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OR Senator Trying To Stop Bill That Would
Set Up Children To Be Victims Of A Multi-
Billion Dollar Industry

From The Office Of Senator Kim Thatcher


They're setting your children up to be victims to a new multi-billion dollar industry behind your back using your wallet

May 10, 2023


Make no mistake about it, HB 2002-B is not about protecting Oregon's abortion rights post ruling on Roe vs. Wade. Roe vs. Wade had no effect on Oregon's abortion laws. It is about expanding abortion to your children - without you as a parent/guardian knowing. It's about "gender affirming" medical alteration experimentations for children - without a parent or guardian's knowledge - compliments of the Oregon Democrat Activist legislators. Yet, they're hiding their true agenda by telling you, the public, they're only "protecting your abortion rights". Oregon already allows abortion all the way to birth - current law. Nothing changed.
The truth is in the bill. Read it here.
SJR 33 is the ugly sister that would solidify these bad ideas through the Constitution. Further, the proponents (or Activist Democrats) got to write the ballot title to ensure the Constitutional amendment passes! Normally ballot titles are written by the Attorney General with a back-and-forth appeals process available to help ensure accurate wording. There will be no such opportunity with this measure, thanks to SB 27.
HB 2002-B is the most extreme and partisan bill in our country. There are layers of unanswered questions created by this legislation, as well as terrible consequences that are being ignored. It also poses constitutional challenges. Democrat activists will tell you it needs to come to the senate floor for a vote and deliberation. Folks, the Floor of the Senate is not the place to vet any bills. Committees are supposed to vet bills. This bill was not thoroughly vetted in any committee and opposition to it was shut down. As with all bills going through the Oregon Legislature, the Democrats are in charge of which ones they want to move and which ones they want to die. They want this one - BADLY!
This is a 46-page bill. The first 10 pages refer to abortions in stating that "Every individual has a fundamental right to make decisions about the individual's reproductive continue the individual's pregnancy and give birth or to terminate the individual's pregnancy." (Page 2, lines 16-19 of the bill). The word "every" exactly means "every" individual, regardless of age. A 10-year-old could, by herself, through resources at her school, get an abortion if this bill becomes law. Her parents or guardian would have no idea; however, her parent's or guardian's health insurance would be mandated to cover the cost with no deductions. The parent or guardian would never need to know.
Here are just a few of the provisions of HB 2002-B:
  • Any individual regardless of age can seek an abortion without her parents or guardians knowing anything about it. (Page 2; Page 4, lines 39-42)
  • For a parent or guardian to know their child is about to get an abortion or transgender medical procedures, the child must sign written consent to notify the parent/guardian. You read that right, a child must give written permission for their parent or guardian to find out the medical care their child is about to receive. (Page 4, lines 39-42)
  •  Your child, the person you care for, could seek life-altering medical procedures by having an abortion at a very young age; or secretly deciding to alter their natural bodily functions and processes and commit to life-long irreversible drugs or surgeries to satisfy his/her gender preference, through his/her public school resources.
  • Your child would likely be referred to the nearest Student Health Clinic through his/her public school resources. There are hundreds of clinics popping up all over the nation - big money - big industry - for children to seek very controversial and experimental medical procedures behind their parent/guardian's backs. (pages 9-10)
  • HB 2002-B will ensure these experiments are continued to the detriment of children and their families, all with the State of Oregon's stamp of approval. If you think they're not serious, there is a handy Student Health Center Reproductive Health Grant Fund within the State Treasury. (pages 9-10)
  • Your children are being recruited through Social Media and the public schools, themselves. OHSU is readying itself to supply the doctors for every phase of the granted procedures within HB 2002-B. Doernbecher has a number of Gender Clinics offering a full range of experimental services for children to alter their gender.
  •  Follow the money - Planned Parenthood, the gender clinics and all the doctors are salivating thinking of the money they'll rake in. Pharmaceuticals are poised to make a ton of money on the drugs they'll be supplying for the launching of this new industry in Oregon. Afterall, drugs will need to be supplied throughout the lifetime of the transgendered child who will be prescribed these life-altering chemicals. You will pay for it through not only your insurance premiums, but also through your taxes.
  • Disturbingly, HB 2002-B deletes ORS 167.820 which would makes it no longer a crime to conceal a birth. This would prevent law enforcement the ability to make a determination of whether the infant was born dead or alive. It would enable all kinds of creepy and criminal activity to take place. (page 43 of HB 2002-B, line 41 "[and 167.820]"
  • HB 2002-B requires your private health insurance to pay for all expenses without deductions, for medical procedures relating to abortion or gender alterations. Keep in mind, gender alterations are a lifetime commitment to hormone therapy, physical manipulations, surgeries, medications and everything that will be associated with the fight against a person's gender at birth. If you do not have private health insurance, don't worry, the taxpayers will cover it. By the way, there is no requirement to pay for any kind of reversal. (pages 11-12)
