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John Reviews The Trump-Harris Debate


I watched the so-called ‘debate' last night for only one reason: to find out if my prediction to my wife, Sarita, was correct. She's the only one I would talk to about it because of my intense disdain for American politics in which the only difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is the spelling!
My predictions were dead-on and I only post a few of my observations here for my own amusement and for that of my wife.

No one knows this except our son Christopher and two or three truly, truly close friends. Sarita recently returned home from a life-threatening bout of edema after a month of intensive care in the hospital. She hates Facebook because, first of all, she is intensely private. Second, she doesn't want to look at a public billboard where people whine about their infirmities or brag about where they ate a great lunch. I'm only on Facebook to try to inform people…first, about my films about Jim Garrison and JFK, and secondly, my books. In spite of my enormous success with not only these endeavors as the Creator of 'Real People’...the first reality show, and a monster hit for the 3 years from 1979 to 1982 when I was the producer and principal writer of it, and then losing it, as a lot of you know, by trying to tell the Jim Garrison story on it.

In spite of that, I am still a comic at heart. So, again, to amuse myself and my wife, I will post some of my observations. Back to Sarita. When she got back home, she needed a walker and a wheelchair. She wheeled herself into the living room, not having watched television for months, and sat near me to watch it. 10 minutes-in she jumped up and said, “Is he kidding!?! How did he ever get this far?” Trump's Hari Kari disaster, at least for a moment, helped Sarita's recovery!!
Now for a few observations of my own and a prediction that may surprise you...

From the very first unspoken moment, Trump was dead meat. Instead of being a gentleman which he never is or was, he never made an effort to walk halfway over to shake her hand. Since his only concern is and was and always has been only him, he stopped at his podium. Kamala, on the other hand, walked directly over to him, extending her hand, to paraphrase Mark Twain, as confident as a Christian holding four aces!!! He went instantly from a walk-in wolf to a standing cornered sheep before he could even beep out his 1st endless 'me me me' and from that moment on like a master butcher she sliced him up into little pieces which became smaller and smaller...and hung them up to dry.
Basically, it was 90 minutes of Trump doing only what he can do when not lying: ducking the issues as though they were fastballs to his head. We got to listen to him say what we've heard him say for 7 years, and that is.brag about HIMELF! Democrats at home must have been doing a sing-along! While Kamala
was talking about you, me, and America…three things Trump is totally unfamiliar with. If that would have been a car show, he was an Edsel up against a Rolls-Royce.

Trump called her a Marxist, when at worst she would only be a Groucho Marxist! When that didn't work, he just called her names, saying how horrible she was. She never once called him a name. She was so smart she recited the names of generals and fellow staff members who quit him, who said he was a disgrace!!! And she stared right at him as she said it, 'You're a disgrace!' Not once, even when he was denigrating her, did he look at her or look her in the eyes, while not only did his eyes turn into slits, like the Korean dictator he loves so much, but it was like I was watching the wicked witch of the North from The wizard of Oz shrinking into a puddle of water! I could write 5 hours of great jokes about America's biggest bully, being bullied into insignificance by a really smart lady.

I don't like to make fun of the mentally-handicapped when they are down. So, that being said, here is a prediction that may startle you. As I've said often, I have a number a very close successful businessmen and highly paid executives who before the debate said they were voting for Trump...even though every one of them would admit they would never hire him to be a co-executive an employee or even a f*cking doorman. They would also admit they are 50 times smarter than he is even in intelligence and business...not one of them having filed for bankruptcy once. Trump did it six times, mostly to avoid paying workers who worked on either Trump towers or his failed casino, many of whom sadly had to file bankruptcy themselves. I am sure like nearly everyone in America, my friends watched Kamala castrate him.

Living in the gambling Mecca of America, I would bet everything that I have that they will still vote for this pathetic self-absorbed egomaniacal pussy-grabbing convicted felon, still vote for this one trick pony of a politician whom they saw being totally out-distanced by a thoroughbred. If they ever remake that old show from the '70s called 'Unsolved Mysteries,' to answer my wife Sarita's question, ‘How did Trump ever get this far?' should be the first episode!