One Of My Very Favorite Appearances With The Wonderful, Relaxed, Informing Jeff Rense...
From John Barbour 12-28-24
This is one of my very favorite appearances with the wonderful, relaxed, informing Jeff Rense. It is my post Christmas little gift of original comedy and comment to all of you, hoping you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed doing it. Happier New Year. People usually just say Happy New Year. But 2024 was so truly shitty, 25 has to be happier. Hugs to all... John Here is the link to listen... https://mediaarchives.gsradio. net/rense/http/MP3Download/ Dec2024/u4t3fP/rense_122724_ hr3.mp3 Facebook post... story.php?story_fbid= 9995923523767761&id= 100000506373759&rdid= p0NFCfpPtJddcLVz