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Reverse Tide - Mexican Illegals Caravans
Head To Two Major Border Crossings And
The Grim Wreckage They Leave Behind

By Yoichi Shimatsu
Exclusive to Rense


On the night following the Martin Luther King weekend, countless headlights of semi-trucks and car caravans moving eastward lit up my windshield as I drove in the opposite direction along Interstate-10, the highway that runs parallel to the border. As the after-glow of sunset gave way to dusk across barren ranchlands deprived of rainfall over recent decades only a few underweight angus and Hereford steers were grazing on patches of stubble. The cargo trucks were racing from the Port of Los Angeles to deliver made-in-China trinkets and clothing to the big box stores before an import-tariff regime kicks off within a few weeks. Between the trucks, streams of cars were conveying Mexican families in a long and extended procession heading toward the El Paso Texas/Ciudad Juarez border crossing just days before the onslaught of INS raids against low-income rural settlements (colonias), suburban homes, ancient factories, taco restaurants, cantinas, marijuana shops and night clubs that shelter tan-skinned Latin prostitutes - female, tranny and thuggish queer. From desperadoes to decadents, a large chunk of Mexico was starting the long trek to their homeland.

These doubly and now triple “displaced” people were an army of the night - coming from California, Nevada, Arizona and points north - as darkness shielding their passage from roadside cameras of poorly manned INS inspection stations. Otherwise, there’s not a lot of law enforcement along the I-10 corridor - a black ribbon cutting across barren desert. At the edge of Las Cruces, a rare state trooper vehicle is usually parked on the look-out for truck-trailers with out-of-date license plates. In this desert state, illegals are confronted only after a police alert for a homicide or armed robbery.

New Mexico, under a Democrat state government, is a major haven for illegals, many of such banditos based in south Albuquerque predating on vulnerable rural communities in Colorado and Arizona, those other Dem havens of non-citizen “permanent residents”. Legal marijuana shops proliferate in small towns way beyond the rate of weed-burn replacement - these shops serving as conduits for illicit customer orders for fentanyl, heroin and other hard drugs. Needless to say, the casualty rate from hard drugs is reflected in the proliferation of homeless encampments and break-ins into abandoned houses and business buildings, which promotes criminal entry into small businesses and houses - and also a spate of arsons as have decimated real estate in dying towns along I-10. A vast sector of Mexican Cartel members - along with their American dope-head flunkeys - have transformed the once busy heart of the military-industrial complex into hopeless wastelands as elderly American residents die off.

Now that the near-total damage is done, the deportation order has arrived late in the game, when many small towns and city neighborhoods are worse off than war zones. Nobody around this social disaster is objecting to the Trump deportation policy, not even the drug dealers, who realize that they’ve had many decades of profiteering - which would be unbelievable in any other country, including their homeland in Mexico. It deserves notice that the once-abundant wildlife population has reached the extinction point - which according to the BLM was due to a contagious disease in wild jack-rabbits - resulting in a near-total decrease of snakes, quail, grasshoppers and even tarantula spiders. The Chihuahua Desert is now a silent death zone where buzzards just pass over without touching ground. Part of the wildlife problem is the economic value of mesquite trees hacked down by Mexican purveyors of charcoal sold outside supermarkets.

The occupation of the Southwest by millions of Mexican illegals in need of funds to send back to their families in the homeland has despoiled the west, especially with overconsumption of water. Under my stepfather’s property, the water table has sunk from near surface to about 1,000 feet underground and is now too saline for drinking or taking a shower, rendering the property to negative value being non-usable and unsellable. These hidden costs of supporting a massive urban population from an eco-unfriendly Mexico has destroyed the American West, probably for centuries to come. Rain - once abundant - never falls here anymore, and even winter storm clouds circle around without dropping snow. So what happens to predators that outstrip the available prey? Go figure...they, too, go extinct.

