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America's Growing Nightmare
Suppose You Were An Idiot - Part 5

By Frosty Wooldridge
Exclusive To Rense

Part 4: "Suppose you were an idiot; and suppose you are a Congressman; ah, but I repeat myself." Mark Twain. Terrorists among us, food production, poison food, sugar, obesity, apathy, non-voters.

Mark Twain said a century ago, "Suppose you are an idiot; and suppose you are a member of Congress...ah, but I repeat myself."

If you look at the majority of Congressional critters such as Colorado's John Hickenlooper and Michael Bennet, Twain's wisdom hits dead on the mark. If you apply it to California's Maxine Waters, you would be giving her too much credit. When you apply it to 84 year old Nancy Pelosi, dementia would be the first word to come to your mind. Why is America facing a growing nightmare? Answer: the majority of those 535 Congressional critters representing Americans rarely solve anything. They let problems fester to the boiling point. They fund 20 year wars that cannot be won. They sacrifice our nation's youth to death brought to us by the entrenched Military Industrial Complex. Who wins? The bankers and corporate heads of war machine producing companies.

Suppose you were an Alzheimer's victim; and suppose your name was Joe Biden...ah, but I repeat myself. Jill Biden knew her husband suffered from Alzheimer's four years ago. But the lust for power drove her to drive him to the presidency. After 50 years of shaking hands and meaningless hot air speeches, he's placed America into an insufferable nightmare of 12 to 15 million illegal aliens of every stripe---terrorists, mentally ill, drug addicts, gang members, drug dealers, rapists, killers and worse. Biden set America on a course of internal conflict that may be our last journey. He's got Palestinian flags along with Hamas flags parading through our cities. He's got American kids hating their own country. He's invited Muslims to chant, "Death to America" right in our own streets. He invited them to burn Old Glory.

Suppose you were uneducated; and suppose you were an American citizen...ah, but I repeat myself. According to educational experts, 42 million Americans cannot read, write or perform simple math. They represent a huge chunk of "functionally illiterate" Americans. They are represented by 540,000 homeless in America. They represent over 200,000 homeless in California. They represent drug addicts and alcoholics driving on our roads that kill 18,000 Americans annually in car crashes. And still, our legislators won't create laws that make drunk driving a serious crime by impounding cars, taking away licenses for life and serious jail time. It's a bet that those 18,000 annual deaths would have liked to still be alive because of drastically stringent laws against drunk or drugged driving.

Suppose you were eating poison foods; and suppose you were the American public...ah, but I repeat myself. Today, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, sucralose and another dozen names for synthetic sugars, poison our kids, ourselves and our lives with diabetes, obesity, ADHD, heart disease, cancer and worse. We've got RoundUp glyphosate from Monsanto poisoning everything in our food chain, but Congress will not put a stop to that deadly chemical. Instead, Monsanto dumps tons of money into Congressional Critters' pockets to keep spraying its deadly poisons everywhere across the land and onto our foods. It's in our groundwater. They even created GMO corn and soy to combat glyphosates with 'ROUNDUP READY' seeds. So, you not only get the poisons, you eat genetically modified foods that wreak havoc with your intestinal system. Then, of course, you get to drink Pepto Bismol for heartburn tablets to combat the bad foods.

Then, wow, drink a Mountain Dew, or Diet Pepsi and/or Coke to consume 13 teaspoons of raw sugar or sucralose to poison your cells because that's where that synthetic sugar gets stored because the body cannot process it. Feed your kids Sugar Pops or Fruit Loops to poison them with sugar overload and chemical dyes. Is it any wonder that 70 percent, that's 7 out of 10 Americans suffer from 20 to 40 pounds overweight to obesity of 50 pounds or more. Then, we wonder why cancer, diabetes, and heart disease kill millions of Americans prematurely. On CBS news, "71 percent of military applicants are so fat that they are unfit for military service."

When you look at the nightmare facing Medicare, it's guaranteed to collapse as the Baby Boomers overwhelm the doctors and hospitals. People would rather eat a "happy meal" than wholesome, organic fruits and vegetables. Let's slather on the trans fats, caffeine, sugar and preservatives...along with MSG, an "excito toxin" that makes you order a second Big Mac. That chemical gives you a "Big Belly" and a "Big Heart Attack."

Suppose you were a big city with insane asylum gridlock traffic where you fume in your own fumes, but your city councils keep adding more apartments and businesses to continue exponential growth...wouldn't that qualify them for the idiot category? Every major city we visited featured dozens of sky cranes adding tens of thousands of buildings in NYC, Chicago, Atlanta, LA, San Francisco, Denver, Houston and SO many other cities. You see SO many more people compacted into tighter and tighter living conditions. Then you wonder why 14 year olds are shooting up schools, or 20 year olds try assassinate presidential candidates.

Suppose you saw billions of bottles, cans and plastic containers strewn across America's landscape, but 44 states do not have container deposit-return laws to change that equation...yes, you would be led by idiots. This country stands eyeball deep in the trash of every description. Motorhomes and trailers get thrown into the woods to degrade for the next million years. Entire homes, cars and junk fill pastures! A certain percentage of Americans possess no regard for the land. And the ones who don't toss it, won't pick it up or take action to get it picked up. Worst state? Mississippi...which is the poorest, but spends $100 million annually to feed, house and care for its 77,000 illegal aliens. Go figure that one out!

Suppose your open borders that allowed 12 million illegal aliens into our country in the past 3 1/2 years, and tons of fentanyl that has killed 250 ,000 young Americans in the past three years, but Biden-Harris did nothing to stop would be a complete, immoral, unethical, and pathetic president-vice president-Congress, but that's the kind idiots we have running this country. Yet, Kamala Harris stands proud of her work for NOT securing our borders. She's responsible for thouands of rapes, robberies, drug deaths and murders like Laken Riley. So, what is Harris doing? She's running to become president so she can invite another 12-15 million MORE illegals and millions MORE fentanyl tablets into our country to kill more of our kids.

Suppose you allowed 9/11 to happen because of lack of immigration vetting like giving unvetted immigrants driver's licenses like New York did with Muhammod Atta, but now Governor Walz of Minnesota, gives them driver's licenses. Plus if we build a 30 foot wall, he said he would be investing in a ladder company that would manufacture 35 foot ladders to help illegals breach the law. Governor Walz IS AN IDIOT.

This list of idiots can only be stopped at the ballot box in November. If you don't stop the number one idiot, Kamala Harris, you will be amazed at all the misfortune, crime, homeless illegals, collapsing schools, collapsing welfare systems, chaos and Muslim events coming to the USA in 2025.

Part 5: What I predict is going to happen in 2025 and beyond.


This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America's immigration-population crisis as well as the world's. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, "Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls", Roy Beck, director of  www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself: v=LPjzfGChGlE&feature=player_ embedded

"Immigration by the numbers-off the chart "  by Roy Beck This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, "Mind boggling!" v=muw22wTePqQ


-- Frosty Wooldridge
Golden, CO
Population-Immigration-Environmental specialist: speaker at colleges, civic clubs, high schools and conferences
Facebook: Frosty Wooldridge
Facebook Adventure Page: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World
Six continent world bicycle traveler
Adventure book: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World
Frosty Wooldridge, six continent world bicycle traveler, Astoria, Oregon to Bar Harbor, Maine, 4,100 miles, 13 states, Canada, summer 2017, 100,000 feet of climbing: