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'Open America Up To Everyone in the World'
Said The Haitian Illegal Migrant

By Frosty Wooldridge
Exclusive To Rense

The spokesman for the 15,000 Haitians who have invaded Springfield, Ohio, population 58,000, via the Biden-Harris illegal alien invasion policy/presidency, said, "America should be an open country for everybody in the world."  

Here's the catch: on Earth Day 1970, the human race on planet Earth stood at 3.5 billion people.  At the time, human overpopulation stood as THE single greatest crisis facing humanity.   Too many humans spelled disaster as to our climate, the Sixth Species Extinction Session, poisoned oceans, crammed cities, lowered quality of life, plastics beginning to pollute land and sea...and a litany of consequences accelerating upon the human race.

At the time of Earth Day, First World countries heeded the call to birth control by birthing 2.03 babies per woman, on average, throughout Canada, America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, et al.  However, Third World countries continued their prolific birth rates in Africa, Asia, Indochina, South America, and beyond.  They jumped the human population from 3.5 billion up to 8.1 billion by 2023. That's a 4.6 billion person increase.  Why anyone pretends that we're still honoring "Earth Day" must be the greatest irony/joke of the 21st century.  As reported by National Public Radio's Scott Simon, we've dumped 170 trillion pieces of plastic into all the Earth's oceans over the past 60 years.  An international deposit-return law would have solved it, but humans are too busy killing each other in wars.

At the current birth rate of Third World women, they add 83,000,000 (million) more babies, net gain, annually.  India out-birthed China to become the most populated country in the world at 1.44 billion.  China hit 1.4 billion.  Even with one child per woman, China still adds 8,000,000 babies, net gain, annually via "population momentum."  India adds 16 million people, net gain annually. 

Note that their quality of life sets the benchmark for the human misery index, water purity sinks into the toilet, and air quality causes lung cancers, poisoned soils and global climate change.  Indians and Chinese chain-migrate into America by the millions to escape their misery in those two countries.

Places like Bangladesh house 170,000,000 (million) people in a landmass the size of Ohio.  The United Nations projects that they will reach 203,000,000 (million) by 2050. That's an increase of 33 million. That's 26 years from now. Bet you can't wait to open your doors to welcome them to your community.  (Source: https://www.populationpyramid. net/egypt/2050/)

Egypt in 2024 houses 117,000,000 (million) people, but at current birth rates, expects to reach 160,000,000 (million) by 2050. That's an increase of 43 million more people. Note they must import 80 percent of their food in 2024. (Source: https://www.populationpyramid. net/egypt/2050/)

By the way, Haiti houses 12 million people, on their way to 15 million people by 2050. As you can imagine, they would love to send their excess humans to your town just like Springfield, Ohio, because we must "Open up America to everybody in the world." 

This commentary could cover another 100 Third World countries with similar growth rates (because of their customs or religions or their illiteracy rates that won't allow birth control). That adds up to 83,000,000 (million) new babies, net gain, annually. Those countries will add another 1 billion to as high as 2 billion new people to the world by 2050.  Give or take 10 or 20 years! 
Therefore, if America, Canada, Europe and Australia keep "opening their doors to everybody in the world", every First World country that chose NOT to become overpopulated, would, indeed, become horrifically overpopulated.

In 2010, one guy named Joel Kotkin wrote a book, The Next 100 Million: America in 2050, supporting America housing another 100,000,000 (million) people. He wanted to jump us from 350 million to 450 million people.  I wrote his website telling him what an intellectual idiot, fool, moron and dufus he was for such a stupid, inane, ridiculous and absurd thesis. I had already traveled to all those countries where peoples'  lives were horribly degraded.  I told him that we don't have the water, energy and resources to maintain such a horrific amount of people.

The most distressing book in America shows we don't have the resources to support another 100 million people:  Blip: Humanity's Self-Terminating Experiment with Industrialism by Christopher O. Clugston. He's brilliant and we've been colleagues for over 20 years.  His book shows how we are on the verge of running out of all the metals, minerals, water, and energy to support our massive industrial nations.  He predicts total exhaustion of those resources by 2050, give or take a decade.  To tell you the truth, during our last conversation, he said he was too optimistic about 2050. It's going to get really ugly by 2040.

"Unlimited growth cannot be sustained; you cannot sustain growth in the rates of consumption of resources. No species can overrun the carrying capacity of a finite landmass. This Law cannot be repealed and is not negotiable."  Dr. Albert Bartlett, University of Colorado.

Clugston isn't the only one. You may read another 10 books on our overrunning and exhausting our water supplies. We face the end of The Age of Oil.  We're destroying our oceans with 170 trillion pieces of plastic. We face the Sixth Extinction Session that is causing the loss of thousands of plant and animal species. 

This column could give you 20 terribly sobering if not frightening quotes from the top minds in the world.  This one should sober you:  "If present growth trends in population, industrialization, pollution, extinction rates, food production and resource depletion continue unchanged, the limits to growth will be reached sometime in the next 100 years."  The Club of Rome 1972, with 1,600 signatures from top environmental scientists.

Therefore, when you hear that Haitian spokesperson in Springfield, Ohio tell the American people that we need to "open America to the world," what he's actually saying is, "Let us immigrate-overpopulate America just like Haiti, so Americans can become just as miserable as the rest of the Third World's poor, illiterate, polluted, overcrowded, miserable and starving masses."

To sum up this Biden-Harris immigration invasion dilemma, do you think either of those two individuals or their handlers, possess any idea of what they are bequeathing upon anyone living in America in 2050? 

Do you want this projection for your kids?  "Most Western elites continue urging the wealthy West not to stem the migrant tide that adds 80 million people, net gain, annually to the planet, but to absorb our global brothers and sisters until their horrid ordeal has been endured and shared by all--ten billion humans packed onto an ecologically devastated planet."  Dr. Otis Graham, Unguarded Gates

Finally, ask the people of Springfield, Ohio what they think?


This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America's immigration-population crisis as well as the world's. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, "Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls", Roy Beck, director of  www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself: v=LPjzfGChGlE&feature=player_ embedded

"Immigration by the numbers-off the chart "  by Roy Beck This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, "Mind boggling!" v=muw22wTePqQ


-- Frosty Wooldridge
Golden, CO
Population-Immigration-Environmental specialist: speaker at colleges, civic clubs, high schools and conferences
Facebook: Frosty Wooldridge
Facebook Adventure Page: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World
Six continent world bicycle traveler
Adventure book: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World
Frosty Wooldridge, six continent world bicycle traveler, Astoria, Oregon to Bar Harbor, Maine, 4,100 miles, 13 states, Canada, summer 2017, 100,000 feet of climbing: