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New Federally-Funded Police State Surveillance
Technology Deployed All Over Las Vegas

By Gary Holland
Text and Photos

Hi Jeff

I have attached 4 photos of Metro's federally-funded domestic spy trailers. Metro has been placing them all over the valley. Each on can surveil 360 degrees with cams mounted on a 20 foot tall tower attached to the trailer.

Every domestic spy trailer video is streamed, in real time, to a monitoring IT control center at Metro. The trailers video is also most likely streamed to NSA, CIA, Homeland Security, Mossad and many other agencies.

I have heard from a couple of sources that every trailer cam video stream is run through facial recognition software. The same sources have also stated that Metro uses the spy trailers for ‘revenuing’ …writing traffic tickets to people after instantly using their license plates to identify them.

The 'future plan' (already done?) for these spy trailers has them being retrofitted and 100% equipped with AI. They will also have mounted lethal weapons controlled autonomously by AI.

These trailers are just the begining. The future zionist-influenced police state departments will be heavily, if not 100%, operated by AI and robotics. When AI controlled robotics take full control of the police state, humans will be thoroughly under the boot of unlimited cruelty and oppression. That is our future and these trailers should be a firm reminder of that every time one is seen.