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Smells Of The Vaxed Explained
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By Jeff Rense and Erica Khan | |
Those who have been injected with the Bioweapon are beginning to suffer the effects of immune dysfunction. As a result of the internal generation and persistence of the toxic spike protein, their bodies struggle to overcome the constant damage being inflicted by this metabolic poison in almost every area of the body. As the blood and vasculature degenerate, organs and tissues are deprived of the oxygen and nutrients needed to function, while waste builds up and poisons the cells. Over time, additional organs and tissues begin to degenerate and a process of decomposition begins, setting the stage for opportunistic infections and cancer.
These smells and odors are indicative of a shift in the metabolism, and the number and species of bacteria which colonize the human body. It is important to note that even healthy people emit a variety of VOCs as part of normal metabolic activity, some of which have no detectable odor at all. As the various toxic components of the Bioweapon injections are metabolized, consisting of modified nucleic acids, synthetic lipids, cholesterol, PEG, surfactants, salts, adjuvants, as well as the resulting toxic protein (the spike), various routes of elimination are utilized by the body. Initially, the liver and kidneys transform and eliminate the majority of toxins, but since all of these compounds are toxic to the liver and kidneys, they eventually fail in their ability to effectively process them. The smells of unprocessed metabolic waste products such as ammonia, acetone (sickening sweet smell), and hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg smell) become noticeable as the liver and kidneys struggle with the ever increasing, unrelenting burden of toxins and the deleterious effects of the spike protein on human physiology and its microbiome. At this point, the route of elimination shifts to the lungs and skin, where the partially metabolized poisons are further acted on by bacteria which colonize those organs. Depending on what is being excreted and the numbers and species of bacteria present, toxins exiting the body through the breath and skin can result in the formation of various noxious VOCs which enter the environment and can be smelled by others. Some of these VOCs include a variety of different 'aldehydes', toxic metabolites resulting from impaired energy production and non-functioning detoxification pathways. The most harmful aldehyde which many UN-vaxxed are acutely sensitive to and sickened by is formaldehyde. This noxious substance can cause a burning sensation in the mucous membranes, eyes and lungs, tearing, headaches, dizziness, brain fog, insomnia and dermatitis to those who become sensitized to it. These ill effects can happen at concentration levels at or below the odor threshold, so smell cannot be relied upon to determine its presence, in these cases a meter can used. Longterm exposure to formaldehyde is known to cause cancer. Some aldehydes being emitted from the vaxxed are strongly fragrant, carrying the piercing scent of laundry detergent, dryer sheets or cheap cologne. No surprise there, as aldehydes are a common substrate for fragrance creation in the perfume industry. Other aldehydes have a distinctive metallic smell to them. Additionally, we believe the vast majority of the vaxxed are dying, slowly or otherwise, and are literally emitting the smell of putrescence as organs and tissues undergo necrosis and are overrun with opportunistic infections of many kinds. To further illustrate the phenomenon of VOC generation by humans, here is a chart listing several disease states and the characteristic odors associated with them.