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Heavy Chemtrails Over Portland, OR, Feb 2

From Dave Byrd

Hello Jeff,

I'm sending you the most recent pictures that I took of the heavy chemtrail spraying on Thursday, Feb 2nd 2023. The photos were taken just East of I-205, on the eastside of Portland, OR close to the Columbia River. I was taken aback by the sheer size of the operation.

This is the flight path from South to North, heading to SeaTac International airport going right up the I-5 corridor. As you can see, the trails run from horizon to horizon. They are drifting to the East and you can use Mt. Hood in the background for scale.

I took these pictures at approximately 7:40 AM. They had started earlier that morning, and the wisps of chemical agents are very visible as they spread out.

Best Regards, Dave Byrd