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Beware The Dark Side Of Copper

By Jeff & Erica

The popular idea that copper is some sort of elixir or panacea for ills of every type is most unfortunate, as the promoters of this recent trend are neglecting to disclose the well-researched consequences of a high body burden of copper.

The following short video implies that copper in its 'reduced' form (i.e., not 'oxidized') will not contribute to a situation of copper toxicity, as it is in a form that is readily recognized and utilized by the cell. In contrast, oxidized forms such as copper sulfate are demonstrably toxic. While the concept of bonding Cu+ to niacin as described in this video is clever and overcomes some issues of bioavailability, the fate of the copper molecule once it enters a cell is far from guaranteed and will ultimately be determined by the redox state of that cell.

In a situation of inflammation and oxidative stress, that Cu+ molecule will rapidly become oxidized and further stress the antioxidant reserves of the cell. Because copper is a 'transition' metal capable of passing electrons to oxygen 8x faster than iron, additional copper will only serve to generate MORE inflammation and oxidative stress. This is why copper is a player in diseases of aging, especially cancer, atherosclerosis, fibrosis and neurodegeneration, and why protocols that focus on copper reduction have been shown to be remarkably effective in halting or reversing these pathologies.

Actual copper deficiency is rare; more often it is a "functional" deficiency resulting from defective transport by any number of required carrier or chaperone proteins. Notably, a large number of cytokines rely on copper for their inflammatory activity, which means: more copper = more inflammation. In states of inflammation, where oxidation is overwhelming a cell's redox capacity, supplemental copper can be quite deleterious. Recall the case of a long Covid- and vax-injured young mother who first fell for the iron infusion propaganda to address her anemia but instead of the resolution of crippling fatigue she was hoping for, ended up with hypophosphatemia (think: crumbling teeth and bones!). She then found her way to the copper zealots and was persuaded to "fix" herself with supplements of copper. Within 2 weeks of embarking on a protocol of copper supplementation, she had early-onset dementia and needed full-time care. She now resides in a nursing home at the young age of 35. A failure to appreciate the destructive nature of both copper and iron when the body is in a state of inflammation leads to many dire consequences.

Demonstration of the Differences in Copper Types

Thanks to the tireless efforts of genetics professor Dr. George Brewer at The University of Michigan who has spent 20+ years elucidating the role of copper in cancer and degenerative disease, we have a deeper understanding of the ways in which copper becomes toxic and why we should be wary of internet influencers and health coaches who promote the indiscriminate use of this metal.

George J. Brewer - Publications

And for a broader appreciation of the prevalence of copper toxicity in today's world, please visit the website for extensive references and guidance.  

Official Copper Toxicity Resource and Support Site