  • Your insurance will be required to pay for cosmetic procedures without deductions for transgender surgeries: tracheal shave, hair electrolysis, facial feminization surgery or other facial gender affirming treatment, revisions to prior forms of gender-affirming treatment and any combination of gender-affirming treatments. Again, if you do not have private health insurance, don't worry, the taxpayers will cover it. (pages 11-12)
In other words, HB 2002-B creates a state-sanctioned secret between parents/guardians and children, putting the state in charge of your children's health care without your consent or knowledge (Page 4, lines 39-42) and leaves you holding the bill for your child and everybody else's. And SJR 33 solidifies it in the Constitution.
Common sense would tell you, a child seeking an abortion without parental/guardian influence would set off alarm bells that she might be a crime victim. Yet, there will be no such safeguards in place.
Science being questioned by scientists - Altering our children's biological sex
The science promoting the safety and effectiveness of gender altering care (which includes puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries that are used to "align" an individual with their new gender identity) has been under increased scrutiny in both America and abroad. Gender-affirming care is beginning to fall apart and is under question by scientists themselves. It is controversial and by no means settled.
Oregon Democrats, on the other hand, are choosing to turn a blind eye in favor of the flawed science undergirding Oregon's guidelines for gender-altering care and are even doubling down. This reveals the reality that Oregon's Legislative Activist Democrats are more interested in following an ideology rather than actual science. 
The human brain is not fully developed until well into the 30s. The Oregon children targeted in HB 2002 do not have the mental capacity to understand the permanent, often devastating, nature of these decisions.
These kids simply do not understand that their awkwardness is fleeting because they do not have the wisdom that comes with growing up.
No child should feel alone or coerced by schools, government or social media to choose a certain path. Instead, we should be following what Sweden is doing by recommending treatment for these minors should not go beyond psychotherapy.
Europe pulls back as gender-altering medical procedures are questioned
There's so much controversy behind the effectiveness and unknown long-term risks of these procedures that other countries are pulling back on gender-affirming care for minors. 
Indeed, the science behind gender-affirming care is not settled. Oregon legislative Democrats, led by activism, refuse to acknowledge the flaws of the science of gender-altering medical procedures. They need to be willing to fully vet these flaws in committee, and without the conversation spiraling into accusations of questioners being "transphobic."
Many countries have concluded that the evidence backing the benefits of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries is insufficient, so much so that that the costs and risks of the irreversible procedures likely outweighs their benefits for gender dysphoric children.
  • Norway - The Norwegian Healthcare Investigation Board (NHIB/UKOM) recently found that its gender-affirming care guidelines were not evidence-based and relied on cherry-picked studies. The board concluded that puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and gender-affirming surgery for children and youth were experimental and proposed updated guidelines that these interventions be restricted to research settings.
  • Finland - The Finnish Health Authority (COHERE) conducted a systematic review of the data in 2020 and concluded that psychotherapy, or what we might call counseling, should be the first line of treatment for gender dysphoric youth, not puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, which should be reserved for rare cases. The review warned of the irreversible nature of gender-affirming interventions, and how a minor's lack of neurological maturity impacts these decisions.
  • Sweden - The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare in 2022 sharply curtailed youth eligibility for puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, and like Finland, said treatment should seldom go beyond psychotherapy, save for rare cases. This is coming from the country that was first to legalize gender transition in 1972.
  • France - France's National Academy of Medicine urged doctors to be cautious in offering pharmaceutical and surgical gender-affirming interventions to minors. They cited the psychological vulnerability of minors and the serious risks associated with these treatments - weak bones, risk of sterility, and emotional and intellectual consequences.
  • Britain - Britain's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) conducted systemic reviews and found that the scientific evidence underpinning common gender-affirming treatments was weak, discouraging, and often contradictory. Puberty blockers were found to have little impact on patients' well-being and cross-sex hormones were found to have low certainty in improving mental health.
Our children are quickly becoming victims of medical experimentation as parents and guardians are iced out and government takes their places. Democrats in the legislature would rather gain popularity with leftist audiences on TikTok and social media than help the youth of today,
Take action now! Voice your concerns to every single lawmaker, especially those from the Democratic side of the aisle (If you would like a list, please request it by hitting Reply). Oregon is on a downward spiral, especially when it comes to safeguarding our children from human traffickers and medical experimentation. The bills are currently awaiting a floor session for Second Reading and then the vote on Third Reading to pass it and send it to the governor to sign.
Look for like-minded people who realize the recklessness of HB 2002-B and the destruction being inflicted upon our children, families and society. Reach out and peacefully protest whenever or wherever you can! 
This interview is fairly long, but worth watching as I am interviewed by Naomi Wolf on HB 2002.
Another compelling report ran across is titled: Answers Sought on NIH Transgender