All the Comforts of Life in the USA

In contrast to the Dust Bowl days, when climate refugees from Oklahoma hauled their furniture on the roofs of their ancient cars and trucks, the Mexican “displaced residents” aka illegals are leaving in comfort in new cars. Be certain that the belongings of these “refugees” - household items, electronics and toys - are being hauled to their familial homes in Mexico by delivery companies. Bilingual WalMarts have special counters to handle transfers of money to Mexico along with contact services for transport of household belongings and even vehicles across the border. These are not your “poor, hungry masses”, but are tourists in the USA making a bundle of cash from overpriced labor fees for everything from restuarant service, construction contracting, auto repairs, money lending - a thriving ethnic sub-economy that parasites inside a weak American society.

An entire sector of the American poor in the Southwest (like the Appalachian folks discussed in J.D. Vance’s 'Hillbilly Elegy') have been displaced and surpassed by the voracious Mexican tide. Across New Mexico, at least, the average family’s income of Mexican illegals is at least twice that the majority of American couples with children, who barely survive on the inner-fringe of poverty on non-productive drought-doomed farmland reverted to arid desert. Many of these neo-Dust Bowl residents are retired servicemen and their families, who cannot afford the property-price gouging by real-estate crooks across the balmier climes of the USA. They resettle long-deteriorated trailers on scrubland, living on a trickle of deep-ground water. At food banks, the wives of veterans are rudely pushed aside by newcomers with Chihuahua province license plates. The Salt of the Earth has been steadily poisoned in their own land. Now as the ravens depart with the loot, Americans are left with a despoiled environment and unnaturally arid desert - and there’s not one Sierra Club do-gooder naturalist in 500 miles of this death zone...but only the BLM out to confiscate the lands of the few remaining ranchers.

Like a plague of insatiable locusts, the Mexican illegals are leaving behind a wasteland of ruined and burn-scarred once-proper towns without economic viability, everything stripped out, stolen or casually destroyed. Also left behind are piles of unpaid debt for towns and cities picked clean of resources and viable businesses. During my volunteer work for charities and veteran groups, I’ve sensed this shocking decline with a measure of disgust at the political stagnation, not only in the decay of properties but the near total crippling drug-addiction of younger Americans left behind by the foreign invasion, which profitted and politically benefitted a totally corrupt ruling Democratic Party. The Mexican illegal sojourn has accomplished what the dictator Santa Ana failed to achieve with the massacre of the Alamo defenders, transforming what was once among the most beautiful states in the Union into a trash pit.

Competition between locusts and spiders

Other than evading the few watchful day-time cops, the motivation for the nighttime scramble is to beat out other border-crossers on the long waiting line at the perimeter of the El Paso border station. There is nothing to mourn, celebrate or fear from this homeward-bound mass migration. It had to happen after the gringos woke up to being ripped off and joined the Republican party. Now, it is surprising that the feast of locusts lasted as long as it did. Feel no pity for the Mexicans who for the most part are leaving the USA much richer, better fed and healthier - at the expense of the mas stupido bankrupted American public.

What surprises me about the out-migration is that USA-based bleeding-heart charities are not now giving away $100 bills to every illegal in apology money and then bowing on their knees on the dust in repentance. They, the foreigners, are considered the Children of God - whereas we citizens are to put it mildly in the eyes of the charity pimps ... are god-forsaken bastard children more abominable than dog defecation along the sidewalk. We owe, we give, we grovel, we defend the nation and then live wounded for it, we lick the sidewalks in repentance, we exist in the dirt. Yeah, sure - that’s what the self-righteous rip-off 'community activists' want to do with their American-born neighbors - take away everything they ever worked for.

