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Accelerating Biosphere Collapse

By Dane Wigington

October heat waves in the SF Bay while the most populated region of the US is kept chemically cooler thanks the largest military juggernaut on the planet (by far) which continues to fuel confusion as to the true state of the planets remaining life support systems.

This is yet another updated NOAA surface temp map, the bullseye of heat is the result of an ionosphere heater induced high pressure heat dome (think HAARP, one of many such installations).

Even now, the vast majority have absolutely no idea what is unfolding, or how fast. Global climate intervention / weather warfare operations will soon determine our collective fate if not exposed and halted (and there is that other factor regarding what is taking place in our skies, sprayed biologicals). None of this bodes well for the extremely near term fate of the human race, or life on Earth. What you see below is only a sliver of the wider horizon.

The equation we collectively face is unimaginably non-linear, thus the desperate attempt of the controllers to cull the herd and start WW3. How many will continue to remain silent? How many will courageously stand and make their voices heard while they can?       - DW

Heat advisories in the SF Bay, in October, is completely wrong, but not any more, it's just the beginning, with geoengineering further fueling the fire.