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Remember The Der Spiegel Article And The Five Step
Plan To Remove Donald Trump? - They had To Go To
Step #6 - The Most Blatant Election Theft Ever...

By Mr. Z

Please consider posting to remind the Site's visitors pf the depth of 'their' plans soon after President Trump took office in 2017.

Before the game plan was outlined in the 2019-20 Transition Integrity Project (TIP), do we recall this Spiegel article from May 19, 2017, as well? international/world/donald- trump-is-a-menace-to-the- world-opinion-a-1148471.html

It's worth reviewing at this time because of the article's five "theoretical solutions" for removing him from office:

  1. Trump's resignation (won't happen)
  2. Impeachment (couldn't get it done)
  3. Invocation of the 25 th Amendment (was suggested but went nowhere)
  4. Democrats take the House and Senate in the 2018 midterms (partially happened but didn't remove President Trump from office)
  5. The international community wakes up and finds a way to circumvent the White House and free itself of its dependence on the U.S. (Was this "theoretical solution" manifested as the COVID-19 pandemic that shut down the world? Answer: largely, yes)
It looks like "they" had run out of "theoretical solutions" and resorted to solution #5. But, even that wasn't going to work, so "they" went ahead with solution #6, which couldn't be listed straightforwardly in the Spiegel article – blatantly stealing the "election" enabled by the consequences of step #5's CV-19 plan-demic.

In order to understand how and why we are in the position we're in, it is important to put together the puzzle pieces "they" dropped like Hansel and Gretel breadcrumbs.

Don't forget to ask your uninitiated friends, who may have disregarded your viewpoints over the many years as "conspiracy theories," if they think the overt attempted theft of our presidential "election" and media collusion are just some more "conspiracy theories?"

Well, at least "they" no longer have any ground to stand on when they try to declare the coming war against Iran as another "war for democracy!"

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