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John Barbour On Doctors

By John Barbour

I have been in the Spring Valley emergency hospital at least 10 times in the last five years. Each time was because of the incompetence of at least five doctors whom I've had to delete. Good doctors are as hard to find in Vegas as good amateur assassins in America!

This time I was there on my own because of the severe pain in my right chest around my rib cage. I have posted a couple of times of my hospital stays long and short, but never ever once looking for sympathy, just to tell sort of a funny story which I hope this is. I see too many times somebody who has nothing more than a hangnail posting ugly pictures and setting up or GoFundMe account.

After taking my blood pressure and my temperature they gave me an EKG and then finally wheeled me in to x-ray my right rib cage. What they found was a fract. Totally fractured. Of course, I had no idea how I got it. I thought maybe lifting a massive carton of water or even my golf swing with my right arm banging my ribs. Or being hugged to tightly by one of the beautiful cart girls at Boulder Creek Golf course who is happy to see me.

But that's not how I explained it to the doctor and his staff when he asked me how I thought I got it. I just blurted out…"I got it watching the debate and laughing too hard at Trump.”

It was the biggest laugh I heard in 3 months doctors staff and patients howled. Then I added, “But then I guess Trump's gods got even with me."
The second largest laugh and applause!!! That is only part of the reason I post this.

The other part is I am looking for three more of my Facebook friend Trump supporters who will bet me $20 he will win. Playing golf for fun is no fun. That's why I bet. Voting in a corrupt system that can never be changed is also no fun. So that's why I want three more bets that Trump will win.

I already have one. The majority of my Facebook friends are not voting for Kamala. They are voting against Trump. Those who take my $20 bet will have to accept the announced winner as they did last time with Biden...and not give us more of that Trump bullshit about it being stolen…an idea that lost in 69 court cases. We all know he will once again be like a flock of flies at a picnic that just won't go away!!! So, three of you step right up and place your losing bets!


And furthermore…

For 2 days, we've heard over and over - as they do in the media - about too many young women with abortion complications dying either at home or in hospitals…after being denied medical care by doctors and nurses because of abortion bans - laws enacted by Trumpaholics.

I am tired of hearing both Democrats and moderate Republicans talking about how obviously sad it is. Of course, it is sad. These deaths are, or should have been, preventable.

The most talked about case is that of the young woman who died in a Georgia hospital. She was literally denied treatment for 20 HOURS by a doctor who was afraid to lose his license or go to jail. Is there not a talk show host, or a producer of a talk show, smart enough to forget about talking to politicians or the victims’ families...but instead getting hold of that doctor who declined to save that woman's life?!? That is the coward to whom they should be speaking!