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The D.C. Helicopter vs. Passenger Plane Crash
Is Due To A Nuclear Shell Game

By Yoichi Shimatsu
Exclusive to Rense

Intro: First of all, my thanks are overdue to several listeners of radio who provided needed corrections to my rattled thoughts and confused place-name errors in a discussion with host Jeff Rense on the night following the horrific passenger jet crash caused by a rampaging Army helicopter. If listeners hadn’t noticed - I was beyond distracted and irritated by the news blackout and lack of information about the fatal crash in the nation’s capital. Worse, my gut feeling was watching fast-moving objects whirling around as if in a pachinko machine (in Osaka) while feeling somehow that I and a lot of others were being made fools of in a shell game. A mind-contorting weekend was spent trying to figure what was real versus television fakery, fact as opposed to delusion.

Then struggling with all sorts of reported evidence, misinformation and distractions, a picture came into the mind’s focus - an interconnected global web of desperate intrigue. The realization that the Black Hawk helicopter was a just pawn in the game that ended up as the chariot wheel of destruction. Then as if by the shock of microwave energy, my thoughts soared back to Indonesia and Thailand, where an American Quaker activist involved in protecting Burmese refugee kids being abducted in Thailand was soon murdered by defenestration aka forcibly tossed out of his 20th floor apartment in sin city Pattaya - as a distraction by the pedophile circle around the U.S. ambassador to Thailand at the time - Skip Ralph Boyce, pronounced “boys” - who on retirement from the U.S. diplomatic service to become the Boeing sales rep to the Indonesian military dictatorship that had big ideas and shifty plans for a commercial air fleet. As disclosed to me by some local fellows during the idiotic “green Jatropha oil” scam promoted by National Geographic - the supposed replacement of diesel and gasoline by the oil from its nut happened to instantaneously kill any goats, cattle and birds that ate the exotic fruit. Yes, Jatropha is a cousin of Skip.

My thoughts then flipped the page to a sojourn by Puget Sound, near the USA-Canada border where floating sneakers attached to a severed foot of young men were found floating south. That thinly populated region is known for just three things: occultists (as in Twilight Saga - Kristen Steward and Robert Pattison sickie tale); Bill Gates of Microsoft; and the Boeing Aircraft Company - all involved in secret ops of the weird sort. Naked Asian children in cages inside underground tunnels, you get the picture - for organ transplants and a bit of bum fun while waiting to be called up. That one way to hold down global population growth. “Boeing, Boeing” - the sound of overworked mattresses - was a 1965 movie starring Jerry Lewis and Tony Curtis whose girlfriends were airline stewardesses. This brainstorm is not intended as a distraction but as preliminary training to begin to comprehend what the helicopter down of a Canadian-built Bombardier passenger plane is about - Boeing, Boeing. Too bad it happened because Trump’s import tax is going to cripple and even end Bombardier sales to U.S. airlines.

Flying Circus over the nation’s Capital

The Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (formerly the Washington-Hoover Airport was built in the mid-1940s atop a sandy Columbia Island in the Potomac River). An even more impressive technical achievement is the recent (February 2022) unveiling of DARPA’s ALIAS - the Aircrew Labor In-cockpit Automation System, which enable a ground-controller flying a Sikorsky Black Hawk helicopter without a crew or pilot. A division of Lockheed Martin, Sikorsky adapted existing self-guidance technology to operated helicopters.

The remote-control technology was not especially new however, having been installed and flight tested in a Boeing 727 passenger jet in 2017 some five years earlier. Even then, it wasn’t a breakthrough novelty, having been installed years earlier in motley aircraft and helis with names like Beaver, Caravan, Iroquois and of course Cessna for cheap crash tests. Not much has been said about unmanned air-travel, which obviously makes passengers feel expendable. And what about the service staff? Like a rookie stewardess kicking open the cockpit door with a tray of hot coffee to discover nobody’s inside? The obvious question is: really how ancient is this no-pilot system? Was it tested on 911?

Fort Eustis, Virginia

That’s where the self-flying Army Black Hawks were based and where the secretive pilot Captain Rebecca Lobach became a pilot under a quota for DEI - diversity, equity, inclusion - along with other female and racial minority recreational flyers. She has double indemnity as a Jew and a female. At age, the college basketball player was not married nor mourned at her funeral by a male “close friend”. That’s it - everything released by the berserk pilot who downed the PSA Bombardier passenger jet with 60 passenger and 4 crew aboard. Oh, one other salient fact: Rebecca earned a degree in biology at University of Virginia at Chapel Hill - a cluster folk of the CIA and ultra-liberal Dems - aka the Hillary and Bill crowd. So being promoted to major during the Obama-Biden term was not some personal breakthrough but simply the appointment of yet another mule at the liberal trough.

Sorry folks for the bitterness at DEI just because two of my high-school classmates, who were bikers and hot car freaks, were seriously injured for life as pilots in separate helicopter crashes in the Vietnam War, shot down by North Viet regulars with Soviet anti-aircraft cannons. Neither got an ounce of honor and it was many years later that their classmates discovered the horrendous facts - way too late. That’s what heroes are about - men with absolute courage and not cotton candy puffs.

OK, now back to mission improbable: Captain Lobach had to fly with two senior male officers, some 123 miles along a bee-line to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA) for a “training exercise” in night-flying. This hokum indicates the Clintonistas and Biden-bumboys are still in control of Army press releases. Wednesdays following the holidays season is heavy-traveled to and fro DC by congressional aides, lobbyists, secretaries, extra restaurant staffers and bartenders and even gardeners. Get real - that is the worst possible time to be “training”. Usually and maybe invariably, military “secrecy” is an invitation to foreign spies to sneak out of the woodwork and snoop around for tidbits like hungry hogs. So what was the actual early evening mission?

Out of the Holland Tunnel

Slightly more than a month before the Washington Airport dual-crash, the exit monitors on the Holland Tunnel - which connects lower New York City to New Jersey picked up an alarming finding. One of the exiting trucks triggered the radioactivity alarm and possibly other detectors, for instance, for certain banned chemicals. It was apparently past midnight when car traffic was low and government offices were closed, and the cops were busy dealing with noisy drunkards, 7-foot tall black transvestite hookers on 8th Avenue, and noisy dance clubs past curfew.

By the next morning, the suspect truck was long gone, presumably toward south Jersey or onto Maryland, Virginia or Pennsylvania. As it turned out, a host of surveillance drones sweeping the northeast came across nothing, other than a spotty trail of radioactive particles passing over to northern Ohio - a second truck. So the all-out search began for the original trucker and his nuke cargo. That explains why the doomed Black Hawk helicopter crew were swirling around before sunset to kill time. Why a search for a nuke is best done at nighttime? Because sunlight can overwhelming atomic emissions whereas at night the glow of radioactive decay is sharply visible.

That’s why the pilot and crew were strapped on with long-range night goggles - to pick up the blue glow of radioactivity. That too explains why the heli crew was chasing after landing planes and others taking off to pick up any traces of radioactivity along a secondary runway as the sunset faded. Then as the curtain of darkness fell over the airfield, the more serious mission was in all probability to prowl around the hangars and cargo-pickup buildings on the southwest tip of the airport peninsula - for their radioactivity sensors to pick up the glow of the missing nuclear bomb.

Now, the 64-thousand dollar question: Which insider(s) in the upper crust of the Clinton-Obama-Biden hierarchy who is deeply in cahoots through corruption and bribery from Volodymir Zelensky’s circle in Ukraine was able to get his former Army operatives onto a Sikorsky control module to flip the surveillance helicopter into external piloting mode to eliminate the intruder helicopter piloted by Capt. Lobach? That’s where Boeing’s man Ambassador Skip comes into the picture.

That external takeover began the near vertical path of the captured chopper directly and unmistakably aimed at PSA/American Eagle Flight 5342 - probably because that aircraft had the misfortune of attempting a landing right as darkness fell. It was no accident, when considering the auto-pilot system struggled against wind and inertia to reach the target, smashing into the port (left) wing, sending both damaged aircraft plunging into the cold waters of the Potomac River.

In my humble opinion, once the mourning period is over the White House should send that criminal backstabber Volodymyr Zelensky an ultimatum to disclose the locations of his two Soviet-era nukes in Ohio and Maryland or face horrific termination, He’s no friend of the USA, just a short fat idiot who does not know his place at the table. In event that Zelensky dies sooner than later from overeating, the social cost of two old nukes hauled in a truck will not do any more damage that the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Less than a million people died in those blasts and both cities were soon repopulated, and another factor is that the USA has a far wider population spread outside any targeted region. America will survive.

That may sound cruel but a kick to our own arses is what we get for expending tax dollars and expensive weaponry on a bunch of cut-throat Jewish gangster who now own what’s little left of Ukraine. Run with dogs and die like a dog. It’s our own damned fault if a mushroom cloud rises over your neighborhood. Live by the sword, die by the sword. It is high time to make peace in the Ukraine-Russia conflict and put Zelensky on a grill to call back his dogs.

In closing, I went down the short list of nations that have the nuclear capability and the motive for running around warheads on American highways. Even the North Koreans are not that idiotic. It’s Ukraine. Z had already squeezed out more funds than authorized by Congress out of Biden's discretionary fund. He's toast.

In Memorium

Meanwhile, I am awaiting mid-winter’s gentle snowfall during the next cold spell - to crystalize my vague concept of a silent gathering of skaters from across this nation on the first anniversary of the tragic air-crash at the largest skating rink in the vicinity of the nation’s capital. Tiny electric candles, each marked with the name of a fallen passenger or crew member, should be given out to the circling procession of silent skaters - amateur and professional - in remembrance with sorrow for those eager youths and other passengers aboard PSA 5342 and in sympathy with their relatives. And then let us sing Christmas carols and hymns of other faiths under falling snow as One Nation, so that may they who were so close to the angels may live in our hearts forever.