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Too Late To The Table?

By Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Former Sr. Policy Advisor, U.S. Dept. of Education; author of the
deliberate dumbing down of america, 1999; updated/abridged version 2011

Exclusive To Rense

Hurting Authentic Education Reform hurting-authentic-education- reform/

There is no depth to which these people will descend to get themselves out of trouble.
Did Donna Garner and other so-called pro-family-conservatives, in all states, not know their state "conservative" groups are part of State Public Policy (SPN) Networks?  And that Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) is just one of probably fifty (?) public policy foundations created by the Trotskyite neoconservative movement after President Reagan was elected in order to co-opt the true blue conservative movement of the sixties and seventies?
  Garner and all others who have been mislead (?) should do their homework.

Texas Public Policy Foundation

These are the same groups who were on board media-hyped Stop Common Core movement (biggest  national diversion from vital unconstitutional political/economic nation-changing issue "school choice without elected boards" the nation ever experienced, since   public schools have had a version of Common Core since the National Assessment of Educational Progress was mandated by Congress in 1969 , albeit without the vital component of the computer (Skinner's box). 

3D, page 176 includes a fascinating Report on the NAEP:
A VERY IMPORTANT NATIONAL ASSESSMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS (NAEP) REPORT, in galley stage, entitled Measuring the Quality of Education: Conclusions and Summary, was provided to this writer (by a career educator "spy" in the Dept. of Education) in 1981, shedding light not only on the responsibility of major tax-exempt foundations in the development of a national curriculum, but also on the role of the federal government in setting standards/goals for American education. Excerpts follow from a cover letter signed by Willard Wirtz, former Secretary of Labor , and Archie Lapointe, executive director of the NAEP, and  the report itself:
THE NATIONAL ASSESSMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS (NAEP), MANDATED BY THE U.S. Congress,was initiated in 1969. NAEP has periodically “assessed” (monitored the knowledge,  skills, and performance of) students aged 9, 13, and 17, as well as various grade levels. The subject areas assessed have included: reading, writing, mathematics, science, citizenship, U.S.history, geography, social studies, art, music, literature, computer competence, and career and occupational development. NAEP also has collected background information from students,teachers, and administrators, and has related these data to student achievement. The Educational Testing Service (ETS) in 1983 took over the contract to administer the NAEP from the Carnegie Corporation-spawned Education Commission of the States. This move effectively kept Carnegie in control of educational assessment, since it was the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (a subdivision of the Carnegie Corporation) which had provided the $750,000 initial endowment (start-up funds) to launch ETS in 1947. Through an agreement between the American Council on Education, the Carnegie Foundation and the College Entrance Examination Board, all of whom turned over their testing programs and a portion of their assets to ETS, the move to establish Educational Testing Service as the primary provider of testing material was accomplished.

In 1988, Congress established the National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB). The purpose of NAGB was to provide policy guidance for the execution of NAEP. The board was composed of nationally and locally elected officials, chief state school officers, classroom teachers, local school board members, and leaders of the business community, among others.Specifically, NAGB has been charged by Congress to perform the following duties: select subject areas to be assessed; identify appropriate achievement goals for each age group; develop assessment objectives; design a methodology of assessment; and produce guidelines and standards for national, regional, and state comparisons. END EXCERPT.

These state Trotskyite groups, bar NONE, also waited until the very last minute to oppose passage December 9,  2015 of of the communist ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act).
  Charlotte's blog, ABCSOFDUMBDOWN.BLOGSPOT. COM , with help of Jeff Rense interviews at , fought passage of ESSA, with historical documentation of the treasonous plan behind the Act, for eighteen months prior to passage of ESSA.

These same groups who did nothing to stop passage of ESSA are all pushing  public/private partnerships, charter schools without elected boards,  and  computerized school to work agenda which MUST use the Skinnerian dog training method Garner has supported since the nineteen eighties, insisting method (direct instruction) was NOT Skinner
SPN state groups support moving ALL the nation's schools from traditional academics (upward mobility for our children/freedom to choose their futures)  to communist global workforce training (in which they will be trained, lifelong, for the needs of the state/economy...quota system like in Cuba, Russia, China, EU, etc.)  Shame, shame, shame on them!!!!

I have a huge file somewhere which gives history of creation of Maine Heritage (out of the blue) in early part of the century. I did all this research about 16 years ago when two men, one of whom was William Becker,  initial instigator of Maine Heritage (originally formed by State Policy Network - see below) invited me to lunch in Bath, Maine at Maxwell's Restaurant.  They wanted to get me on board their unconstitutional  "school choice/charter school with unelected boards" bandwagon in Maine.    That was a very short luncheon, to say the least, since I said  I would have no part in their unconstitutional agenda.
  From that time Maine Heritage managed to destroy the credibility of the one person (Charlotte) who had, in the mid seventies , started,  the first and only true conservative group the state has ever had, the Maine Conservative Union (MCU) affiliated with the national American Conservative Union (ACU) Washington, D.C.  before it (ACU) went neoconservative (Trotskyite/left) upon election of President Ronald Reagan.

