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Trudeau Drops Covid Vax Mandate Because | |
By Dr. Betty Martini | |
No. 161 - Mission Possible SEPT 27-30th NEWS REPORT
Trudeau drops COVID Vaccine Mandate because 9 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths have been among the Triple/Quadruple Vaccinated in the past 3 months
From Mission Possible World Health, INTL Dr. Betty Martini, Founder Ministry of Censored Facts Labeled As Misinformation!
Kentucky Representative & Investigative Researcher
Prophetic and Recorded for Our Day
“So law is paralyzed, and justice is never carried out. For the wicked surround the righteous, that is why justice is perverted. Look among the nations and pay attention! Stare in amazement and be astounded; for something will happen in your days that you will not believe even if it is told to you.” (Habakkuk 1:4-5)
All the new revelations on what the COVID-19 experimental bioweapon shot is doing to humanity keep being revealed daily. In the first article, it is very important to listen to Part 1 and Part 2 of both 45-minute videos. I am sure if after viewing the first one, you will want to immediately watch Part 2. One might think they already know everything about this COVID false-flag fiasco, but daily even more new informational evidence is being added almost daily.
Interestingly, in a local news report in Lexington, Kentucky announced how there is a new support group started to help childless couples and couples with children cope with the issue of being unable to get pregnant. Unfortunately, it may be of help in mental support, but for getting help on how to get pregnant will not be unattainable if they were injected with the COVID-19 “spike protein” serum injection designed to target male and female reproductive organs making both infertile. It’s over for them and the only solution for them is adopting a child while there are children available. And if their children have taken the COVID-19 injections, childbearing will be impossible for them also. The “Family tree” comes to and end. This is a permanent, irreversible damage that cannot be undone. Read the second article for more details.
What ever is happening in the United Kingdom is also happening in the United States. Shockingly, Trudeau, as socialist as he is, suspended “COVID Vaccine Mandate” because 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths are from the triple and quadruple injected. So the tells me that If you have taken all 3 to 4 of the COVID-19 injections, you have a 90% chance of dying. The only difference between UK and the United States now is the United States is still pushing this genocidal bioweapon and censoring the fatalities that would be just as bad if not worse than the UK. But they censor these reports from being released by the media to keep people in ignorance and keep getting injected with this deadly bioweapon with the 5th, 6th, 7th and so on with unstoppable injections feeding the pipeline.
La Quinta Columna has definite proof that that those who have taken Pfizer’s COVID-19 injections have self-assembling “graphene nanotubes” in the serum. But other research has shown the other big three manufactures have and do the same as Pfizer. So prove this research for yourself, read the La Quinta Columna article and watch closed caption video.
Attorney Todd Callender appears in two of the articles below. First, Todd Callendar talks about stopping the WHO, camps, and medical tyranny with targeted strategies. Second article with Dr. Jane Ruby discussing with Attorney Todd Callender on how the COVID-19 injected are a new “Human Species: Homo Borg Genesis”. A real label given by the demonic powers behind these injections. You’re right if the thought came to your mind a new species is being created.
A lot of focus has been on Hurricane Ian, and still is as it heads towards landfall just close to Myrtle Beach. And understandably so when this is the first ever hurricane on record to make landfall as a category 5 in Florida. The most destructive hurricane to hit Florida. Watch the short video presentation on how the weather controllers had directed and slowed down with microwave radiation beams and use of NEXRAD, and slow at an unprecedented speed of just 9 MPH creating ocean surges of 12 feet in the Fort Myers area and dropping a huge amount of anticipated rainfall amounts by restricting its speed across land. There are thousands of patents that describe what these technologies controlling the weather are doing.
Dr. Joseph Meracola reports on how health officials are now admitting Bill Gates really does run the World. He is at the very top as orchestrator of depopulation agenda. He controls many organizations by way of his never ending funding, and very deep pockets.
Big thanks to Steve, Mission Possible for sharing information of a new documentary just recently released entitled “Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (2022)”
Sincerely, Tommy Armstrong Mission Possible World Health, INTL
Here Comes the Next Bioweapon Wave! Hope and Tivon on SGT Report Tuesday, September 27, 2022 Researchers Hope & Tivon return to SGT Report with another blockbuster report this time detailing the next bioweapons wave which includes mRNA technology in a wide variety of vaccines other than the Covid vax. THESE TWO 45-MINUTE EACH VIDEOS SHOWS A LOT OF NEW EVIDENCE AND DOCUMENTS IN THE COVID-19 INJECTION SERUM WITH THE INGREDIENTS THAT ARE BUILDING THE WIFI SOFTWARE INTO THE INJECTED. WELL WORTH WATCHING TO SEE HOW FAR THESE DEMONIC SICKOS WILL GO TO CONTROL HUMANITY AS PART OF THEIR TRANSHUMAN AGENDA. SUPRISING INFORMATION. Part 1 VIDEO: Watch here on Bitchute
Part 2 VIDEO: Watch here on Bitchute
Spike Proteins in Covid Injections Compromise Not Only Current but All Future Pregnancies Tuesday, September 27 An agency in Her Majesty’s Government has been advising against administering Covid injections to pregnant or breastfeeding women throughout the entire pandemic, according to a report by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (“MHRA”). READ COMPLETE ARTICLE HERE:
Trudeau drops COVID Vaccine Mandate because 9 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths have been among the Triple/Quadruple Vaccinated in the past 3 months Tuesday, September 27, 2022 Back in June, Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, tested positive for Covid-19 for a second time despite allegedly being triple vaccinated. But despite this personal and clear evidence that Covid-19 injections are useless, Trudeau refused to remove the Covid vaccine mandates he had enforced across Canada. However, four months later, Trudeau has finally relented and decided to drop the Covid-19 vaccine mandates across Canada. READ COMPLETE ARTICLE HERE:
La Quinta Columna Demonic Technology Bombshells: Definite Proof Self-Assembling Graphene Nanotubes In Pfizer VAXX!! One Side-Effect Is Death!! Karen Kingston Tuesday, September 27, 2022 Listening to Karen Kingston, can you see why graphene is one of the most important issues of modern times. Well… of course, there is a purpose to those nanotubes… but what? To execute? To control thoughts? To control people? To deliver drugs? To kill? WATCH VIDEO AT THE FOLLOWING LINK:
LIVE SHORTAGE Documentary LIVE! Vatican Signals Global COLLAPSE, Vaxx DESTROYS Human Reproduction Stew Peters Show September 27th, 2022. WATCH VIDEO AT THE FOLLOWING LINK:
Todd Callendar - Stopping the WHO, Camps & Medical Tyranny with Targeted Strategies September 27th, 2022 Attorney Todd Callendar joins us to discuss the need for targeted strategies to stop quarantine camps being utilized to imprison citizens, Biden's Executive Order to advance transhumanism, end the patenting of human beings and exit the system of medical martial law being built globally. WATCH VIDEO AT THE FOLLOWING LINK:
Dr. Jane Ruby: Jabbed Are Now A New Human Species: Homo Borg Genesis Dr. Jane Ruby and Todd Callender Friday, September 30, 2022 The concept of the jab hybridizing the human race has been mentioned several times at O.N.E. News… and now we have even more confirmation. Folks… this news is so huge that people can’t even process the implications… but we have to do so. Different hybrids have different needs. WATCH 60-MINUTE VIDEO AT THE FOLLOWING LINK:
Barrister Julian Gillespie Ahpra + Doctors on notice they will be held liable for vaccine damages Friday, September 30, 2022 WATCH 2-MINUTE VIDEO AT THE FOLLOWING LINK:
Here’s how they methodically intensified and meticulously steered Hurricane Ian into southwest Florida. Geoengineering Watch Dane Wigington Friday, September 30, 2022 WATCH 3-1/2 MINUTE VIDEO AT THE FOLLOWING LINK:
Health Officials Admit Bill Gates Really Does Run the World Dr. Joseph Meracola Friday, September 30, 2022 The undue influence of Bill Gates, who smiles with benevolent charm but behaves like a giant vampire squid, desperately needs to be removed from public policy everywhere in the world. Gates learned his monopolistic ways at the feet of his eugenicist father and through his company, Microsoft. Now, even left-leaning Politico admits that Gates is out of control. READ COMPLETE ARTICLE AND WATCH VIDEO HERE:
Five Months to Kill: The horrifying relationship between Deaths, COVID Deaths & Covid-19 Vaccination Friday, September 30, 2022 A peculiar pattern has now persisted in official UK Government data for some time. Approximately five months after each dose of the Covid-19 vaccine is administered to each age group, the mortality rates per 100,000 rise significantly among the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated in each age group. So much so that by the end of May 2022, mortality rates were lowest among the unvaccinated in every single age group in England, and highest among the one-dose vaccinated, the two-dose vaccinated, and the three-dose vaccinated. Now, an analysis of Covid-19 data published by the UK Government has found that not only does the same pattern persists in Covid-19 deaths, but each dose of Covid-19 injection given causes a significant rise in Covid-19 deaths. READ COMPLETE ARTICLE HERE:
Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (2022) | Oracle Films | News Uncut 204,246 views Shared by Steve, Mission Possible UK Premiered Sep 28, 2022 WATCH 55-MINUTE VIDEO AT THE FOLLOWING LINK: