei was in avoidance of China, Indonesia was turning into a military dictatorship, and I was flat broke from chasing after a phantom. It took the better part of a decade for me to catch up to where I was before this nightmare. Or maybe in reverse, the nightmare caught up with me with the nomination of Tim Walz on the Democrat ticket. So the picture begans to take shape like master Rembrandt’s “Night Watch” - of a secretive group of queer military men protecting their special interests under the rubric of national defense of civilization. The key to that renowned scene is the shadow of the senior commander’s hand over the crotch of his lieutenant, an obvious reference to homosexuality - a bond of secrecy essential to the code of silence of queers and crooks. Indeed, I discovered that the Indonesian military-controlled national airline had ordered a slew of Boeing airliners promoted by the U.S. ambassador to Thailand Skip Boyce - pronounced “boys”. That’s the new Golden Triangle - drugs, counterfeit and rigged elections. So now at the bottom of the ninth, let’s see with two strikes and bases loaded if batter Tim Walz can knock one over the fence for a 4-run victory. Failing that, he’s done for the season and maybe for his entire career. Don’t know about you, but I’m betting against him.