Thus, in southern New Mexico, it’s the Mexico-born who live in the better houses while American widows and war veterans are exiled to ramshackle trailers in the bug-infested desert. Illegals have benefitted from an alphabet soup of fawning federal and state grants from subsidized childcare, free medical services, massive amounts of meal boxes and food stamps, housing benefits and piles of charitable donations - much and indeed nearly all of that denied to American citizens. The American Dream is now a nightmare, whereas the Mexican dream is to take back Alto (Upper) Mexico aka the former now defunct United States. Santa Ana has finally won the war of the Alamo! Or so these vultures assume about the US. The flight of undocumented does not right the wrong nor does it empower born-in-the USA Americans to reclaim their rights, their heritage and their strength as a community to revive everything that has been lost.

If there’s a single notable case of criminal abuse of state benefits, it was the Mexican woman who crossed the border to birth her serial children - every 12 months - over 10 years. Her children with American citizenship were then sold by the piece to eager Mexican families who wanted an American citizen in their brood in order to set up shop in the US. Finally, her local doctor - disgusted with this depravity tantamount to the slave-trade - sedated her after birthing an eighth time, cut and tied her ovary tubes (as preventative of a dire risk to her health) and sent her back to Mexico - scam over! The motives are as usual mercenary, abusive, illegal and utterly vile - an offense against Nature and every religious belief and moral code. The Mexican government, of course, did nothing about her crimes - given the fact that enslavement and sales of body parts is a private affair for their cherished family structure.

The mantra of holy-roller Democrat idiots has been an 'open border' without an iota of compassion for their own nation and its citizens. Isn’t it strange then that all the charity scammers - in charge of charity - drive new electric vehicles costing way beyond affordability for hard-working families here in the USA? That cash for EVs comes from fool donors and government (aka taxpayer) funding for charities. What I am stating here is that the Mexican return must be followed by a stern federal investigation of the thieving Democrat collaborators of the hostile foreign invasion that was their fault and at their generous invitation - at the public expense. Serious investigation of abusive waste of tax dollars and funding of criminal rings must be probed and punished at the federal and state levels.

Border Defense begins

Meanwhile, it is common knowledge along the four-state border that National Guard units are routinely introduced to border security to later be replaced by similar troopers from other states. Border Patrol officers have been steadily ramping up their extensive security net in disregard of Biden’s bleeding heart and a reluctant Alexandro Mayorkas, whose top INS officials are resigning with the current change of regime. An unusually cold winter has basically shutdown the possibility of crossing the Chihuahua Desert, giving the border legion a break from bureaucratic processing of new arrivals to improve forward defenses and closing loopholes. The situation has never been worse for the Dictators’ Alliance of Venezuela, Nicaragua, China and the Islamic State network. At long last, the incoming Trump administration dispatched Army units to bolster the over-stretched Border Patrol and National Guard units deployed along the hellish borderline. The fact that few dare cross during the recent freezing cold allows the reinforcements to set up camp and accustom themselves to the hostile barren terrain. One of the priorities should be to shoot down made-in-China drones that are the size of a small plane.

Crooks on a Lark

The average law-fearing illegals’ American experience was a lark, a windfall from a mas stupido national policy based on misguided sympathy and a joke from foolhardy idealistic Yanquis ignorant of worldly desires - oh so ready to hand over money in a misguided interpretation of charity all due to the Anglo delusion based on their curse of racial superiority and economic magnanimity. Equality on the mean streets is a far harsher reality. The liberal disorder enables a complete stranger from a foreign land to rifle through one’s personal belongings and take unearned money from the host population’s pockets. Now the Latinos are bold enough to rob the homes of big tough football stars. Meanwhile, the Mexicans are laughing on the way to Banco Mexico at the massively successful fraud perpetrated against Yanqui fools. Thanks to the Biden Dems, we’ve been shutting the door after the felons have left - but now we’re slamming the door in their faces.

The American liberals are out-of-step with reality. The underpaid and exploited braceros (arms that work hard) farmworkers are a thing of the past, when the late Cesar Chavez campaigned for economic justice on factory farms. The average farmworker nowadays earns more than $30 an hour under federal labor laws (driving up the price of food), which makes him - the poor suffering farmworker - the head of a moderately wealthy family in Mexico as compared with his dirt-poor neighbors toiling for a merciless Mexican elite, which is now predominantly Jewish.

