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Important Comments On 'Nobody Died At Sandy Hook'
Regarding The Recent CBS News Report

From James Fetzer

Jim_Fetzer • 15 hours ago
Maybe in Tahiti sipping Mai Tais? Have you done any research at all? They fabricated the kids out of photos of other children when they were younger. See "Sandy Hook Charade: 'Noah Pozner' was Michael Vabner as a Child", http://jamesfetzer.blogspot... An excellent study of the statistical impossibility that all 20 of the mothers' average age at childbirth was 36, which has an improbability of 109.4 quintillion to 1, has come from Carl Herman. Check it out at "The Millennium Report: New Angle on the Sandy Hook Shooting Hoax", http://themillenniumreport.... James Mattioli, by the way, attended his own funeral. Ask his dad for a birth certificate, an autopsy report or the death certificate for James. You won't get them.

bubbawad1969 • 20 hours ago
Can any of you hoaxer idiots tell me where Victoria Soto is then? she lived right next to my daughters friend and hasn't been seen since the day she wasn't killed???? HMMMM??? or my friend from work, Mr. Mattioli who hasn't seen his son James since... How many of you hoaxer D'bags live nearby and know people that aren't missing any children?

Jim_Fetzer  bubbawad1969 • 14 hours ago
Have you read the book? They fabricated the kids using photos of other children when they were six years old. Consider the case of Noah Pozner, a most interesting child, who not only died at Sandy Hook on 14 December 2012 but died again in Pakistan on 16 December 2014. His father, Lenny Pozner, sent Kelley Watt a death certificate for Noah that turned out to be a composite of the bottom half of a real death certificate with the top half of a fake. It's in the book. Obviously, if Noah had really died, Lenny would have had a real death certificate. We have shown that Noah was made up out of photos of his "older step brother" as a child. See "Sandy Hook Charade: 'Noah Pozner' was Michael Vabner as a Child". It's on my blog at

Jim_Fetzer • a day ago
The book, NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015), includes contributions from 13 experts, including six current or retired Ph.D. professors. They discovered that the school had been closed by 2008 because it was loaded with asbestos and other bio-hazards and it would have been prohibitively expensive to upgrade to make it compliant with Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. One of the contributors, Paul Preston, explains that, as a school superintendent himself, what was being broadcast that day did not look right. He reached out to his contacts in the Obama Department of Education, all of whom confirmed that it had been a drill, that no students had died and that it had been done to promote gun control. It was a FEMA exercise, with a rehearsal on the 13th, going LIVE on the 14th. The FEMA manual is Appendix A in the book. Surely CBS can do better. The book can be downloaded for free as a pdf. If ordinary citizens can figure this out, why can't CBS? Why is CBS perpetuating this fraud on the public?

bubbawad1969  Jim_Fetzer • 20 hours ago

Jim_Fetzer  bubbawad1969 • 14 hours ago
Do you have any good reasons for this remark, which is not an argument? If you think that we have something wrong, then identify what that is and why we say it; then explain what we have wrong and how you know. James Mattioli, by the way, attended his own funeral, which you would know if you had done serious research on Sandy Hook. Read the book.

Jim_Fetzer • a day ago
The proof that Sandy Hook was an elaborate deception upon the American people has become increasingly stronger as more and more research has been conducted. The banning of NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015), to which thirteen experts had contributed, including six current or retired Ph.D. professors, stunned the internet. Today YouTube has taken down hundreds of Sandy Hook videos and dedicated web sites in a desperate effort to keep the truth from citizens who were ripped off by the scam, donating between $28 and $130,000,000 split between twenty-six families faking the loss of children. The book can be downloaded for free as a pdf. New research has reinforced the finding that the school was closed by 2008 because it was loaded with asbestos and other bio-hazards. The latest study demonstrates that the Sandy Hook mothers averaged 36 years of age at birth, ten years beyond the norm, because they faked the kids using photos of other children when they were only six or seven. Check it out: http://themillenniumreport.... It was a two-day FEMA drill. The FEMA manual is in the book.

wjabbe • a day ago
CBS News should have its broadcasting license revoked for this blatant lie and deception of the public about the Sandy Hook Hoax on December 14, 2012.

bubbawad1969  wjabbe • 20 hours ago
bigger idiot

wjabbe  bubbawad1969 • 9 hours ago
Take a look in a mirror and ask yourself, "What have I done to seek out evidence and facts on the Sandy Hook Hoax"? You criticize others but are evidently ignorant yourself of much information available. You evidently have not read the free 426 page book "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook" or even watched the video provided of fake father Wheeler parading around the grounds at Sandy Hook School in a fake FBI Swat Team suit who does not even know how to properly carry a rifle. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Wheeler is documented to be an actor playing a role as fake father. If you do not look, you cannot see. Ignorance is bliss.

