The 3 Most Important Words In Your Life
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The 3 Most Important Words In Your Life

By John Barbour

I am in no way some kind of philosopher at all. I am just a diehard realist. A realist not shaped by the wonderful things that happened to me but by the horrible things that happened to me.

The horrible things that happened to me are how I learned the three most important words in life.

A lot of people would say the three most important words in life are, 'I love you!' They might come in Second. They only come in First if you're looking into a mirror! Doing that you are reaffirming your worth. Then, by focusing only and strongly on these next three little words, anything you want in your life, not only will you absolutely get it, you won't be able to get out of its way of coming into your life. And that may even include love.

If I begin to sound a little metaphysical, just bear with me a minute because what I'm about to say is so obviously true it sounds a little silly to even say it. But you and I are part of this massive unknowable expanding endless universe. Think of it as a radio station or a television station giving off nothing but static or billions of images. Use your mind as a dial.

Now, focus in on the picture of what you really really WANT! Get it crystal clear in your mind, discarding and replacing anything else that may be in your cluttered mind. Because this is the first of the magic three words: WANT! The other two are: WORK and WILL!!!

If you have the WANT, and only that, filling every cell in your brain, your brain will then create in your entire body the massive energy to pursue it. This is where the words WORK and WILL come in.

In the beginning, it may feel like hard work. But if you have the WILL to stick to that WORK, what you WANT will now be transformed into a widescreen movie that is a total Joy to watch and feel.

And before you know it, that film will become your REALITY!!

Good Luck!