I noticed that most of the cars whizzing past toward the border were newly-bought (probably for resale in Mexico), making my old rig of a truck - like many American citizens - about 20 years older and 30-times less valuable and indeed worthless on the truck market. That’s not a joke for any American who has worked way longer on tougher jobs than the liberal-pampered Mexicans working a 7-hour day. Due to the disparity of a two-tier system (under which Americans are routinely fired from their jobs before qualifying for a pay hike, I’ve learned to intensely dislike and disdain liberal do-gooders, who expect me to sacrifice my pennies for the benefit of foreign hustlers - their 'Latino lovers’. Now clean your own damned dusty houses! FYI, when Americans travel abroad, they never get a price break or a hand-out, especially not in Mexico!

The vast majority of Mexican long timers in the US are Middle Class by the standards of their society and better off than more half the Americans across the USA by any standard. Nevertheless, I feel no grudge but instead wish the departing avaricious horde “Vaya Con Dios” - Go with God - because the careless truck drivers and taxi chauffeurs south of the border are bound to kill many a happily returning family on those Highways of Death in old Mexico. May they go to Heaven instead of the Hell that USA has become! Oh, am I being harsh? Just look around at California on fire, the homeless zombies on our streets, the house robbery surge, school shootings, toxic water quality, pesticide-enriched food in the supermarkets and un-quaffable light beer. Arguably Dos Equis XX beer is a better brew than Bud or watered-down Coors. By now, the crime rate across the US is probably higher than in lawless Mexico. That would have seemed impossible a half-century ago. I reside in a predominantly Mexican (legal citizens and illegals) town, and I’ve yet to see anybody crying over having to leave behind their financial hustle in the USA. Made my dinero - money - and now it’s high time to go home to party!

Sonora at your own Risk

Why, an inbred U.S, citizen might ask, are migrants who resided - past tense - in distant western states driving all the way to El Paso, Texas, to exit this nation? There are two good reasons besides the coming crackdown by team Trump. First is the danger that lies on the other side of the borders of California and Arizona. Exiting San Diego County puts one into Tijuana, which is connected with the Baja peninsula - a narrow cul-de-sac - at least for the vast majority of illegals whose home areas are within Mexico proper. There are huge numbers of Americano retirees in Baja and most are not Mexican friendly. There are far less expats than before one of the governor’s tax-hikes that led to mass destruction of property and trailers by their po-ed American owners. Crossing the Sea of Cortez with all your family’s precious belongings is an expensive proposition and a dangerous one landing on the sacred territory of the Cartel.

Therefore, those illegals departing a California in precipitous decline must at the least drive as far as Yuma, Arizona, to cross over to San Luis Rey Colorado for a 'Road Warrior' adventure through desert Sonora where the chances of being robbed, raped and lacerated with bullets is astronomical. Yes, feel sorry for Madre (Mother) Mexico! You can donate your belongings, car, cash and your body to “help the poor” members of the Sonora-Sinaloa Cartel, who just might beat you to the ground for failing to bring along your entire lifesavings. It’s the mescal (cheap version of tequila) that makes them so vicious. I have acquaintances in that Cartel, who would agree with my diagnosis - he’s deadly afraid of his own people.

Why not cross over at the Tucson, Arizona checkpoint near Nogales? Because that gateway leads directly to the heart of the drug-smuggling Sonora-Sinaloa Cartel territory - and if the Mexicans don’t kill you, their Indio (Indian) allies will. Historic poverty on primitive ranches has an odd effect on those survivors who are no longer impoverished but still feel under the heel of rich people and their desire for vengeance against the gringo can never be quenched even by a ton of gold.