wjabbe • a day ago
Obviously this once great investigative reporting site has lost its way. There is a mountain of evidence that this was a fake contrived event to fool the public into giving up their Constitutional rights to own guns for self defense. Professor Dr. James Fetzer, Ph.D. and a number of other distinguished researchers have published a book "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook" documenting this with evidence and facts. It was banned on Amazon while about 19 other books which sustained the official lies were not banned. It was then made available to the public free of charge. Evidently you have not read the book. How about videos by Barry Soetoro showing graphically the lies of this staged event? Here is one which was still working moments ago:
Your performance in this edition dishonors the former great tradition of CBS News to seriously and truthfully report on serious issues of our time going all the way back to 1960 and "Harvest of Shame". You are evidently the ones today who fear reporting the truth based on evidence and facts, not hot air lies. Shame on you all. You are a disgrace to the profession of Journalism, which means Investigative Reporting of Truth not lies.
Winfield J. Abbe, A.B., Physics UC Berkeley, 1961, Ph.D., Physics, UC Riverside, 1966

44Sampson • a day ago
What? No Robbie Parker laughing his way to the mic?

wjabbe  44Sampson • a day ago
Yes, read "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook" by professor Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., et all,first banned on Amazon while 19 others which sustained the official lie were not banned, then made free at A mountain of evidence and facts proves this to be a fake staged event. The school was not even a functioning school and had been closed for toxic contamination. The book provides pictures of these actors and participants staging the event before it happened even drilling holes to simulate bullet holes! This report is a disgraceful lie to aid and abet the ongoing Sandy Hook Hoax lies to the duped public. All the normal rules of crime scene investigations were violated at Sandy Hook.

FraudulentFakeNewsCBS • 2 days ago
Laughingstock 60 Minutes is not even pretending to conduct journalism anymore, just pathetic recycling of their tired old stuff to sell their usual Bolshevik agenda of destruction. No doubt a Black Lives Matter tribute piece is just around the next corner, and of course their bread & butter, another "holocaust" story.

wjabbe  FraudulentFakeNewsCBS • a day ago
Shame shame shame on Scott Pelley and his producer and the President of CBS News all of whom should be fired immediately. You have betrayed the public to protect a lie by outlaws in government.

farmer.eileen • 3 days ago
This was such a tragic event that still brings tears to my eyes. It was nice to see how the parents are doing and what has come out of this horrible tragedy. It would be good to do a full show highlighting all the good the parents have done since the attack. I live in Connecticut and we hear of the charities and good that has come from that day. My 9 year old son just participated in a child triathlon program that was brought about through the CMAK Foundation, a charity started by parents of one of the children killed in the Sandy Hook Shooting. There are numerous foundations and good deeds happening because of this and it would be great to highlight them.

Debra jeanne  farmer.eileen • 2 days ago
I live in Los Angeles now but grew up in Danbury - summered at the lakes in Newtown/Sandy Hook. I miss those green rolling hills, all the trees. So painful to see photos from that awful day. So painful to see the photos of those children murdered. But we must keep returning to them so we remember them and honor their lives cut way too short.

ronlongbeach • 3 days ago
I thought something good would come from Newtown: I thought it would end the control the gun lobby has over Congress.

LiberalGrampa  ronlongbeach • 3 days ago
Open your mind and then listen to the story. These people are working toward solutions for the real problems. They are moving way beyond your tiny little narrow minded view of the world to solutions that can actually work. You can't fault congress for maintaining some common sense.

ronlongbeach  LiberalGrampa • 3 days ago
I don't question the importance of the good work that these parents are doing.
I just don't understand how that massacre of innocents could not have opened the minds of everyone in this country—and particularly those in elective office—as to the fact that nothing, certainly a job, is more important than standing up to the National Rifle Association and similar organizations. As Justice Stevens said, "The Second Amendment was adopted to protect the right of the people of each of the several States to maintain a well-regulated militia. It was a response to concerns raised during the ratification of the Constitution that the power of Congress to disarm the state militias and create a national standing army posed an intolerable threat to the sovereignty of the several States. Neither the text of the Amendment nor the arguments advanced by its proponents evidenced the slightest interest in limiting any legislature’s authority to regulate private civilian uses of firearms. Specifically, there is no indication that the Framers of the Amendment intended to enshrine the common-law right of self-defense in the Constitution."
Not every right held by human beings is in the Constitution! What about the right of those 20 children and 6 faculty and staff members to live out the rest of their lives free from the fear of people like Adam Lanza having such easy access to guns?

