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You Are Not Guilty
America, let's talk...

By Greg Palast

I get it: You're stunned you elected an orange-stained, gelatinous bag of malicious mendacity, a snorting porcine pustule of bloviating bigot hinged to grasping little griplets, a bloated ball of gracelessness and cry-baby petulance as President of the United States.

America, you can stop hiding your face in shame: you are not guilty.

Trump didn't win in 2016. And I'm not talking about Trump losing the popular vote. Trump lost the Electoral College. That is, he lost if you count all the votes burgled, jacked, swiped, shoplifted, purloined, filched, fiddled and snatched from citizens not of a whitish orange hue.

And unless we wise up, 2020 will be déjà vu all over again.

So opens my new book How Trump Stole 2020, read an excerpt (courtesy of ColdType).

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