Shortage of the Robbed

One of my friends, who is a Mexican American pecan grower, drove into the eastern edge of the Sonoran region to visit relatives, but was stopped by two gangsters wielding AK-47s, who robbed him of his belongings, all his clothing except for underpants and socks, and even used a pump to suck out half the gasoline from his car’s tank. Then, after released, he proceeded ahead only to be stopped 2 miles along by another two-man AK-wielding bandido team who were really upset that he had allowed - personally permitted - those first crooks to walk off with all his belongings - which they shouted properly belonged to them and, therefore, had good reason to shoot the useless mas stupido ombre from El Norte. After debating wildly whether to shoot him in order to keep his car, they ordered my friend that next time not to stop for the competition but instead “deliver everything to us”, the rightful proper road thugs. That was not a joke, it was an order. Competition between highway robbers seriously increases the threat to travelers being shot outright. Be very clear, nobody survives an AK wound in the arid overheated Chihuahua Desert - it’s deadly enough without a wound, for instance from a scorpion bite or one of the rattlesnakes - as attested to by the water-starved bodies of illegals strewn around the barren ground, too numerous to count.

Thus, for Mexican families coming with all their money, treasures and assets, entering Sonora is a charitable enterprise for the local poor mob families armed with AKs. If inside your car there happen to be a couple of girls, be prepared to surrender them to the Sonoran guys for a new life as low-paid whores (puta) in Acapulco or another beach town. Given sufficient tequila consumption before noon and just for a laugh, the Sonora cartel are known to use strangers and even Mexican policemen for target practice or to baptize a new AK-47, as happened to a group of more than 20 provincial cops some five years ago. So, do not expect the policia to come to your family’s rescue, hombre. Unfortunately, an outbreak of a virus-borne disease has wiped out the vultures - the morticians of the desert - meaning your body will dry out to a withered bag of skin, eaten out by voracious ants - the last survivors.

Two Major Highways through Mexico

Therefore, given these facts on the ground, the main points of entry for those who plan to live more than a day are the El Paso-Juarez border-crossing linked to Mexican highway 45-D or, alternately, Laredo, southern Texas connected to Mex 85. Highway 45 leads to Guadalajara whereas Route 85 connects with Monterrey and then weaves southward between the coastal mountains and then inland toward the DF - el Distrito Federale - the national capital of Mexico City, which is surrounded by residential towns that were formerly villages.

Basically, the greatest danger on those two main thoroughfares is a boracho truck-driver (boracho translates as “drunk” and also “drunkard”). The lesser threat comes from crooked cops who demand a bribe, especially from 'mas-stupido’ hombres aka any American fool enough to drive down from the USA. I can recall the bravado of those tequila-loving Yanqui dope-head hippies who would boast “Oh, it’s so safe to drive anywhere in Mexico!” How many of those drug-laced idiots died after groovy mescaline highs? Perhaps they told such claptrap to the two American Mormon women who despite their habits (head covering) were shot dead and whose bodies were found only because one of the lady’s tiny son walked and crawled to a distant police station.

And these risks explain why the illegals - aka returnees with their loot - combine their cars into caravans, because numbers do matter when it comes to highway robbery. And that explains why the departing Mexicans make toilet stops as a group large enough to deter robbery at the gunpoint. They, too, would be packing and ready to bury any bandido. Some among the departing ‘refugees' are sure to have a relative waiting in Juarez with the necessary firepower to protect the family’s wealth. Large families are most useful in places with a high death rate.

Dinero - Decline of the U.S. Dollar

Since this is the Out of the USA moment for Mexicans, some other points demand review here. Granted, they worked harder than the average American labor shirker. The seasonal farmworkers months or weeks ago decided against their normal practice of wintering over in farm towns (packed as many as 20 men in cheaper 2-bedroom apartments) for no other reason than to be the first in line at employment offices for the coming spring crop-planting...of the chili crop which varies wildly depending on weather conditions. In normal times of the recent past, these temporarily unemployed men would earn a bit of money for beer by the case (cardboard box) and burritos by mowing lawns, picking up mesquite firewood or painting sheds. Since my postwar family returning from prison camps were gardeners, enabling me to learn the skill of pushing non-motorized lawnmowers by age six, I can attest to the insanity of today’s Americans paying $100 for a lousy cut on a tiny lawn by unskilled inept Mexican hustlers.