CLETUSKIRK  ronlongbeach • 3 days ago
So perhaps you are Don Quixote? He also spent his life jousting at windmills in order to avoid addressing the real problems in his life. The gun and your distorted view of the NRA is not the problem here.

Ken Whalen  ronlongbeach • 3 days ago
You talk about this opening the eyes of people. Clearly this hasnt done a thing to open yours. There are and has been long before Sandy Hook laws that make it illegal for people like Adam from getting their hands on guns. This proves that laws dont change anything. If this story brings anything to the forefront it should be the need for better mental health care. The gun was just a tool this kids used to accomplish his goal. If he couldnt have gotten a gun he could have used his car. All he had to do is wait for the kids to get out of school and run them down. How many of you would be calling for a ban on cars if that was the weapon he had used?

ronlongbeach  Ken Whalen • 3 days ago
I'm not calling for a ban on guns, and we license and register cars. Would you have that we do otherwise?

Ken Whalen  ronlongbeach • 3 days ago
So you think if those guns were registered that this would have never happened???? The guns were legally owned. I hope that want your best argument. This was a case of a person with mental health issues that stole his mothers guns and used them to not only kill the kids and teachers but also his mother. IT IS A MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE NOT A GUN ISSUE.

ronlongbeach  Ken Whalen • 3 days ago
Violent crimes have myriad factors contributing to them, but for a society to bestow upon criminals the very weapons used to commit them suggests to my mind an indifference to their victims that borders on cruelty. How long must the reasonable citizens of this country have to placate some hobbyists among us who equate their inconveniences with the sort of heart-rending victimization which those such as these poor parents have had to endure?

baseballguy1965  ronlongbeach • 3 days ago
Mr. Lanza committed murder to get that rifle "bestowed" upon him. He killed his mother who communicated with him via email while they lived in the same house. The shootout at the school was indeed a tragedy, and nobody has nothing but sympathy not indifference to the victims. The first victim of the rampage was Mrs.Lanza who failed to properly secure her firearms. If she had done that, she and those kids might be alive today.

Ken Whalen  ronlongbeach • 3 days ago
We no-more give criminals guns than we do give drunk drivers cars. Here is something to think about . In 2015 35,092 were killed in alcohol related accidents. In 2015 about 13,000 people were killed by firearms. Let me ask you a question. Why does society bestow upon drunk drivers the very weapons used to commit them suggests to my mind an indifference to their victims that borders on cruelty. Should I not be able to own a car because 3 times as many people are killed by those that use their cars illegally?

markusopinion  Ken Whalen • 2 days ago
Don't you people believe this is a fake news story? I thought all the trumptards did.

TJATAW • 3 days ago
Did you think of inviting Alexia Joans to go with you, so she/he could point out all the ways this story is "fake news".. Yeah i wouldn't either she/he is a disgusting POS and to think Trump calls Alexia a great journalist and still calls him/her for advice....

Jayjaybe  TJATAW • 3 days ago
Your pain is on full display.

Dubiakuw • 4 days ago
The story of people who think they are the only ones on Earth to ever suffer a loss and who chose to seek fame and money for the lost lives. These people need to be ignored so they can approach normality again.

markusopinion  Dubiakuw • 2 days ago
The day something tragic like this happens to you, DO NOT COME HERE EXPECTING SYMPATHY. You won't be getting any. And if you get spat on, it will be more than you deserve.

Dakota245!  Dubiakuw • 3 days ago
You've got some serious issues. Don't even try to pretend that you care about what happened to these families—it's rather obvious that you don't.

Jayjaybe  Dubiakuw • 3 days ago
You attempt to hide fear with disdain as a guise. That doesn't make the world better. The grief of these folks is only theirs. You'll have to handle your own--and its such folks who'll be more help than you're offering.

Provoke Discussion  Dubiakuw • 3 days ago
No, we need to ignore bitter people such as yourself. Your kind are making America mean and nasty.

EvolvedLiberal • 4 days ago
An excellent heartfelt story from CBS. It is wonderful to see some of these families moving forward with excellent proactive solutions that address the real problem. Kudos!!!!!!

Gun control laws benefit only criminals and politicians..... but I repeat myself.

markusopinion  EvolvedLiberal • 2 days ago
What gun control laws? Everyone needs a machine gun for hunting and protection.

EvolvedLiberal  markusopinion • 2 days ago
And you are obviously a certifiable idiot.