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Tim Walz Aided China's Counterfeit Smuggling
That Motivated The Minneapolis BLM Riots

By Yoichi Shimatsu
Exclusive To Rense

Part 2 of this investigative series on the 2024 presidential campaign focuses on Minnesota, an eerily quiet semi-Arctic wasteland known as “The Gopher State”, the hide-out of Kamala’s running mate Governor Tim Walz. The biological reference is to a subspecies of prairie critter that’s never featured as a stuffed animal on the shelves of TJ Max or Walmart due to its threatening and idiotic buck teeth that’ve never met a toothbrush. These varmints are sworn enemies of gardeners and golf course manicurists because the gopher is the world’s sneakiest rodent, way more cunning than your clueless sewer rats in New York City. Gophers not to be confused with Go-fers dig deep underground labyrinths that cave-in whenever it rains, transforming neat front lawn into war zones. When not aimlessly carving out loopy tunnels, gophers chew on the roots of your favorite flower beds and newly planted hedges - as if your sole role in life is as their salad chef. They’re impossible to catch being clever and quick enough to dodge a shotgun blast,

The squeaky chirpy gopher squeals out the most irritating mating call, as proven by the little rascal that drove its sworn-enemy Bill Murray bonkers in “Caddyshack” - a duel of nerves that ended in an explosive blast that was mistaken for a nuclear bomb, bringing on a Strategic Air Command alert - yep, right up there along DEW line by the Canadian border - Minnesota. There’s no need to ask about animal rights - the gopher survived.

Aside from the Minnesota state mascot, there’s an even more elusive species of tiny rodent once plentiful across America eons ago but now are in danger of extinction. Long dirt furrows across newly mowed lawns are the only evidence of their presence. A lucky flip of a shovel into a wiggling mound is the only way to unearth one of those tiny monsters with sharp claws and long pointed noses, thrashing frantically while snapping at your fingers. Those teeth are razor sharp so it’s fortuitous that they’re blind. The Good Lord does work in mysterious was. Moving about at night, moles are as elusive as fleeting moon shadows - masters of darkness, guided by the echoes of their squeaky voices. Yet for all their stealth, those sightless creatures do sometimes err, as disclosed by John Le Carre, author of the British spy series culminating in “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy” - the semi-fictive guidebook to catching a mole - which is the task before us - cornering the career-long Chinese intel asset now aiming to be Vice President. There goes the Rose Garden.

Protector of China’s Counterfeit Currency Smuggling into the USA

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz gained a fleeting moment of national notoriety for unleashing the Black Lives Matter torching and looting of his Twin Cities with a smirk of relief. His inexplicable refusal to send in the state National Guard remains an unsolved mystery - until now with this probe of his undercover role in Chinese smuggling of counterfeit dollars aboard freight trains passing through the Canada-U.S. northern border to the inspection post at International Falls, MN, - bound for Houston, Texas.

This heinous crime against the American public is briefly mentioned in the Treasury Department’s record of two seizures during the COVID lockdown - each dominated at nearly a million dollars in fake dollar bills. The Feds report is brief and terse because Walz and his Chinese masters are suspected of hundreds of earlier train shipments of fake dollars for sale to the Mexican drug Cartel. The go-fer in this black operation, doing liaison between the Cartel and the Chinese consulate in Houston and, by necessity, the governor’s associates in Minneapolis - the runner George Floyd - of Black Lives Matter fame - was targeted to be the Feds’ key witness. He could well still be alive for activation by one side or the other.

The Nation’s Heroes who Felled Big George

After pondering the best approach toward uncovering official complicity with the Chinese smuggling operation, the Feds dispatched a five-man law-enforcement team to track Floyd’s movements in the Twin Cities Minneapolis and Saint Paul. That was amid the second summer of the COVID lock-down, late in year 2022.. First off, one of those federal investigators - Derek Chauvin - went undercover as a bouncer in the disco were Floyd worked as a look-out for mob VIPs and whores who hadn’t paid the entry fee - and probably as an in-house dope supplier. After amassing sufficient evidence from local shopkeepers to indict Floyd, the covert ops team tailed their suspect while he entered a small Arab-owned convenience store. Big George passed counterfeit for a pack of cigarettes and then rushed outside while the shopkeeper was shouting loudly at him.

