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How WEIRD And Despicable Is Tampon Tim Walz?
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From: JOHN
Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2024 8:21 PM
Subject: Fwd: Tampon Tim Walz Ingestion of Horse Semen?! YUK

Absolute proof the guy is an idiot. He had to be 30 years old according to the article.
If he lacked common sense by then he never would have gotten it. I could provide
many more comments but I am trying to raffle off Kamala's old knee pads.


---------- Original Message ----------

Tampon Tim Walz, Kamala Harris' choice as her VP candidate on the Democrat Presidential ticket has a bizarre, WEIRD problem to explain.

This guy, Walz, called Trump and Vance WEIRD and got the media to parrot the same phrase about them....but Trump and Vance have done nothing compared to this clown Walz's WEIRD behavior.

A newspaper article from the West Point Nebraska Daily News, dated August 30, 1995 (attached below as a .pdf) describes Walz's hospitalization at West Point General.

The community and family were in shock and disbelief when the
when the attending physician, Dr. Amanda Thompson, explained that Mr. Walz required stomach pumping procedure after drinking about one gallon of horse semen.

I can't wait to see how WEIRD WALZ spins his certainly unique incident.

I've always believed that when the DemoRats accuse the Republicans of some shocking thing it is always the DemoRats who have done it first. Well tampon Tim Walz, you win the prize for WEIRD. I hope this really WEIRD true incident gets nationwide distribution.