They are going, going, gone and probably many farmworkers will not be returning if farm owners opt for more mechanization. The Big Question: Will or can American high-school graduates accustom themselves to working in the fields as fruit pickers, farm laborers and on crews inside packing plants? Or, are they going to continue being ‘techie' slackers and fakers? America, now totally devoid of a work ethic, is doomed...probably for several generations and possibly forever - meaning political self-destruction. Mexican labor lulled Americans into the nonsensical dream of a life without hard work - physical and mental or spiritual. Mexico, at long last, has won its war against the once powerful and practical Yanqui imperialists. Most young Americanos never heard of the Alamo.

Generosity to foreigners

The public schools along the border are in a dicey situation given the enrollment of mostly middle-class Mexican children under a charitable educational program in New Mexico, which provides housing, transport, meals, school supplies and even clothing and free bicycles for these cross-border kids whereas the children of local residents are often financially far worse off in what is the nation’s second-poorest state. Charity does not start at home here but is exported. Indeed, non-entitled American citizens pay the taxes, all sorts of special assessments to receive a drop of water in this desert (where the river flows are allocated to rich pecan growers who ship 100 percent of the nuts to China’s confectionary industry. Tax money is allocated to the benefit of homeless population that refuses to work. Whatever is left in the state budget (funded by oil revenues from the Permian Basin) goes to dope addicts, easy parole for repeat criminals, the plethora of whores in the major cities, huge new power lines (energy for California and Colorado and none for the price-gouged locals), rather murky payments for Indian reservations - in a state that for the working man and woman more resembles a Central American dictatorship than the USA.

Question 2: Can American schoolchildren imagine becoming as skilled at math as the young people from China, India and Pakistan who have started to dominate American industry and also are the clear majority of students in this state’s universities? So why should American retirees be paying for “public education”? (Be clear, I am using New Mexico as the worst-case example of the wider erosion of sensible values across these wrecked United States.)

Invasion of Hostile Elements

If within a span of 10 years or less, American women are crying in pain for a return of their Mexican maids and young people refuse to do hard physical work, then just turn over the keys and your bank accounts back to the Mexicans - and the Chinese, Haitians, Somalis and the rest of the thieves, so that they graciously take back the 'American West' as a province of Mexico. The real reason the Mexicans were here was the American adversity to hard work, which means the Mexicans will be back in force sooner than later and this time around to own, control and manage the former USA on their own terms while reducing Americans to the level of street-sweepers, garbagemen, sewer cleaners and hotel maids until they are doped up and living on the mean streets. And that means there is no future for loser Americans than to be marched into Sonoro Desert to disappear forever under the sand dunes.

The human invasion is being turned around slowly at massive cost to taxpayers, and so it makes zero sense for Donald Trump to plead with BiteDance to reinstall that electronic narcotic called Tik Tok - which is other side of the illegal coin, mesmerizing American young people that they do not have to work at hard labor or intellectually challenging jobs. Tik Tok is the other crutch that indolent youths have leaned on for cheap comfort - while their Mexican house maids clean their messy living quarters, supporting the national disfunction of laziness. Illegal labor plus Tik Tok add up to the end of a once self-reliant American Way.

The Smart Money is betting on the Mexicans and other foreigners who are willing and able to work to be back sooner than later. Since I am one of very few citizens who clearly sees the facts of a merciless future here doomed by slacker evasion and laziness, by then - the Great Return of the former Illegals - you’ll be able to contact me somewhere in the 51st state of Greenland or Alaska, those being the Alamo(s) of the near-term future - along with the few other remaining true-believers in the American Way. Yeah, like The Terminator, the Mexicans are assuring us: We'll be back! And next time for keeps!