In other words, their goal was to turn Maine "left" by co-opting true conservatives (luring them into the deadly net through privatization agenda,  which ultimately became public/private merger recommended by President Reagan's White House Private Sector Initiative in 1982, at which I, Charlotte, served as a liaison from the U.S. Dept. of Education.  

True blue, rock bound conservative Mainers, in the 1970s, joined MCU.  They came  from all walks of life:  pastors, farmers, police, lawyers, fishermen, high up military officers, teachers,  doctors, artists, etc.  We were involved in trying to kill  communist regional government being implemented by Maine's Dem.  Senator Edwin Muskie aka "Mr. Metro";  stop the give-away of the Panama Canal; oppose the disastrous Strategic Arms Limitation (SALT) agreements; fight the destructive/values destroying globalist health education in Maine, etc.
Links below really tell the whole story regarding the destruction of the true conservative movement in USA after the election of Ronald Reagan and help one understand the role of the national Heritage Foundation through SPN in promoting the school to work agenda (communist polytechnical workforce training/merger of public and private sector/elimination of elected boards), thereby changing our nation's capitalist economic system to a planned economy necessary to merge USA into the global communist system.    Type "Conclusions" into American search box to read Carnegie Corporation's "Conclusions and Recommendations for the Social Studies", 1934 which called for "using the schools to change America's capitalist economic system to a planned economy and in some cases to take our land."

Be sure to click on all the links in National Review article, but especially following link:
Fifty Flowers Bloom | John J. Miller | Hey Miller

  included in Mother Jones article below:

The Right-Wing Network Behind the War on Unions

Excerpt:  Behind the onslaught is a well-funded network of conservative think tanks that you've probably never heard of. Conceived by the same conservative ideologues who helped found the Heritage Foundation, the State Policy Network (SPN) is a little-known umbrella group with deep ties to the national conservative movement. Its mission is simple: to back a constellation of state-level think tanks loosely modeled after Heritage that promote free-market principles and rail against unions, regulation, and tax increases. By blasting out policy recommendations and shaping lawmakers' positions through briefings and private meetings, these think tanks cultivate cozy relationships with GOP politicians. And there's a long tradition of revolving door relationships between SPN staffers and state governments. While they bill themselves as independent think tanks, SPN's members frequently gather to swap ideas. “We're all comrades in arms,” the network's board chairman told the National Review in 2007.

Occasionally, SPN think tanks boast of their clout. Such was the case when the Tennessee Center for Policy Research bragged on its website recently that it “leads the charge against teachers' union” and “laid the groundwork” for the bills now in the Tennessee legislature to restrict, and possibly eradicate, bargaining for public school teachers. More often, though, the fingerprints of SPN's members are less apparent.

Founded in 1992 by businessman and Reagan administration insider Thomas Roe—who also served on the Heritage Foundation's board of trustees for two decades—the group has grown to include 59 “freedom centers,” or affiliated think tanks, in all 50 states. SPN's board includes officials from Heritage and right-wing charities such as the Adolph Coors and Jacqueline Hume foundations. Likewise, its deep-pocketed donors include all the usual heavy-hitting conservative benefactors: the Ruth and Lovett Peters Foundation, which funds the Cato Institute and Heritage; the Castle Rock Foundation, a charity started with money from the conservative Coors Foundation; and the Bradley Foundation, a $540 million charity devoted to funding conservative causes. SPN uses their contributions to dole out annual grants to member groups, ranging from a few thousand dollars to $260,000, according to 2009 records.

According to SPN's website, Roe launched the conservative network “at the urging” of President Reagan himself as a way to shape state-level policy just as Heritage has influenced federal policy. Surveying the political landscape today, Roe's and Reagan's idea couldn't have been more prescient. More than a dozen states are currently considering legislation weakening the clout of organized labor. In many of those states, SPN think tanks have been pushing for similar prescriptions for years via “research” papers, policy recommendations, and talking points that are widely distributed to lawmakers. politics/2011/04/state-policy- network-union-bargaining/

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Former Senior Policy Advisor
U.S. Department of Education
http://www.americandeception. com

  To order the updated abridged 2011 version of The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America  click this AMAZON ORDER LINK

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt

Former Senior Policy Advisor
U.S. Department of Education


http://www.americandeception. com


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