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Secession May Not Be Allowed By Communist
Congress Or Blue State Legislatures - So What
Is THE Best Option for Americans to Relocate?

By Cal Ripson

Dear Mr. Rense:

Many Americans feel their country has been stolen from them and that the future of a unified America is bleak. I do not believe there is any scenario where secession is feasible as the political, economic, and demographic realities will not allow it. In fact, Trump won Texas by only 4%. Texas demographically will turn "Blue" in the near future.

There is a realistic option. Just like the ancestors of today's Americans, the option of emigration is a viable and rational choice. Since most Americans are of European descent and Christian by faith and heritage, the most comfortable option for them would be a large, technologically advanced, predominately European-Christian country outside of the control of the same globalist forces that have negatively affected America. There is only one country that fits that definition, and it is a country that not coincidentally is routinely vilified in Western media. That country of course is Russia.

Having lived and worked in Russia years ago, I am aware of the many benefits of relocating there: world class affordable education and healthcare, low criminality, affordable housing, low cost of living, cultural and historical richness, and a sense of patriotism and ethnic pride.

Russia has a flat 13% personal income tax rate for incomes up to about $68,000 and a flat 15% for incomes over that amount. There are no local income taxes comparable to U.S. state income taxes. The capital gains tax in Russia after 5 years is 0%. (It is the same flat 13/15% before 5 years). 

The West has effectively been engaged in economic warfare against Russia via sanctions (both hard and soft) since 2014. This has negatively impacted Russian average wages in dollar terms, but it had the perverse result of forcing Russia to develop its supply side productive capacities. Russia is the most unlevered developed economy in the world with Debt/GDP of 17%.

  It is no accident that Russia was capable of developing a vaccine against Covid 19 before any Western country. The scientific and engineering base is strong. The mathematics and physics education is second to none. 

Please check the following link for results of the global programming contest held by elite universities from around the world annually. This is actually a fair test of formulating mathematical algorithms and then coding them. Russian universities have dominated this contest against Harvard, MIT, Oxford, ect. for decades.  https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/International_ Collegiate_Programming_Contest

Given these realities, I have developed a website to assist people exploring the possibility of relocating to Russia. Obviously, the biggest impediment for most people is language and the website provides the option of studying and learning Russian as well as assistance in taking that first trip, to starting a business, finding a job and housing, to residency. 
I would like your thoughts on this project as well as any assistance in advertising the website. Youtube and Google seem to routinely block mentions of the website (at least it never shows up in Google's algorithm and Youtube deletes any mention of it in their comment section). 

The website address is