Our noble icon of Black Lives Matter told the rag-head to flip off and strode down the sidewalk puffing on a pipe. Officer Chauvin approached Floyd, who recognized him as a disco staffer - and then immediately realized that he had just walked into a trap, Big George tried to flee but was immediately manhandled by three other undercover cops in the infamous televised tussle that laid him on the street by the wheel of a car. To restrain the struggling giant - Floyd was 7-feet tall - Chauvin placed a foot on the suspect’s neck to restrain the natural urge to flee. Floyd struggled in vain to escape. While the news media reported that then and there he died of asphyxiation. Maybe, but there’s another possibility that he actually survived as a state’s witness against his Chinese patrons. Perhaps he’s still alive, well and cooperating with the sting operation. Whatever, he’s expendable trash undeserving of another minute of public concern. Human rights apply to humans not to zombies.

Good-Bye to Chinese Connivers

Does anyone still recall that then President Trump soon thereafter phoned the Chinese Embassy in Houston, Texas, but was rudely rebuffed by the consul general? The bureaucrat’s arrogant tune changed at the sight and sound of George Floyd saying “Ni Hao, Boss!” Four days later the Chinese staffers were gone, evacuating lock, stock and barrel back to Beijing. Diplomatic protocol is about keeping secrets secret under official cover-ups to avoid embarrassment to either side - in other words chicken droppings.

The weed-puffing hero of the leftist rioters and their homeless peons - the key “running dog” of China’s subversion program - Floyd happened to be a resident of Houston since birth. His main role for his Chinese masters was as the liaison between the Mexican drug Cartel - as purchases and distributors of counterfeit dollars - and the governor’s office in Minnesota. From one border to the other, frequent illicit shipments that required a runner with long legs. At the end of each operation, the governor received his cut - presumably. Go figure.

The trainloads of fake dollars printed in China destined via Vancouver, Canada to International Falls, MN, is one of the best kept secrets of the Democrat Party’s treasurers and their co-conspirators among the higher levels of the Mexican drug Cartel. Basically the ill-gotten profits from counterfeit sales to gangsters and dope smugglers is what’s funding the Harris-Walz presidential campaign. You see, the Democrat leadership are mere go-fers for the big crooks in Beijing and Mexico City.

That treasonous dope dealer, thief and counterfeit hustler was the “hero” of the Black Lives Matter fraudsters and their paid arsonists who ran amok across the Twin Cities. What we’re dealing with here are traitorous scoundrels, including the three female founders of BLM - two being descendants of cotton-picking slaves and the other a Nigerian (synonymous with hustler). These ladies have since split the ill-gotten donations from charities and major corporations, walking off with about five million dollars apiece - while two-thirds of the remaining funds have disappeared into thin air. How stupid can the liberal “well-meaning” corporate idiots be? As for the radical leftists they’ve since been left to fend for themselves? You’ve been taken, stripped and raped, dummies and stooges!

The Governor’s refusal to mobilize the Minnesota National Guard to stop the street violence is due to the fact Walz and his Chinese controllers were the main beneficiaries of that riot. The objective was not just to intimidate law-abiding citizens fed up with urban decay but to terrorize local communities into abject submission to a crazed alliance of thugs, dope dealers and upstart demagogues, the key voting block for the Democrats. The underlying purpose of the Black Lives Matter assault on Minneapolis was, however, to block a federal investigation of Governor Watz’s longtime cooperation and cover-up of the Communist Chinese intelligence agency’s smuggling of counterfeit dollars through International Falls, Montana, to Houston, Texas, for transfer in payment to the Mexican dope Cartel to cover the cash outlays for their fentanyl smuggling operation across the southern border. It was and still is a Border-to-Border operation, a cash cow for Crime Inc. and the Democratic Party bigwigs.

To get a whiff of the massive scale of the smuggling operation, practically every adult in New Mexico of late has suffered confiscation of fake $20, $50 and hundred dollar bills by bank tellers or by cashiers at local supermarkets - with nary a penny of compensation. Residents of the four southern border-states have been paying a heavy price for fake dollar trafficking that originated from printing presses in China and Canadian rail for transfer to the U.S. border station at International Falls, Minnesota. The fake-dollar shipments began at the start of the first gubernatorial term of China’s loyal business partner Tim Walz. A probe of his campaign spending and donor list will likely turn up China connections galore.

