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How America Has Changed Since
They Murdered John Kennedy

By John Barbour

How America has changed since they murdered John Kennedy! 

As I've shown in my documentary films, D.A. Jim Garrison solved the Kennedy murder case...but then had all his proof and documents rejected by the federal government.  When I asked him how he thought, as an independent DA, he could take on the federal government he said, "John, I guess I thought I was still living in the country I was born in!"

I know that I'm not living in the country that I fought for 30 years to become a citizen of at the age of 19 in 1977.

When I was a kid in Canada, I was inspired to read: 'In America, any boy can grow up to become president!'

In 2024, America has changed so much that statement can now be rewritten to say: 'Any boy who inherits 200 million dollars, files bankruptcy six times to avoid paying his workers, is convicted of multiple counts of fraud and tax evasion, commits frequent adultery, grabs multiple pussies, avoids military service, creates anti-democratic riots resulting in deaths, mocks the handicapped, and lies and lies, can now grow up to be the President of the United States!  A second time!!'