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The Poisonous Mexico-US Free Trade Treaty
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By Yoichi Shimatsu | |
In Brief: Under President Joe Biden’s rather sneaky open-door policy with the recently retired Mexican President AMLO Obrador on agricultural imports, the trade imbalance in Mexico’s favor has massively swelled to $21 billion in 2023 to an expected $42 billion by the end of this year – while American exports in the other direction have steadily decreased in net value. Aside from the ever-widening trade imbalance, which is threatening the viability of American farm families and local gardeners, is the horrifying health risks from food imports – especially fresh fruit and vegetables – from Mexico’s recycled sewer water and endemic pathogens, many of which are completely unfamiliar to the American medical community.
The open door policy quietly has recently expanded with Biden’s secretive acceptance of Mexican demands for their own truckers to make deliveries inside the USA – despite different vehicle inspection rules and without proper U.S. licenses and drivers’ licenses – and without thorough inspection by federal personnel at the border crossings. At present, the Mexican transport industry is starting to purchase land to establish massive truck parks along the U.S. side of the border – with Mexican refueling stations, mechanics, restaurants and other facilities – which are disturbingly similar to military bases. The incoming Trump admin must make a priority of shutting down this architecture of a potential hostile land invasion by hostile military forces of Mexico and China along with their Latin American allies. If not, then Americans will soon find their refrigerators empty, children crying from hunger, and foreign troops rolling in to finish the job. Spillage on a An incoming truck that had just crossed the Mexico-U.S. border toppled over releasing a cargo of fresh chile peppers spilling out of its gigantic wooden boxes onto an obscure roadway - off the main highway - in southern New Mexico. I could not prevent myself from immediately pulling over to grab a few hundred red and green peppers to deliver to my favorite neighborhood burrito source tucked inside a trailer at a nearby town. The forlorn driver politely looked away as several local Mexican-American divers stopped and rushed over to fill their shopping bags with the peppers. Out of courtesy, I strode over like a confidence-man to inquire with the forlorn driver to ask; “Mexicano? (Mehicahno, as it’s pronounced in Span-glish). He nodded. “Que donde? From where?” His answer translates as just north of Mexico City, adding that his destination was Hatch, about 70 up the road. Hatch, N.M., is rated Numero Uno – No.1 - for the world’s best green chiles. In harsh reality, ever since the Rio Grande river flooded adjoining fields several years ago, “genuine Hatch chiles” have instead come from central Old Mexico, transported by Mexican drivers like the sad trucker, a local secret that is not broadcasted to the Spanish-language channels or the English-speaking news. BTW, the English word “speak” was the basis back in the late 1930s for the derogatory term “spic” arising from: “Me no spic Ingleze.” It’s been considered a blasphemy for anyone to claim that Hatch chiles in recent years actually have come from Mother Mexico. Until now, even I – an inveterate cynic – have been mum on this sensitive subject. Well, as a fan of spicy food from the Chihuahua Desert to the Gobi-Takhlamakan deserts in western China, washed down with a Dos Equis (XX) beer, the great news of late is that this summer’s chile crop by the Rio Grande has been phenomenal, a bumper crop for real-life Hatch farmers. In brief, it’s a one-road cute village with colorfully decorated outdoor shops where dry chiles are sold by the sack - and now in late autumn as the first revival crop has been processed, Hatch is back. The local restaurants, sadly, leave a lot to be desired for the few paying diners heading toward Highway 25 to travel to either nearby Las Cruces or the faraway overcrowded nightmare of crazed commuters known as Albuquerque. Instead of so-so tacos, I routinely stop at the tiny town’s supermarket for the world’s best fire-roasted beef ribs accompanied by Chinese fried noodles. While there are zero residents from China in that rural "colonia", Mexicans from the northern region have long had an affinity for Chinese cuisine due to the port of Acapulco’s silk-trading with Canton, Imperial China - in the exchange of gold for silk - all the rage among European aristocratic dames. Women’s vanity versus hard currency, that was once the world’s richest trade relationship. Unfortunately, the Chinese today do not take to Mexican food given their own spicy Sichuan and Uygher Sinjiang cuisine. But in Japan, when I was an editor with the Japan Times newspaper, my enthusiastic listing of rare Mex eateries combined with cerveza (Mex beer) across those islands – set off a massive taco frenzy and Tequila shooters that actually established new air and shipping routes between the two Pacific nations. Nowadays, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army has revived cross-Pacific trade with shipments AK-47s for Cartel thugs who brandish their superior fire-power in shows of force against Border Patrol agents. This reminder that heavy armaments are necessary for the planned Mex-Chinese invasion of the USA through New Mexico straight northward to the U.S. Continental Defense Command near Colorado Springs - an open secret around here, especially among the shadowy volunteer militia groups of aged American citizens. Some of those elderly local survivors of the COVID outbreak - bored with desert monotony - eagerly await the Second Battle of the Alamo, a far better way to die standing up than lying bedridden in a hospital ward. I hate to disappoint those patriots by suggesting a peaceful method of keeping Mexican intruders at home in their homeland, where the Yid Jewish female president is desperately trying to abolish the power of the judges and thereby elimination of rule by law. What is it about treacherous women? The incoming Trump admin must put priority on repairing the Wall that Biden’s henchmen melted with torches to bend the metal barriers backwards. Plus terminate the U.S.