Counterfeit entry via International Falls

Minnesota’s remote northern border with Canada’s Ontario Province - the very prototype of middle of Nowhere - was a perfect entry point for the China-Mex counterfeit partnership. How it worked: Departing from Shanghai, a Chinese cargo vessel conveys a mixed cargo, which includes non-descript boxes containing mint-perfect fake U.S. dollar bills for cross-Pacific shipment to the port of Vancouver. From that western Canadian landing, the illegal cargo in a boxcar is towed by locomotives through five Canadian provinces - British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and finally western Ontario - and then loops around The Lake of the Woods to arrive at the U.S. inspection post at International Falls, MN.

But, you may ask - why not just haul the contraband on the much shorter route from Vancouver due south along the Pacific coast through Washington State and down to California? For smugglers, however, there’s an imposing drawback to the trans-Washington State route. That border checkpoint north of Bellingham conducts cargo inspections with extraordinary rigor due to national security concerns for the massive naval-defense facilities along the shores of Washington State. That Northwest defense hub is vital for preventing a Pearl Harbor-style attack and launching a counter-strike, particularly in this nuclear age. Indeed, border security was tightened on the Canada-Washington state border following discovery of a train cargo of counterfeit dollars from a printing press in China some two decades ago. So, enough said, the only alternative was to “Go East, young crooks!”

Thus the round-about route through the remote inland boondocks of heavily forested Minnesota, thinly inhabited and lacking strategic defense facilities, became the ideal entry point for contraband smuggling without much hassle from inspectors. It is indeed a long ways from the dope-crossing hubs of Southern California, the Southwest and Florida. Nothing of note ever happens there other than deer hunting and canoe adventures. The scenery along the way from western Ontario is soothing, as the train curls around The Lake of the Woods and soon thereafter crosses the border to halt at the U.S. custom inspection post in International Falls, MN, a small town surrounded by federal-protected forests, including the vast Voyageurs national park and the quaint Rat Root River, probably the only place left with an over-abundance of moles.

On your average year, freight trains arriving to International Falls are packed with consumerist junk for big box stores throughout the vast Midwest - wide-screen TVs, clever new appliances, throw-away clothing, toys, bicycles and other cheap junk - cargo without the least whiff of criminal conspiracy. The sheer volume of low-cost imported goods overwhelms the border inspectors, who let pass boxcars without the slightest suspicion for transfer to the BNSF freight line to Chicago or directly southward to Kansas (the gateway to Texas).

Thereby, boxes of counterfeit currency passed undetected into the USA - and onto to Houston - a flawless smuggling operation - that is until the coronavirus arrived from China. During the two years of lock-down, the import of consumer goods came to a sudden screeching halt, resulting in thousands of empty boxcars being idled at rail-yards. That long hiatus left customs inspectors with not a lot to do - other than closer-than-usual cargo examination to justify their monthly pay and avoid layoffs. The Chinese counterfeit printers must have failed to foresee the effects of lock-down, assuming Americans to be lazy and sloppy labor shirkers, especially around national holidays. Well, that assessment proved wrong when chipper Minnesotans were facing imminent layoffs. So to justify their wages and kill time, the bored inspectors would pop open the doors of the few arriving boxcars and poke around to jot down on their notepads “nothing of concern here,” It showed they were on the job and not slackers deserving unpaid vacation leave.

Just another boring day’s routine? Wrong. The discovery hit like a bombshell, or maybe more of a Chinese New Year’s firecracker. A bored inspector with Customs and Border Protection spotted some oddly identified cargo on the late afternoon of 14 December 2021 among a pile of heavy boxes identified as paper goods. Gingerly cutting open the flaps of a box-top with his X-ACTO knife - lo and behold - the astonished railway man discovered shiny-new $1 bills bundled in paper bands. There was a total 45 boxes of counterfeit totaling $900,000 in sale value for unsuspecting suckers and worth zero at any bank counter. With that revelation the anonymous inspection team was not a bunch of overpaid slackers but crime-fighting heroes of the U.S. Treasury with that haul of a century.

