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Parkland HS Teacher Described Shooter As A
'Police Officer' In Full Bulletproof Black Garb
There Were Two Black Dressed Shooters Seen
On News Video Leaving The Back Of The Building...

Many Remember Seeing The TV News Helicopter Video Of
Two Fully-Black Dressed Men Leaving The Building With What
Looked Like A Gun Bag. They Were Met By Two Sheriffs
Who Quickly Grabbed Their Gun Bag, Loaded Them All Into
A Pickup And Sped Away. This Critical News Video Is Gone

From Phil Restino

 Hero Teacher on GMA described shooter as Police in full metal garb

Parkland, FL School Shooting (02/14/18) - Hero Teacher on GMA described shooter as Police in full metal garb. How long was it before the police who responded were allowed to go into the building after being stood down? Same shit as that gay nightclub in Orlando. Didn't the FBI torture to death in Orlando the friend of the accused Pulse nightclub shooter who unfortunately knew too much? What happened to the 2 FBI operatives who were in on that one? They conveniently'fell' to their deaths out of a helicopter shortly after questions kept coming up about the official narrative regarding the Pulse nightclub shooting.
  • Comments

    John  xxxxx strange testimony!!
  • Phil Restino  the ABC Good Morning America interview was done very shortly after the shooting ... before all the witnesses were gotten to and given the official narrative, and perhaps a handler, or at least some kind of "be careful what you say if you know what's good for you". She was standing 20 feet from the shooter asking herself what were the police doing there?  The 'police' shooter was actively shooting a barrage of bullets down the hallway. He was dressed in black, full metal garb...helmet, face mask, bullet-proof armor...shooting a rifle she'd never seen before. How about the newslady interviewing her? Don't think that there wasn't some producer speaking through her earpiece telling her "don't you ask about her description of the shooter ... change the subject, change the subject!"