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Can America Save The Rest
Of The Worlds Masses?

By Frosty Wooldridge

This commentary may well sober you to understand, at our current foreign aid and immigration path, the wildfires in California won’t even make a footnote in the history books. Hurricane Katrina, Milton, and Helene will hardly receive a few sentences. That date, 9/11, won’t make a paragraph. In the history books, those historians will document how America murdered itself as to foreign aid and immigration in all its forms.

In the past four years, we’ve given more than $250,000,000,000.00 (billion) dollars to Ukraine. All of Europe didn’t pay a tenth of that much money to help Ukraine. Yet, they stand in the crosshairs of Putin’s war machine, and now North Korea joined the battle! Almost certainly, Ukraine will lose the war and lose their country to Mother Russia. The latest reports show that we’ve given over $50,000,000,000.00 (billion) to Africa in the past year or so. We’ve given $158,000,000,000.00 (billion) to Israel since 1948.

In the past four years, your tax dollars have given illegal aliens and legal immigrants $150,000,000,000.00 (billion) annually. That adds up to $600,000,000,000.00 (billion) that none of us will ever see again.

Last year, your tax dollars paid out to 41,000,000 (million) low-income people in America in food stamps (EBT cards). The cost? Try about a minimum of $50.00 a day times 41 million people, X’s 365 days in a year. We’re talking into the billions and trillions of dollars! We’re talking your tax dollars are paying out to people from all over the world to live, eat, and feed off the American working man and woman.

What about foreign aid to other countries? Your tax dollars pay out $70,300,000,000.00 (billion) in foreign aid annually. To whom?

Some of the Countries That Received the Most Foreign Aid from the U.S. in 2024:

  • Ukraine ($17.2B)
  • Israel ($3.3B)
  • Jordan ($1.7B)
  • Egypt ($1.5B)
  • Ethiopia ($1.5B)
  • Somalia ($1.2B)
  • Nigeria ($1B)
  • Congo (Kinshasa) ($990M)

None of that money did any good whatsoever because foreign aid means stealing money off the poor taxpayers of a wealthy country and giving it to the rich people of a poor country. What’s more, most of those countries despise America. Try to figure that one out.

What about anchor babies? The average of 300,000 pregnant illegal alien mothers cross our borders illegally annually, give birth in our hospitals at an average of $8,000.00 per birth, and the child enjoys free education K-12, with free breakfasts and lunches, while the mother enjoys EBT and Section 9 Housing. The money escalates into the stratosphere, and you’re paying it.

As stated before, illegal alien gangs shoplift $102,000,000,000.00 (billion) annually. You pay more for goods to make up that loss. In other words, your own government in the past four years allowed, invited, and transported 15,000,000 (million) illegal aliens to set up shop all over America. Governor Healy of Massachusetts suffered a breakdown that her Sanctuary State featured an illegal alien working a $1 million drug operation out of one of her shelters. She will not cooperate with Trump’s I.C.E. teams, but she aids and abets illegal aliens in violation of America’s laws.

This column ONLY touches a few aspects of how the United States taxpayer—that’s you—suffers incredible financial damage by the very senators and House members you elected.

What does it all come to? We stand $36,000,000,000,000.00 (trillion) in national debt. Our tax dollars pay $1.5 trillion in interest annually to service the debt.


I live in Colorado. We pay for somewhere around 50,000 illegal aliens with food, housing, transport, education, and medical care. We can’t take care of our own 10,000 homeless poor, but our moron Denver Mayor Johnston said he will go to jail to save “his” illegal aliens. I.C.E. director Tom Holman said, “If he wants to go to jail, I’ll arrest him, prosecute him, and see that he goes to jail.”

The taxpayers of Colorado cheered!

Right now, in Colorado, at 3.3 million people, the Brown Toxic Cloud over Denver assures each resident breathes poison air 24/7. Projections show that Denver will reach 4.3 million within two decades. In other words, more poison air for everyone to breathe with each breath. Mothers, babies, kids, and athletes all get to poison their lungs and bloodstreams with more polluted air, heavy metals, chemicals, et al.

On a weekend, starting at noon in the summer and winter, I-70 to campgrounds and to the ski resorts are bumper-to-bumper, 3 to 5 mph, stop-and-go for 90 miles to Summit County. Once you get there to ski Vail, Copper, Breck, and Keystone, you must fend for your life because it’s a human bumper car rally with SO many people.

Try to secure a campground at Lake Dillon, and you will be out of luck 99 percent of the time. If you sail a boat, you can collide with another boat at every tack.

Try to get into a National Park each summer! You need a lottery number. If you do get in, you’re one of a mob of Americans trying to enjoy a wilderness experience. Yosemite might as well be New York Times Square; it’s so crammed with people. Same with dozens of other parks.

What’s driving the numbers? Answer: legal and illegal immigration and their birth rates drive about 80-90 percent of America’s population growth rate. We’re somewhere around 350 million, and headed for 440 million by mid-century.

I’m reminded of the Titanic on April 14, 1912, as it sped through the iceberg-infested waters of the North Atlantic to reach New York City in record time. Darn, if it wasn’t for that iceberg off the starboard bow, 1,300 people would have enjoyed NYC instead of a watery grave. Everything looked good until everything went to hell in a handbasket.

Well, right now, the U.S.S. America looks good. Richest country in the world. Citizens enjoy the highest standard of living in the world. Energy still abundant. Food everywhere. Who cares if every city stands eyeball deep in problems of transportation, air pollution, over 800,000 homeless Americans, etc., etc., etc….

What we don’t see grows ever bigger like that iceberg that awaited the Titanic. Third world countries keep adding 83,000,000 new babies annually, net gain. That’s right; in 2024, third world humans added 83 million new babes that they can’t feed, house, educate, or sustain. Guess what? They’re coming to America, Canada, and Europe.

So, what do you want for your children? What are you going to tell them in 2050 when they’re in the middle of 440 million people in America fighting for water, energy, and resources? Will there be any solutions? Will there be any quality of life?

Yes, I am an ‘Outlier.’ I’ve already seen 20 of the largest cities in the world. It’s not pretty. It IS pretty sickening!

Can we save the rest of the world’s billions of desperately poor? With money? With military hardware? With food? Answer: not a snowball’s chance in hell. They must save themselves.

Every person reading this column, especially if you have kids, needs to share it until every American citizen reads it. We must educate our population to what’s coming, and then, we must take action to STOP mass immigration and change course like the Titanic should have, toward a sustainable civilization. It’s the only way our children will stand a chance to live a reasonable and fulfilling life. Otherwise, we will continue on the same course as the H.M.S. Titanic way back in 1912 with the same result.


-- Frosty Wooldridge
Golden, CO
Population-Immigration-Environmental specialist: speaker at colleges, civic clubs, high schools and conferences
Facebook: Frosty Wooldridge
Facebook Adventure Page: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World
Six continent world bicycle traveler
Adventure book: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World
Frosty Wooldridge, six continent world bicycle traveler, Astoria, Oregon to Bar Harbor, Maine, 4,100 miles, 13 states, Canada, summer 2017, 100,000 feet of climbing: