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Globalization And The Geopolitical Utility | |
By Stephen Martin 6-12-22 | |
'Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer' Germany under Hitler 'Globalization' has the megalomaniacal objective of replacing National Sovereignty with a singular supranational governmental structure of world sovereignty whether euphemised by the terms 'new world order' (NWO) or 'great reset'. This small article examines means by which national sovereignty can be minimised purposive the establishment of a supranational global sovereignty as a 'new normal'. The concept of National Sovereignty is territorially as geographically defined and is as reflected in diverse governmental structures which operate autonomously at a National level. A diversity of National Sovereignty and autonomy of governmental structures is anathema to the Globalist agenda of the establishment of a supranational governmental as a one world political structure; 'globalization' is all about attaining a unipolarity and has no room for the political diversity which the concept of national sovereignty represents. ( Ein Reich ' as in the above quote). Globalization has no room for mere surplus population such as ye and me and 'ours'? Globalization is a phenomenon not so much as of 'live and let live' as 'live and let die', it is quintessentially a phenomenon of Thanatos rather than Eros'. National Sovereignty as must die for Globalization to occur in so many ways relates to the concept of national identity as is forged under such hegemonies as culture relates, and as incorporates education. That is; people in America undergo a different education than do people in the United Kingdom , as do people in Russia or China. This diversity extends into different values as held heterogeneously; values as reflected in such phenomena as 'national anthems' as once often sung under 'national flags' in differing languages. The concept of national dress often prevails as an expression of a diverse national sovereignty and an expression of identity. All of such 'diversity' is anathema to Globalization which is predicated upon a homogeneity of conformity to a singular norm or stereotype determined regardless of nationality and as such demands ' Ein Volk ' . 'Democracy' must die if Globalization is to be attained by way of a supra national power structure of world governance? 'Miscegenation' as a highly volatile concept is also one of clear political utility concerning the reduction of diversity as relevant to the ascendance of a unipolar structure of Globalization; the fact that the writings of Couldenhove-Kalergi , in particular his Praktischer Idealismus ' ( Practical Idealism are difficult to obtain and as explicitly elaborate upon the geopolitical utility of such a cultural 'mixing pot' speaks volumes cocerning globalization as much as does the Orwellian concept of 'memory hole'? But the fact is such strategy of globalization has a clearly relevant utility concerning homogenization as to be supplemented synergistic by enforced migration with the propose as to break down both national identity and national sovereignty? Or is such but a mere happenstance? Economic migration has, as much as miscegenation, a utility to 'Globalization' as a war on diversity supplemeted? The devaluation of cultural diversity as a heterogeneity has clear utilitarian relevance to Globalization and the homogeneous conformity it demands? Why do such 'front men of globalization' as George Soros sponsor said economic migration; why is such pressure being applied upon National Sovereignty as by way of the floodgates to a 'melting pot' of miscegenation being opened philanthropic? What are the implications of such a 'melting pot' concerning homogeneity and the elimination of national identity and national sovereignty in context of furthering a hidden agenda of the establishment and furthering of a supra national, as unipolar structure of Globalization? Did Trump really fuck up unacceptably by way of 'build the wall'? When such as Klaus Schwab can proclaim ' in the future you will own nothing ' does this extend to national identity? 'Miscegenation' is a volatile concept with a high degree of ideological valence as under hegemony and the attempt to place or conflate it with 'racism' under woke consciousness; that it can have political utility is a subject as would be ' verboten ' under the concept of political correctness such the application of 'crimethought' as Orwell explicated concerning the subtleties of 'newspeak' as a form of psychopolitical control and manipulation? A parallel could be the conflation of 'anti Zionism' with 'anti Semitism'. Much as Voltaire explicated that one can tell who rules over you by those whom you not permitted to criticize, so can hegemony as commenuration be discerned through the insidious concept of ideological valence as expressive of a 'mind over mind' whereby certain concepts become rendered 'politically incorrect' even to mention? Well fuck that for a panopticon! Fuck globalized hegemony! The utility of forced economic migration such the war as globalization instances concerning the reduction of diversity a form of miscegenation; it is a war on 'national sovereignty' as much as on national identity? It is a war by way of the creation of surplus labor as much as having economic utility as a means of creating as exploiting the weakening of economies by way of 'resource transfer/ austerity' furthered? The fact that few care to contemplate why economic migrancy arises as a product of Globalization or why such as George Soros pump billions philanthropically into encouraging same is symptomatic of how the world has become so fucked up as but alas to reflect an ecocidal state of collective psychoses aka 'globalized mass formation'? It is, apropos as conemptoraneous (sic), relevant to consider the Ukraine war, where the mantra globalized of 'send more arms/ take in refugees' pumped would be unparalleled by diplomacy of 'let's talk, let's work it out' -as beyond the knee jerk madness of Globalization? For we, alas 'live' in a final era of hatred as to a raging madness effected; a tortuous rage against a nature as must be destroyed under a satanism as perverse worship of 'death' and an Ecocide globalized? Hey, we just went from 'X' rated to 'XX', such the obscenity revealed as by way of metapolitical contemplation explicated, albeit to a piss against the manifold winds of global hegemony? Not so much as 'We came we saw we conquered' as to much as 'we came we saw we died' as to paraphrase the wicked witch of the globalized west, Hillary Clinton? Such concerning the ' one way or another ' of gene therapy applied concerning 'miscegenation' as of 'transhumanism' effected We are now in 'XXX' territory? Kudos should this be published, by the way. Actually small quarters though gene therapy as a megadeath of miscegenation would be effected by way of water or food or non ionizing radiation - but needs must when globalization drives? Congratulations, you have just read and understood(?), your very first hard core metapolitical article! Stephen Martin can be reached at