The Investigation Begins

Samples of the identical contents were hastily sent to Treasury headquarters for intensive examination, which was really unnecessary to determine that the Bank of China mint was run by a bunch of low-life crooks and, worse, arch-villains posing a strategic threat to America’s financial security. After so many years of naive negligence during Governor Walz’s term in office, Treasury officials realized they’d been made fools of by foreign scoundrels. To avoid public castigation for their years of negligence, a veil of secrecy was cast over two successful interdicted seizures, thus sparing the Feds undue criticism from Congress. Like other scoops by the T-men, the International Falls case never made national headlines and certainly not the evening news. The low-key investigation in that sensitive case was relegated to four forestry police officers from the nearby Voyageurs National Park, normally assigned to pursue, catch and neutralize “the usual suspects” - small-time backwoodsmen smuggling cigarettes, booze and dope across the northern border for the bored residents of Winnipeg. Where’s that? Never mind.

The question that troubled Treasury was: Why in the world would the artistically perfect Chinese forgers send measly $1 notes all the way across the Pacific and then by long-distance trains? Sales of the lowest denominated notes would not cover the printing much less transport costs. The Chinks are playing mind-games with us, poking fun at our incompetence! That’s the paranoiac conclusion of the bureaucrats. A more plausible and lucrative purpose behind the shipping of measly dollar notes is for sale to smugglers, gangsters and bar tenders as wrappers for smoking joints of high-grade marijuana, hombre - the ultimate luxury in defiance of the damn Yankees.

The insult to Uncle Sam is a hilarious joke and best revenge no matter how many times the buyer lights up and chokes in laughter as the dollar bill goes up in grass-scented smoke. Comprende, gringo? Who would not pay $50 at a Mexican dance club for a dollar-wrapped cigarillo? A dollar bill or a perfect fake is somewhat equivalent to the Stars and Stripes for flag-burners. The problem is that bona fide dollar bills do not burn efficiently. Alternatively, a perfect fake $1 adapted to match the slow burn of cigarette paper is a work of art - a surreal gesture in action. Ritual revenge - one of those aberrations of human nature - to despise the people you depend on for income aka an inferiority complex honed to a burning desire for payback - the prefect toy for New Year’s Eve across the Southwest and Mexico.

Last Voyage of the Park Police

Oh, then five weeks later, a second train rolls in with one huge box of counterfeit, probably $50 bills or maybe $100s - denominations for unmistakably old-fashioned counterfeit distribution. The Feds were facing a dilemma: Could any policeman or law enforcement official in Minnesota be trusted not to spill the beans to Governor Walz, who’s long been a business partner with the Chinese? And how could federal agents arrange the arrest of chief suspect George Floyd without attracting undue public attention?

Immediately adjoining the International Falls depot is the vast Voyageurs National Park, which has a federal law-enforcement section due to extensive smuggling of illegals and wanted criminals, stolen goods and dope into and out of Canada on small water craft, such as canoes and motorized rafts. So a team of five federal cops aka “park rangers” from Voyageurs were called up as volunteers to hunt down that rotten rascal Floyd. Among them was the super-tough Derek Chauvin, a buff tough guy whose ancestors must have been lumber jacks. After all, the target - Floyd - was a muscular big-boned 7-feet tall giant so it would take an ax-wielding Paul Bunyan to fell him.

Chauvin thus worked undercover as a bouncer in the disco that employed Floyd as a host with the most for long-deprived aging females. George was everything that a profession crook should be - tough, sneaky, observant and confident. Later the tail team tracked Floyd at midday May 25 entering an Arab-owned convenience store, where the manager fumed at being paid in counterfeit - again. The Voyageurs waited for the suspect to stroll down the sidewalk, oblivious to the rag-head, whiffing a pipe of weed, while the irate Arab vendor screamed in rage at the nonchalant suspect.

As Chauvin proceeded to make the arrest, which the Floyd flicked off with a straight arm figuring his fellow disco bouncer was just kidding around. Failing to notice three strangers behind him, Floyd resisted in shock and panic at being tackled to the pavement, resulting in the infamous cry of “I can’t breathe!” down by the front wheel, enabling Chauvin to place his heel on the big felon’s neck. Got-cha!

Can’t breathe? Then don’t be smokin’ weed, bro’. Perhaps his heart was weakened by excessive dope consumption. So he croaked - allegedly. Big deal, another one bites the dust, and it was high time for the rangers to get back to the national park to chase canoe-paddling smugglers. Then again, maybe Floyd just passed out after one of the cops stuck a needle of sedatives into his fat thigh. It seems that he did not die on the pavement - that was pure theater.

Tiny Tim the lonely boy from Nebraska in China

To begin at the beginning, Tim Walz was born in Nebraska to Midwestern parents who refuse to publicly identify themselves or take blame for his misadventures. Can you blame them? Absolutely! Dad should have given the boy a whupping and pleaded with the sheriff to run him through juvenile hall! And why did his pregnant mom not demand the right to an abortion? It’s still dad’s fault for not rolling out a condom. So lesson learned - abort every embryo ever hatched in liberal Minnesota as an insurance policy to prevent another Tiny Tim!

The Feeding, Care and Training of a wannabee Commie

Being a hick doomed to a bleak future in nowhere’s-ville, young Tim dreamed of a magical escape from Nebraska, much like Dorothy ballooning out of Kansas. Yeah, the Midwest is worse than awful - it’s mind-numbing boring and the meals are an atrocity unfit for human or canine consumption. Then at last he met the wonderful Wizard - Bob Avakian, chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), the only crazy leftist cult left standing after a wave of post-Vietnam disillusionment following militant China’s conversion to tightly controlled elitist capitalism under the midget emperor Deng Xiaoping who famously uttered: “White Cat or Black Cat, what does that matter so long as it catches mice?” Yes, the peasants were down to grilled rodents for Sunday dinner. Money is all that matters.

That enigmatic slogan about cats had a hidden message: You can deceive yourself into being a communist or a capitalist (Chinese or American), but face it - nothing really matters other than your scam’s ability to defraud gullible fools out of their cash!” By shoddy exports or stock fraud, who really cares except for suckers? Put simply, would you rather be a cat or a mouse fed to the cat?

Brilliant, indeed, as the philosophical foundation of our present world of advertising and AI. That’s why the Chinese refer to that Grand Master of the Come-Back - Deng as the Jew of China. (I am not joking, it’s a fact.) Mao had put Deng into rural exile so the clever fraudster waited patiently till the Great Leader croaked to make his dramatic return from the dead. Luckily or not, I witnessed the bizarre celebratory comeback parade in Guangzhou which the poorer residents avoided like the plague, leaving me with the comradely task of draining a table-full of litle cups of Maotai sorghum liquor aka white lightning. Welcome to the New China that every aspiring crook in the USA wants America to be today!

Adventurism of the American Imagination in China

Thus, immediately after his graduation from a podunk college in Nebraska, Walz applied for a post as an English language instructor somewhere in the boondocks of China, sponsored by WorldTeach, a global charity originally sponsored by Henry Luce, publisher of TIME magazine. Luce was a fan of Madame Chiang, the Dragon Lady of the China Lobby, probably due to his being born in China, the son of Presbyterian missionaries. His dream was to convert crippled China into a branch of Protestant America (which also never really existed).

On arrival, the fellow traveler from Nebraska was shocked at the gross underdevelopment of that region. In reality, Foshan was a township aspiring for industrial wealth, being located a short train distance from the British Crown Colony of Hong Kong. Factories were then starting to sprout up on former rice paddies. (I passed through Foshan on my first visit to China, more than a decade earlier when the fields were plowed by water buffaloes and manured with a nutrient-rich organic mixture of bovine, fowl and human waste, a good reason to slam shut the train window and pull up the bandana.)

Groupie in a Sea of Madness

Then Tim’s dream came true with the massive student protests at Tiananmen Square in the heart of the national capital Beijing and under the huge portrait of Mao Tse-tung (Zedong), the late commander of the Revolution. Those were inspirational times even though Tim understood just a smattering of Chinese phrases back them. The sight of eager youths defying the monolithic government was heady stuff, indeed, at least to foreigners spared from hard-labor prison sentences in the Xinjiang desert.

In reality on the ground - as opposed to the CNN’s wistful romanticism - most of the student leaders were sons and daughters of officials with the Guan-bu, the secret police empowered with all the functions of the FBI, CIA and police intel - the People’s Gestapo. Those party brats were among the most arrogant, opinionated, self-centered, luxury seeking and money-hungry punks that I’ve ever encountered anywhere. Their equivalent are the rich Jewish brats complaining about racist discrimination from angry Palestinian students at Harvard. Get a job with Daddy’s firm and yer quit yapping, junior!

The student protesters’ sworn foes were basically the grasping money-crazed family of that economic genius or, in other eyes, the master crook Deng Xiaoping, the neck-deprived midget-sized boss of the Hakka community that takes pride in being called the Jews of China (which offended the actual Jews whose ancestors were employed at the Sassoon clan’s opium operation). It takes a real Jew to spot a hook-nose look-alike. The idolization of Jewish financial success in the USA and Europe made those fraudsters into role models for Chinese bureaucrats aspiring to be instant millionaires. That fandom led to corruption of the sleazy Shanghai group, which secretly borrowed development funds from the London Rothschilds, igniting spectacular growth of that city’s modern business districts along with the revival of prostitution, gambling halls and stock fraud. Appearances can be deceptive, business-wise Shantung was a Potemkin village. And I say that as a longtime admirer of the resilience, creativity and endurance of the Chinese people throughout history and today - your average woman or man on the dusty streets hacking out a crappy wage to feel their kids. That’s not much different from the USA or Europe for that matter.

Unaware of these sort of realities on the ground, Tim groveled as a know-nothing fan of the Tiananmen protesters - without suspecting the elite protesters were fundamentally opposed to any suggestion of a workers’ paradise. When the crackdown finally came down on the June 4th holiday, the student leaders were long gone, leaving lowly peons and poor boys to take the brunt of gunshots and baton beatings. The Heavenly Gate massacre also served as an antidote to the naïve idiocy of know-nothing American leftists. Tim’s idealism soured into cynical confusion, his absurd commie ethos searching for excuses to justify his new mercenary desire to become a successful businessman connected with and leaching off China.

Nearly every American expat connected with China suffers this inner conflict between personal greed and socialist day-dreams to save the poor suffering people around the world, excluding the accursed USA. Mao and Lenin should not be blamed for this hypocrite’s syndrome, since it’s more the result of a Freudian infantile disorder arising from a spoiled brat’s desire to be pampered and honored by the hoi polloi. This mental crisis is expressed, for instance, in Walz’s wife Gwen Whipple’s current role as a counselor for whining and “troubled” yet perfectly acceptable LBGTQ kids. If America’s current political fortunes were not so mixed up in childish tantrums, then most of this nation’s woes would never have arisen in the first place and coddled to the point of rebellious tantrums like the BLM riots or the neurotic closet lesbian groupie hysteria at Taylor Swift concerts. Was she really born female? America’s problem is not rooted in poverty or racism - it’s all due to a social psychosis rooted in plain laziness - mental, physical and most of all a spiritual deficit.

Most of the offending Tiananmen student protesters made their getaway to comfy overseas havens (thanks to gullible European sympathizers) after patiently waiting in hiding - as if the commie bosses really cared. The primary escape route went through uh-hum Foshan - Luce’s gift of shelter and passage facilitated by Walz’s new CIA sponsors - and onto Hong Kong, and from there to naive welcoming committees in Taiwan, London and France - all run by western spy agencies. After a year or so of brave talk promising a comeback, most of the radicals vanished to make a living in relative luxury, aided by local state-sponsored charities - much like the Tibetans in exile. After a couple years of pleasant exile, none of the reformers had any of the fiery zeal of a Vladimir Lenin in Switzerland awaiting the Kaiser’s order for a triumphant return to a doomed Czarist Russia. Vladimir was a patient actor whereas the TAM kids were bit players, crisis walk-ons and leaches.

I’ve met several of those Tiananmen party brats who lack the slick sophistication of bureaucrat apparatchiks while secretly maintaining their elite connections with China’s spy service - to rat out other aging radicals. Their inner loyalty remains firmly at home - and to hell with their idealistic western sympathizers - exactly like George Orwell’s hero of the Resistance who secretly adores Big Brother. This is the psycho-drama of the double-crosser Walz, a mishmash of conflicting loyalties based on a hypocrite’s longings for a workers’ paradise slightly tainted by self-centered treason against the rest of humanity.

As in the classic Chinese tale “Water Margin - Heroes of the Swamp” which elevated the noble sentiments of rebel losers seeking revenge and restoration but soon degenerating into banditry, hedonism and villainy. Chinese literature leans toward despair, cynicism and moral loss - in other words the stuff of realism. Avakian’s radical idealism could not stand up to the test of fire and under-the-table payoffs.

A Disgrace to both Mao and his Foes

Continuing on as a primary school teacher, Tim eventually found the love of his life and fiancee Gwen Whipple and so the foreign couple famously got married on Tiananmen Square on the 5th Anniversary of the military assault to clear out the protesters in a surprise attack that led to an estimated 100 deaths, mainly of local citizens and gawkers. A commemorative wedding on the Square was in line with the cynicism of the exiled student protestors - ultimate bad taste. Likewise, Tim - older now and less idealistic - had become gradually aware that his revolutionary posturing was a delusional figment of youthful ignorance and obstruction to a life of crime. It was high time to refocus on the “reform agenda” of making money.

What really mattered to him was a potential business plan that might parlay his Chinese contacts into easy personal wealth, and therefore on that very same matrimonial trip, he registered his Educational Travel Adventures start-up at a Beijing trade office. The plan was to haul naive American academics and students from wealthy families on tours of China, the workers’ paradise. That business venture lasted less than a decade before dissolution. In the interval, China had lost its charm of rural backwardness of a never-evolving ancient agrarian village society. Rapid modernization by grunt industries was frankly smoggy, ugly, smelly and noisy, hardly a charming tourist destination like Switzerland or Nepal. Plus, the new found (or re-found) greed among Chinese spurred price inflation as a trip to China soon became as expensive as a vacation in France or Italy.

Walz was no businessman, shown by the fact that he could have instead been the first-mover inviting Chinese tycoons to the American Midwest for contract shipments of trussed hogs, corn and tractors. That was the path to riches at least until the Chinese started to export corn products, pork rinds and electric vehicles back to the USA. Instead his record becomes increasingly sketchy, fading into darkness - the classic death wish of an adventurer and resurrection of a bore. His only biz venture that panned out came later as Minnesota governor abetting Chinese counterfeit smuggling through International Falls, MN.

Guarding the Clinton-Bush Globalist Fiasco

Two years after the 911 World Trade Center event, Walz joined the National Guard during George W. Bush’s tenure aka the War on Terror. Although it seems he served in a support unit that delivered airborne supplies to various foreign localities, details are scant while his claims are unverifiable and often suspect as being exaggerated, at least to professional soldiers, diplomats and well-traveled journalists. His Guard flights during the global campaign against Muslim fanatics took him to various locations to ask “Where’s Bin?” So what was he doing in Costa Rica and Thailand? Hardly jihadist hideouts but more export centers for marijuana, opioids and heroin. Then Poland and Botswana were next in the relentless search for militant Muslims. Perhaps Bin Laden had a penchant for kielbasa sausages and fresh-killed elephant steaks.

Walz drops hints of an assignment in Afghanistan, which is plausible as “over Afghan territory” by pushing pallets of ready-to-eat meals out the back of a C-130 cargo plane. His failure to mention any insightful details tend to make his foreign-service assertions questionable. That’s a seriously bad habit for either a vice-president or a state governor. Holding high office demands a firm grip on reality and refusal to exaggerate claims. Notably, the “Afghan” theater included neighboring Pakistan, a ready pick-up point for Afghan heroin exports. His visit to Norway is the only claim that seems real, since that nation has been a regular venue for winter-combat exercises for NATO personnel.

The one highly questionable mission was to NATO’s Vincenza airfield near Italy’s Adriatic coast, which had served as the major launch pad and communication intercepts station during the Clinton-Blair inspired late-1990s Balkans conflicts, which figured as a monitoring station for Clinton’s order to bomb the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade (despite its location deep inside a vast no-strike zone). By the time of Walz’s 2003 mission to Vincenza, Serbia was out of the big picture - past history. That long runway did host then the Blackwater mercenary outfit when it was quietly flying war-victim Yugo and Croatian girls to London for sale or rent as sex slaves.

All the out-of-way locations unrelated to combat operations raise the uneasy question of whether Walz was a “procurer” like fictive Milo Minderbinder, the avaricious pimp in Joseph Heller’s “Catch-22”. Perhaps his unit was conducting training exercises with various Third World military forces to supply new talent to Italian stripper clubs or the midnight guest rooms at W’s White House.

Conclusion: Tim Walz is the personality type that Brits call “dodgy” - evasive, murky and, most distinct of all, mercenary. Just like his running mate Kamala Harris he has a lot to hide, especially about his long connection with China’s criminalized secret service as proven by Treasury agents in the counterfeit dollar smuggling through Minnesota and the cynical attempt to divert public attention from those financial crimes with the rioting, torching and murders across the Twin Cities - as if he really cares about black lives. The role of Cartel/Chinese fake dollar smuggling puts his character into serious question as a possible accomplice of more extensive criminal conspiracies, which if proven in a rigorous investigation, would put Tim Walz not into the White House but inside a federal prison. There is no statute of limitation for an official investigation into these inter-related politics-linked felonies.

After digging out, compiling and reviewing the available evidential information, I come away with the impression that Derek Chauvin, the zealous crime-fighter and gang buster, is a far more patriotic, credible and admirable individual than the dodgy traitors and dope dealers like George Floyd and his accomplice Walz wrapped as they are in an evil mantle of lies, corruption and treason. My hope is for a presidential pardon for Chauvin as an All-American hero who courageously challenged and defied a corrupted political system.

The larger problem is not so much crooked politicians; rather it stems from moral decay, as shown in Gwen Whipple’s casual and indeed sympathetic attitude toward sexual deviance among underage teens and pre-puberty children being offered up as sacrificial victims to the diabolical gay-lesbian cabal. It should be noted that pedophilia was a major component of New Left radicalism in Germany and France following the Paris '68 riots, as espoused and practiced by their iconic leader Danny the Red. In stark contrast, respect for traditional moral values of a Christian persuasion is the foundation for a strong American society capable of withstanding and overcoming the evils of a corrupt world. Morality and law still matter, especially for this national community now in dire crisis, failings that the American people can overcome and surmount.

Note: Special thanks to a classmate of mine at Purdue U - many moons ago - a Minnesota native who recently clued me into the inner workings of the political machine in his home state.

Supplement: Old Crooks of Minnesota, a Quiet Place to Die

A quick review of Minnesota’s crime ecosystem is required to understand why that state has the persistent attitude of “Nothing much of consequence ever happens here.” So look the other way. Minnesota along with Michigan was the turf of the Prohibition-era Purple Gang, a bunch of ruthless Jewish booze smugglers who enjoyed rattling submachine guns to eliminate their rival crooks, as was achieved at the infamous Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre. That legacy of rampant crime soon merged into the Democratic Party with the ascension of corrupt bosses like Hubert Humphrey, the would-be successor to LBJ whose fat ugly mug incited the massive Vietnam-era youth protests at the Democratic Convention in Mayor Daley’s riot-torn Chicago during the Summer of 1968. (History repeats itself with the pro-Palestinian protests in the Windy City.) The Humphrey-Daley Syndicate was later usurped by the slick-talking smooth operator Walter Mondale, who cheated cowboy Gary Hart out of the Democrat nomination with the help of Jesse Jackson and his coterie of Chinese female operatives. Nevertheless, Walt’s presidential bid was crushed, thank the Lord, by the way of more popular western hero - Ronald Reagan.

The other notable personality from Minnesota was that Jewish lumber baron Larry Fiterman who owned the Manhattan borough community college building where a clandestine work team gained access to the subterranean tunnel network under the World Trade Center complex and the attached CIA office involved in the search for Osama Bin Laden. The service walkways and elevators enabled the sappers to link explosives floor by floor for the serial blasts that took down the WTC, much like the famous demolition of a Las Vegas casino. Certainly, the Jewish owner of the WTC Larry Silverstein saw his fondest wish come true with that brilliant insurance-collection scam.

Thus, far away from the bright flashes, explosions and mayhem, sedate Minnesota is a wonderful escape for fishing and canoe adventures, where nothing exciting ever happens other than snowfall drifting over from Canada onto silent graveyards. Although born in Corn Husker Nebraska, Tim Walz quickly caught on to the Gopher State’s secret to success - by keeping your dirty laundry in a deep dark hole between the roots of a Chinese golden rain tree. Welcome the successor of the Purple Gang to Kamala's White House - the new time-share vacation home of your drug-addled dreams - although for that you still have to win the elections.