-Mexico free-trade aka open border agreement. Unhealthy and destructive inter-continental trade Now that Hatch is definitely back as the indisputable Chile King of the Universe, next year is the perfect time for President Donald Trump to abrogate aka cancel Tijuana-marijuana Joe Biden’s suicidal version of the Mexico-U.S.-Canada trade pact - which allows all sorts of Mexican-grown infected fruits and vegetables grown with bacterial-infested sewage water to enter the USA’s grocery stores, supermarkets, restaurants and home kitchens. That fact of contamination was proven in spades when I cut open a few of the toppled red peppers on the roadside with a pocket knife - only to find a rich crop of white bacteria teaming inside the chile pods. Due to the spiciness of tamales and tacos, diners cannot detect the bugs by taste alone. In my recent habitat near the border, I have never bought much less eaten Mexico grown vegetables or fruits over the past three-plus years. You might wonder “what does this guy do for vitamins and minerals?” Answer: Canned vegetables grown in the USA. The resident death rate in this border region is phenomenally high and remains so even after the COVID outbreak. True, intense outdoors heat has much to do with the mortality spike, but food contamination in one’s diet is probably more lethal – and goes unnoticed by doctors, hospitals and morticians. One sign of food contamination is short shelf life for fresh veg and fruit. At local supermarkets, if the shopper stretches an arm to reach past say peaches or oranges in the pretty pile, the telltale findings include dark blotches on the fruit’s skin, squishy bruises and sometimes green mold. Since these are normally eaten fresh without cooking under intense heat, infected fruit are tantamount to biological poison aka sweet suicide. That said, I do not relish the thought of a lifetime of eating canned fruit cocktail for the artificial boost from industrial vitamins. Briefly, on a vacation in Mexico to visit a friend studying medicine in Guadalajara, I was shocked to learn from the nursing staff that 100 percent of Mexicans suffer lifelong diarrhea due to bacterial contaminants in food. When my medical pal added in his two bits, that Mexicans assume diarrhea to be a normal natural condition, well that foreshortened by holiday vacation. Cook extra crispy! I’d shout to the taco crews. The really bad news, as disclosed by the medical student, is that among the 80-plus bacteria pathogens, more than 45 are completely unknown in the USA, and therefore basically un-treatable. My revised vacation in Mexico without eating anything but candy bars and bottled beer was a downer, for certain. A Vast Great Land Following the termination of toxic imports under the bilateral trade deal, the solution to subversive food poisoning is found far to the north in the orchards, farms and fields of a temperate-climate (sanitized by chilly winter snowfall) of the USA. I’ve never had a better-tasting or sweeter fruit than from a wild pawpaw tree in a natural streambed in central Indiana - a powerful source of vitamin C. Since then, of course, industrialized chemical agriculture has wiped out the once abundant forest of native fruit and edible vegetation, along with the former natural abundance of wild fish and game. Sterilization of land (which is the very opposite of contamination in Mexico) is the other force for destruction - in the American corporate drive for maximum profits – that has transformed this former Garden of Eden into toxic sterile desert. The election-winning team, which include environmental thinkers like Robert “Bobby” Kennedy and “hillbilly” J.D. Vance, comprehend the importance of representing and reviving the family farm and ranch - of keeping and getting younger Americans back to the tradition of sustainable, safe and natural food production - along with the rural virtues that have sustained this nation through thick and thin. For that program to succeed, the toxic food imports from Mexico (all without labels of origin) must abruptly end and the trade treaty torn to shreds, even if it means higher prices and scarcity of veg and fruits until agriculture and horticulture can be restored across this land – by small farms, boutique gardens and vast ranches. Or would you rather dine to your heart’s delight on infected food products and die of gut ache? America the Beautiful At a personal level, I have fond memories of toiling as a child farm worker in the Indio desert of California of our Japanese American fruit-and-flower growers released from internment camps. Our ranch neighbors were exiles from the Dust Bowl crisis that crushed farming in Oklahoma and parts of Texas. Despite their slow and hard climb out of dislocation and desperate poverty, those white migrants from out East raised magnificent horses that raced up and over the sand dunes, keeping us boys amused during the idle hours of intense afternoon heat. To us, city boys on summer vacation from a grim smoggy Los Angeles was an all-to-brief vision of America as it’s really meant to be. That closeness to natural beauty, satisfaction from hard work and hope for a better future is what must be recalled and revived across a self-sufficient United States in both agriculture and industry - as envisioned in the Jeffersonian dream. The toppling of the urban-based Democrats and their money-mad parasitic Jewish sponsors now enables country folk and those craftsmen who dwell in small towns across America to re-invent this nation again as a productive sane society close to the land bordered by unpolluted rivers and under a blue sky where vast passing clouds bring the promise of rainfall to thirsty crops and green meadows. That is the national heritage to be passed on to the younger generation. There is nothing artificially “intelligent” (an oxymoron by morons) about this reality-based dream and hope of America the gloriously beautiful. And now with the Republican electoral triumph, that nearly lost vision can, at last, come true again.