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Impact of Newsom Declaring Peoples' Toxic,
Poisoned Bodies Can Become Fertilizer!

By Ted Twietmeyer

Globalist doctrine is to create ONE race, blended from white and people of color. No labels or identifying names. Don't think so? Watch news broadcasts. This is all you see today on every channel - half and half broadcasters.

Consider Newsom's declaration that people can now be turned into fertilizer. What he has not talked about is that deceased people are routinely pumped full of Formalin during embalming, which is a highly toxic preservative (formaldehyde.) In states like NY, it has been mandatory for decades to embalm everyone after death, even if they are to be cremated. Authorities want to make sure someone who is supposed to be dead, stays dead.

Consider soil contaminated with human remains. Who would want to consume any food grown with toxic Formalin in the soil? This decree by Newsom is a clever first step to force anonymity upon the deceased. When this new law came out, I knew where this is going. It is the mini-equivalent to removing statues to famous people in American history.

Famous people will become non-existent after a few generations, and WILL be forgotten. Already schools have stopped teaching about the many wars in American history that made America strong and independent that it is today. These are detailed plans decided by globalists to wipe out America, so they can build their "Utopian" New World. Think about the 3rd Reich - NO ONE ever asks "What about the 1st and 2nd Reichs? Why did they fail?"

When people are turned into fertilizer, there is NO GRAVE, NO MARKERS, NO PLAQUES and NO STATUES to commemorate their lives. America is already in transition to accept this: Ultimately all cemeteries will be dug up and the remains "processed." NO more "rest in peace." Metal parts of caskets (and metal caskets) will be recycled for their metals of brass, aluminum and steel. Eventually there will be new portable, truck-mounted machines specially designed to do this in every city. Everything organic from a grave-site will be ground up, cremated and put back into the Earth - wood caskets and bodies. Then new buildings,parking lots or parks built on the land.

Just wait - this globalist doctrine will filter down and soon change the attitude/policies of cemetery managers. Whenever someone is to be buried, at first the globalist transition will phase it into society first by telling the decedent's family, "Yes, you can bury your family member here. But you cannot place any marker, statue or plaque on the plot. Only wood caskets without metal hardware can be used. You may have to use GPS to find it."

For decades in NY state and perhaps in other states, every casket must be enclosed in a concrete box (vault) with a matching concrete lid. Special trucks have a hoist with a track which extends out over the grave, to lower the vault into the grave.

After the graveside funeral service concludes the casket is lowered into the grave by the currently used elevator mechanism. The mechanism is removed by the funeral home. Then the truck returns and lowers the lid onto the vault which is then buried. Why is this done? It makes remains easy to exhume in the event a cemetery has to be moved. It's a form of packaging. Mausoleums serve the same purpose - packaging.

Just like communism, EVERYONE and EVERYTHING will ALL BE THE SAME in America. No one will be allowed to stand out. Don't bother to do anything outstanding in your life - globalism will make sure you are forgotten in history. For decades in NY state, in elementary schools whenever a student earns an award ALL the children get an award, too. Even though they did not earn it. It is just another way of ingraining entitlement into children, even if they did not earn it.

We found this insanity already in practice over 20 years ago during a grade school open house. Our grandchildren were in elementary school and it happened to them when they won an award for making a great science project. Teachers value their paychecks, so they always go along with whatever management (principals) tell them what to do. Globalist doctrine filters on down from Washington through various ranks of leadership, finally down to public school principals. These people were thoroughly brainwashed years ago to obey globalist orders.

If anyone or any liberal thinks this is all wonderful, they need to ponder this: Without accomplishments in life, what is left to live for? Why even bother to exist at all if there is no point? Why bother to have children? America will become like the Chinese who teach this axiom: "Don't be the nail that sticks up above the floor." It automatically evokes the thought of someone coming along and pounding it back down with a hammer, to make it level with the other nail heads.