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Zyklon B Was Used In Homes Across
America To Fumigate Bugs In The 1930s
- But How Could That Be Possible?

From An Online Friend

Here is one of the most amazing ads from a 1930 American newspaper... How could this be possible?
Zyklon B was being used to commonly fumigate homes ten years before World War 2 and the legendary 'holocaust'.

Take another look...a little larger this time...

Then came the predictable effort to debunk the old ad with people yelling 'fake' and 'photoshop!'...

NO, the ad is not a fake! Here is the original newspaper from 1930...

Here is an enlargement progression for further proof.
Zyklon B was commonly used in the US to fumigate and prevent disease long before World War 2 and the 'holocaust'

In summary - Zyklon B was commonly used in the US to fumigate homes